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Da: MarcoS17/01/2007 10:59:50
sì, ha ragione daniele.
Ho anche ricontrollato il mio libro di grammar, che propone questa regola generale:
will per la I persona, shall per la II e la III nel futuro semplice, o "predittivo".
Regola OPPOSTA per il futuro "volitivo".

il consiglio VORRA' stabilire...

"are you sure that the English composition will concern political, juridical or economical fields?"
I'm not sure of this, quite the contrary...but i believe that knowing some expressione like those may be usefull in order to write an English composition on......how to translate "attualità"?...:-((

Da: il giustiziere dei saputelli17/01/2007 11:14:52
current affairs

Da: emografia17/01/2007 11:35:43
present situation

Da: ale17/01/2007 12:12:48
hi! Today I'm very tired. Last night, I tried to study somethimg about public management but I didn't do so much.. I fell aslepp on the book and, so, I decided to go to bed...today, when i get up, I had a terrible headhake...I opened my pc and I decided to connect to this forum discussion...
when i read that you're writing in english, I thought that it's a great idea. It's a way of doing some exercise...
As you can see, my english is very simple...and i suppose that i'm not able to write a short composition in english....it depends on the issue of the composition...

Da: ale17/01/2007 12:13:57

Da: sigaretta17/01/2007 12:30:33
Mi potreste suggerire un indirizzo on line per esercitarsi con l'inglese? Mi sembra che sul forum qualcuno lo avesse già indicato, ma... me lo sono perso.
Ciao e grazie.

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Scaricala subito GRATIS!

Da: MarcoS17/01/2007 13:25:33
don't worry about your problems in English language: as you easily can see, mines are greater...:-((
is it correct the use I've done of the word "easily"? I have to write it after the word "can" or it must be preferred to write "can easily".

Can we still use the italian when debating on juridical and economic issues? I hope so...


Da: il giustiziere dei saputelli17/01/2007 13:42:06
Hi Scogna!

It would be easier to highlight your right words, if any. You must be joking, your english cannot be so awful!

Da: massimo17/01/2007 14:22:05

mi permetto di darvi un consiglio per l'inglese.

1. Selezionate un certo numero di articoli in lingua su temi di attualita' e copiateli in formato word.

2.Salvate un'altra copia per ognio articolo dopo aver eliminato casualmente un certo numero di parole o piccole frasi, lasciando degli spazi bianchi.

3.Leggete ripetutamente l'articolo ad alta voce e cerracte di memorizzare.

4. Andate sul secondo file, provate a riempire gli spazi bianchi e poi confrontate con l'originale

Da: ale17/01/2007 14:22:42
hi giustiziere dei saputelli,
maybe you know english better than us...so it could be more usefull for everybody if you tell us if we're making some mistakes....
My vocaboulary is really poor...so, my frases are very short and simple. I should improove my vocaboulary...but time is really short and, so, I have only two possibility....1: I study economic and juridical issues....or...2: I study engklish...
I prefer write something...or reading somenthing...
whatever comes...it will be a success....

Da: a.17/01/2007 14:53:43
Allora Marco: problems with English or with the english language;
as you can easily see; mine non mines (il pron poss. è invariabile, occhio che mines vuol dire miniere); correct andrebbe messo alla fine: is the use I've done of the word easily correct? (ma sarebbe più semplice: have I correctly used the word "easily" ; "must be preferred" un inglese (credo) non lo direbbe mai, si limiterebbe a dire: or should I...

Da: a.17/01/2007 14:59:14
Quesito di logica semiserio per il GIUSTIZIERE DEI SAPUTELLI:
Se il giustiziere dei saputelli è veramente uno senza pietà, ed è anche (non ne dubito) una persona di spiccata coerenza, essendo egli stesso il primo dei saputelli, non dovrebbe suicidarsi?

Da: MarcoS17/01/2007 15:26:57

thank you, I hope you SHALL correct my mistakes in future, because I hope we all continue to write in english: this is the only way to improve.
Have I correctly used the words "shall" and "to write"?..:-))
Which is the best translation of "attualità" in your opinion?

