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Da: Laura27/01/2007 19:16:52
Mi rendo conto che è una forzatura... ma a voler cavillare, la ratio della norma potrebbe essere quella di testare la conoscenza della grammatica e la proprietà di linguaggio, non già dell'ortografia. Avere a disposizione un testo giuridico in inglese non influirebbe sui primi due aspetti.
D'altronde ci sono madrelingua inglese che partecipano al concorso e che potrebbero voler utilizzare per la prima prova i testi delle direttive in inglese... non credo che lo si potrebbe impedire in assenza di un divieto espresso.
Naturalmente non mi sognerei mai di avvalermi di tale possibilità senza chiedere!!
... ma penso che non chiederò neppure... perchè in fondo lo so che hai ragione tu, Thomas.

Da: Cientpcient27/01/2007 19:39:39
X Cient
ma come subjunctive?? al limite ci sta un condizionale, se non voui usare l'imperfetto...

x Laura:

Yes, you are right, I have confused conditional and subjunctive.
Fortunately, we don't have tu use the subjunctive in the examination.

Da: Thomas27/01/2007 20:14:10
chi può tradurre questa frase please?

Students die as political clash flares into rioting

Da: a.27/01/2007 20:30:02
Gli studenti muoiono mentre lo scontro politico decenera in rivolta (sommossa)

Da: a.27/01/2007 21:06:13
Scusate, ho scritto "decenera" (alla tedesca).  "Si infiamma diventando" sarebbe più aderente al significato primario di "to flare", ma come traduzione mi sembra pessima.

Da: mentat27/01/2007 23:22:17
Cmq a guardare l'elenco degli ammessi non mi sembra di aver visto nessun cognome (o nome) straniero... per cui tutti 'sti madrelingua stranieri che facevano il pianto per l'italiano nelle prime due prove... ma'... ci saranno magari dei bilingui, ma non vengano a dire che hanno dovuto fare chi sa che sforzo per studiare in italiano...

E' disponibile l'App ufficiale di Mininterno per Android.
Scaricala subito GRATIS!

Da: Thomas27/01/2007 23:54:19
Da: Thomas 27/01/2007 20.14.10
chi può tradurre questa frase please?
Students die as political clash flares into rioting
Da: a. 27/01/2007 21.06.13
Scusate, ho scritto "decenera" (alla tedesca).  "Si infiamma diventando" sarebbe più aderente al significato primario di "to flare", ma come traduzione mi sembra pessima.

scusa a., ma as significa anche mentre?

ecco i significati che ho trovato su Wordreference.com (non c'è mentre!!!!!!):

as (alike) adv come (similitudine)
as  conj come (similitudine)
as (as as) adv tanto quanto
as (in this way) adv così (come)
as  conj così (come)
as (since) conj poiché (siccome)

Io avevo percepito questo significato:
Studenti muoiono POICHE' lo scontro politico s'infiamma in rivolta

ma chi ha detto che l'inglese è facile?

Da: a.28/01/2007 00:01:24
xThomas: "as" as many other words in english has got a lot of different meanings. It depends on the contest. However, if you've got a good english-italian dictionary, you'll find "mentre" as one of the several possible translations. Of course you could also use "poiché" or other possible words from the list you've drawn: just choose the one that fits better in the sentence you're traslating.
Have a good night!

Da: a.28/01/2007 00:03:20
sorry, translating.

Da: MarcoS28/01/2007 11:11:57
Thomas and mentat
you have come back... I was astonished because of your long silence.
What about your English? I hope it's better than mine (that's not a great challenge: a. was so desperate he decided to not correct my mistakes anymore....:-)).

Da: a.28/01/2007 11:14:22
xMarcos: a. was so desperate he decided to not correct (not to correct) my mistakes anymore....:-)).

P.s.: a. never gets desperate

Da: a.28/01/2007 11:17:14
xMarcos: perhaps you'll get a better mark than mine on the third day...you're improving really fast. Since I'm not as good an economist as you, I'm still studying economics (AS-AD model), so I can't concentrate on english...

Da: MarcoS28/01/2007 11:25:30
a better mark than yours... You are right: studying economics is bad for your health, you are growing crazy...:-))
a., ma scherzi, sei un grande, tu ce la fai...

Da: a.28/01/2007 11:29:20
Studying economics is driving you crazy would be a better way of expressing what you said. However, thank you for your forecast, I hope so and I wish the same to you and everybody on this thread.

Da: Laura29/01/2007 22:37:53
This is the text of the answer the School has given to me:
Gentile dottoressa, sono ammesse tutte le tipologie di testi (fotocopie di gazzette, scaricati da internet, ecc. ) purchè siano assolutamente privi di commento. Ciò vale anche per la prova di lingue.
Distinti saluti.
D. L.
Dirigente servizio concorsi
----- Original Message -----
From: ...........
To: servizioconcorsi@sspa.rupa.it
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:33 PM
Subject: Prove scritte - testi consultabili

vorrei avere un chiarimento sui testi consultabili nel corso delle prove.

Il testo del bando recita, con riferimento alle tre prove, che i candidati ânon possono introdurre nella sede di esame carta da scrivere, appunti manoscritti, libri o pubblicazioni di qualunque specie, né avvalersi di supporti cartacei, di telefoni portatili, di strumenti idonei alla memorizzazione di informazioni o alla trasmissione di dati, né possono comunicare tra di loro. Possono essere consultati i testi di legge non commentati e il vocabolario della lingua italianaâ, mentre con riferimento alla terza prova "Non sarà consentito lâuso di alcun vocabolarioâ

Vi chiedo, pertanto:
1) se i più recenti testi normativi, non inseriti in codici, possono essere consultati anche in forma di stampe su normali fogli A4;
2) se anche nel corso della terza prova è possibile consultare testi di legge e se tali testi possono essere anche in lingua inglese o francese, in particolare con riferimento al Trattato UE ed alla direttive comunitarie.

Ringrazio per la risposta.
Cordiali saluti,

I leave you the correct interpretation.

Da: 100pcient30/01/2007 08:40:45
x Laura:

Scrivi divinamente!
Grazie x questa notizia
Forse potrà esserci di aiuto, speriamo bene.

Da: angoscia fugace30/01/2007 08:54:05
grazie per avere condiviso questa notizia con noi, potrebbe essere importante.

Da: ale30/01/2007 10:53:28
Ih guys!!
Here I am again...
so. I read that SSPA will give us the possibility to consult, during the competition, some paper in english about juridic issues like some laws or the treate of European Union...
it could be useful...maybe, the composition won't be about the treate of UE...but, if it is written in english, it could suggest us some words...considering that we'll not allowed to bring us a dictionary...but...are we sure that we will have time to consult those paper looking for some words lost in the texture of the text?? I don't know if you understand what i'm saying...and i don't want to seem you a defeatist person....but this competition makes me like this...
anyway...thank you, laura, for the news...
and...for the others issues (administrative, constitutional and civil law...economy or pubblic accounting...or public management ...how do you fell?...I fell really stressed...i can't remember everything...but i think that nobodody (except some genius) can remember every single issue...
I read on the other list (first and second text) that at the last competition passed more less than the number of positions put on competition...
so...we can only hope that the fate would assist and help us...

Da: ale30/01/2007 10:55:37
Ih guys!!
Here I am again...
so. I read that SSPA will give us the possibility to consult, during the competition, some paper in english about juridic issues like some laws or the treate of European Union...
it could be useful...maybe, the composition won't be about the treate of UE...but, if it is written in english, it could suggest us some words...considering that we'll not allowed to bring us a dictionary...but...are we sure that we will have time to consult those paper looking for some words lost in the texture of the text?? I don't know if you understand what i'm saying...and i don't want to seem you a defeatist person....but this competition makes me like this...
anyway...thank you, laura, for the news...
and...for the others issues (administrative, constitutional and civil law...economy or pubblic accounting...or public management ...how do you fell?...I fell really stressed...i can't remember everything...but i think that nobodody (except some genius) can remember every single issue...
I read on the other list (first and second text) that at the last competition passed more less than the number of positions put on competition...
so...we can only hope that the fate would assist and help us...

Da: massimo30/01/2007 14:25:27
``Everyone, Republican or otherwise has their own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.''

Bobby Sands (1954-1981), on hunger strike in 1981

Da: ale30/01/2007 14:35:32
beeeeella!!!! e soprattutto....giusta.
non sto scherzando, lo credo davvero.

Da: ale31/01/2007 09:14:44
Good morning to everyone.
How are you? I'm really tired...tonight i tried to study till midnight...but, at the end, i felt asleep...
anyway....where are you finished?...marcos, clift, a.....have you decided to stop speaking in english? why don't we try to do some exercises like this: each one writes a composition and then he/she publishes it on this thread so that everyone could read it.
I don't Know....I can write a composition about pollution and the enviromental disasters...another could write about death penalty...another about the palestinian crisis...or, in general, about the middle est situation ...another one about....i don't Know...san remo's festival and the show business...I'm joking...
anyway..in this way, we would have written about some possible issues....we would have some composition written in english...i think that in this way, at the moment in which we ought to compose the composition, it should be simplier because we have already done it.
Let me Know what do you think about this idea.
bye. I come back to my economic policy.