Da: Gi17/01/2007 15:33:16
Ragazzi, ma voi non state bene!

Da: a.17/01/2007 17:15:06
x MarcoS: in the future. Since I have already corrected something for you, you'd better have written "keep correcting".

Da: Il Giovane Holden17/01/2007 17:31:23
Comincio ad avere qualche speranza in più... ...siamo tutti sulla stessa barca...

Da: angoscia fugace17/01/2007 17:55:24
HI friends!
Well, in my opinion the best translation of attualità is current events or current affairs. Do you agree?

Da: Robi17/01/2007 18:01:07
I agree

Da: Se.C.In.17/01/2007 18:29:10
yes, I agree too!

Da: clift17/01/2007 20:33:09
Well, I'm very happy: you are writing in English language and that means I  had a good idea.
I wish to thank (to thank: is it right????) who suggested in this forum the reading of "Herald Tribune". It's really a good excercise: this newspaper uses a very simply language, it's easy to understand it. I think I'll read my "practical English grammar" too; I used it when I was a student. It's very useful and clear. Obviously I'll read just the main matters and the most important rules.


Da: MarcoS17/01/2007 21:11:26

your helping is very usefull, would you like to keep correcting me?  I hope you have time to do this, because I realize that you have to study exactly like me....
I'm trying new sentences in every message in order to understand the correct form of them. Now I guess the following: your behaviour is the same that a friend will have. Does it sound good?...I believe it doesn't...:-((

Maybe I've seen two mistakes in the message of clift: 
1. "that means I  had a good idea"
Would he have to write: "I have had a good idea"?

2. "this newspaper uses a very simply language"
Is simple the right word?

Obviously, I try to point out those in order to improve, me and clift, so i wish you won't name me as "saputello" again...:-)

Da: angoscia fugace17/01/2007 21:14:04
Well, clift. I congrate you for advanced level of English.
Instead, I still am in middle of a street. I'm just imaging the he-he of English teacher who will read my composition.
To thank seems right to me.

Da: MarcoS17/01/2007 21:15:22
ehhhm: that a friend WOULD have

Da: angoscia fugace17/01/2007 21:19:15
Yes, I also think simply is wrong

Da: a.17/01/2007 21:35:24
X MarcoS: There must have been a misunderstanding! I've never dubbed you "saputello", you are confusing me with "il giustiziere"!!!
Let'go straight to the point: in order to understand "their" correct form is a better english than o"f them"; I'd say: you're behaving just like a friend; I'd say "in Clift's message", provided that she/he's a person; I had/have had a good idea: I think that you can use either. The idea is something belonging to the past, but it's still having some effects...; you can't use simply because it's an adverb, you must use the adjective simple.

Da: a.17/01/2007 21:36:34
I meant let's go, obviously...

Da: clift17/01/2007 21:42:57
a.: you are simply marvellous!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!

And I'm a male person... a quite handsome male... I HOPE :D :D :D

Da: a.17/01/2007 21:51:25
I'm a male too...and I'm going to get married very soon. So, no love affair, please, even if you're quite handsome..

Da: angoscia fugace17/01/2007 22:07:55
I complimet you both.
Instead, I am messo male.

Da: maryluise17/01/2007 22:12:51
ragazzi l'idea mi piace..ed è un piacere..leggervi!!!ma il problema sono le altre materie...saranno domande manualistiche o dovremmo entrare nel dettaglio delle varie discipline?
oggi ho studiato civile..e le uniche domande ke potrebbero uscire, tali da rappresentare una certa "interdisciplinarità"passetemi pure il termine..sono le clausole vessatorie alla luce del nuovo codice del consumo..x economia penso ke i commissari si atterranno ad argomenti correlati con la politica ecomica..materia molto pù discorsiva rispetto ad economia pura..per le altre?i don't know..x comunitario ho pensato ke poteva essere interessante il diritto di stabilmento, insomma sono ancora in alto mare!beati quelli ke in questi2mesi hanno studiato..acocella, fischer,borgonovi, ect ect, good night

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