Da: ale31/01/2007 09:14:45
Good morning to everyone.
How are you? I'm really tired...tonight i tried to study till midnight...but, at the end, i felt asleep...
anyway....where are you finished?...marcos, clift, a.....have you decided to stop speaking in english? why don't we try to do some exercises like this: each one writes a composition and then he/she publishes it on this thread so that everyone could read it.
I don't Know....I can write a composition about pollution and the enviromental disasters...another could write about death penalty...another about the palestinian crisis...or, in general, about the middle est situation ...another one about....i don't Know...san remo's festival and the show business...I'm joking...
anyway..in this way, we would have written about some possible issues....we would have some composition written in english...i think that in this way, at the moment in which we ought to compose the composition, it should be simplier because we have already done it.
Let me Know what do you think about this idea.
bye. I come back to my economic policy.

Da: MarcoS31/01/2007 20:21:45
I didn't read this thread during these days, and this is why you didn't read further messages of mine. I don't want to stop writing in English, but at present I'm too tired. I hope I can send a little composition of mine by this week, as you suggested.
Maybe the title will be "the crisis of welfare state": I believe it would concern our own current affairs.
I'm waiting for your composition too...

questo lo scrivo in italiano: e se oltre ai testi di legge uno potesse portarsi anche altri testi in inglese?... ora mi darete del pazzo, ma qualcuno l'ha già fatto con Laura, che poi ha avuto ragione (grande Laura)... domani gli scrivo quasi quasi...

Da: Laura31/01/2007 20:48:45
Hello Marcos,
Thank you, but it seems they aren't sure about the answer any more.
have you red Emografia's topic?
" Dal servizio concorsi SSPA, fresca fresca.
alla mia domanda:" volevo sapere se era possibile portare trattati UE e direttive in lingua inglese alla terza prova di inglese."
hanno risposto

"Lo chiederemo alla commissione e lo renderemo noto peer tempo (avviso del 9 febbraio in G.U.).
Distinti saluti
Donato Leonardo
Let's wait for the decision.
About the possibility to bring other text, I fear it's quite diffucult to obtain it, beacause the "bando" says that "appunti manoscritti, libri o pubblicazioni di qualunque specie" are not admitted, with the only exception of "law text".
I'm worried beacuse my English is getting worse everyday and I have no time to read UK papers and to study grammar!!

Da: 100pcient31/01/2007 21:19:35
x Laura:
and I have no time to read UK papers and to study grammar!!

Please, don't joke! You must study the grammar. Otherwise, overcomimg  could become very difficult for you; this is also my case however :((

Da: 100pcient31/01/2007 21:20:31
How to overcome examination anxiety     
Q. I would like to tell you that I am good in studies right from my childhood. But I see that from last couple of years I find very difficult in scoring marks in my exams. I am 20 years now. I study hard and practice all theories by writing them and thus making myself thorough but still when I receive the question paper in my hand in the examination hall, somehow I don't know why I seem to fear a lot and in the depression Or else I feel difficult in writing the paper. When I read the question from the paper I feel happy and relaxed that I know these many questions, but when I start writing the answers to them I feel like something stopping me. I just write one or two steps of the derivation and leave the paper blank inspite knowing that I know the answers for many other questions too. Doctor this time the result, I failed in my Graduation of Science in Statistics. But I still feel that I left many known questions answers unsolved in the paper. What do I do ? How shall I overcome this fear which is during exams only. Other times I can memorise many things at a same time and also follow all sports very hard. I am to reappear after 3 months for my exams, so can you please let me know how to cope with this?
A. It is important to understand the reason and pattern of your fear and anxiety about writing the exam. Try to recall when you started with the problem and any other related fears. Are you a highly anxious person otherwise too? From your query it seems that you are leading a normal life otherwise. It would be a good idea to get yourself assessed for general depression or anxiety and take medication if necessary.

To help yourself remain calm and composed during the exam, try the following-

a) Start your exam revision before you normally do so that you are over-confident about the course.

b) Undertake practice tests before the final exam, and take steps to improve the speed etc.

c) Practice deep abdominal breathing, meditation and other relaxation exercises as part of your daily routine.

d) Sleep early the night before the exam so that you wake up fresh.

e) Eat a light and nutritious meal before you leave.

f) Tell yourself that you are very confident this time and will not get nervous. Use positive thinking and self-talk to help yourself. Overview your strengths and list your positive points, e.g. your hard-working nature, intelligence level, your commitment and try not to think about your anxiety.

Best of luck! Have faith in yourself that you will succeed! Everyone has some amounts of exam anxiety, you are not alone !Just relax!

Da: Cientpcient31/01/2007 21:50:06

Da: MarcoS31/01/2007 21:51:40
scusa ma stai sclerando?

Da: MarcoS31/01/2007 21:52:41
Da: Laura 31/01/2007 20.48.45
Hello Marcos,
Thank you, but it seems they aren't sure about the answer any more.
have you red Emografia's topic?

quindi si sono rimangiati quello che avevano risposto a te?
Qua uno manca due giorni soltanto e poi non ci capisce + niente...

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