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Da: clift20/01/2007 12:39:56
Thank you a.

To Orwell:
In my opinion translation is not the proper excercise, because we are requested to do a composition.
But my opinion has a very low  value

Da: angoscia fugace20/01/2007 12:54:32
As regards on number of pages, I think that one or two pages could be sufficient, or else I am ruined.

Da: MarcoS20/01/2007 13:40:12
I try to find some mistakes: You know, I write in English as a monkey can do, so that It's very easy (probable?) that I'm wrong (By quoting our friend clift I could say that "my opinion has a very low value", but I have to say that my opinion hasn't ANY value)

"Hussein's death has been filmed and than broadcasted" Maybe that you should had written thEn?. Or maybe the other way around, that is, I haven't understand the difference between then and than...

Giorgia 78
"Excuse me for my English....very, very elementary...."
I'm not sure, but maybe your sentences would sound better If you don'y drop the subject out: It's very elementary (simple)

First of all I'm going to search your message for some mistakes, but I have to warning you that I'm not sure of nothing of what I'm going to hightlight
"how many pages we'll write for this composition?"
we'll write = scriveremo
we'll have to write = dovremo scrivere
I don't know what you meant, wheter the first one or the second.
neither I know if "for this composition" is well.
Anyway, I should write:
"how many page we have to writing for making a good composition?" or "how many page we have to writing in order to make a good composition"
"what do you think of it?"
about it? Maybe that "of" too is correct
"i'll not let go"
I will not = I won't
and finally "the budget waitS me"

The number of page is not the main argument.
It will be important to be able to explain our own thought, and how many page are required in order to do that depends only on the writer.

Anyway, I suggest you to write no less than three pages...:-))

I don'agree with who dubbed Saddam only as "bloody dictator".
His acting was necessary in order to mantain the peace in his country. Starting from the end of his dominion, In Iraq many people are dead beacuse of the civil war th US government can't stop. The death sentence inflicted to him has been a political crime by USA.

I'm joking, I'm only trying to write something.
Let you answer me...

Da: Giorgia7820/01/2007 14:27:11
Grazie ad a. Sono proprio  messa maluccio....

Da: Orwell198420/01/2007 14:32:06
for Clift.

That's true, but are we able to think in English?
So, i think we could ought to translate that our mind tell ourself.

Da: Cientpcient20/01/2007 14:45:13
x MarcoS:

I'm  similar to you, in that I also prefer economic issues. But we have to learn the language now; do you think, we'll succeed?

Furthermore, I think, topic like globalisation, e-government, internet, UE etc. could likely appear ...

What do you think about them?

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Da: Laura20/01/2007 14:57:22
Dear Marcos before reading the last lines I've had a stroke...
but if the purpose is only to write... I'll try to aswer.

Dictatorship, especially a bloody one, has ever been the best way to obtain order and peace in a country, but order is not the only value people are interest in. Democracy and freedom are at least as important as peace and it's quite normal that the end of a dicator is followed by struggles and disorders, with tragic consequences (esiste??).
this in general terms... then we could discuss about the rightness of US actions... but i'm afraid i've not the linguistic means to substain such a issue in english.

I'll try to point out some mistakes of yours, but take care because i'm not sure about what i'm writing:
i would say "his beahvior" instead od "His acting"
"many people have died" instead of "are dead"
the death sentence "was a plitical crime" because you are referring to an action with its end in the past.

Could someone corect my mistakes?

Da: clift20/01/2007 15:04:27
Thank a. I wanted to write then

Da: Orwell198420/01/2007 15:18:48
errata corrige III:

Dal Mondo
Un test missilistico condotto dalla Cina, che ha distrutto un suo vecchio satellite, ha creato allarme in molti Paesi, fra cui gli Stati Uniti. "Riteniamo che il test non si accordi con lo spirito di cooperazione cui aspirano i due Paesi" ha detto un portavoce americano. Protestano anche Giappone, Australia e Canada.

From World
A huge alarm HAS been made by China, that has coducted a missile test throught wich has destroyed  its old satellite. "We think the test is contrary to cooperation spirit wich might be the ultimate aim of our conutries" said an american official spokesman...

Si teme una nuova corsa agli armamenti spaziali: il test cinese è considerato una minaccia per i satelliti spia americani. Pechino non conferma il test e getta acqua sul fuoco: la Cina, afferma, "usa lo spazio solo a scopi pacifici".

A new space weapon race is dreaded: the Chinese test is considered a threat for spy sattellites of USA. Pechino does not admit the test and ..GETTA ACQUA SUL FUOCO (???): China, and has declared: "....use space only for pacific purposes".

Da: a.20/01/2007 15:42:19
x Laura: I reported your passage putting my suggestions into brackets. Hope you'll appreciate! Bye!

Dictatorship, especially a bloody one, has ever (always) been the best way to obtain order and peace in a country, but order is not the only value people are interest (interested) in. Democracy and freedom are at least as important as peace and it's quite normal that the end of a dicator is followed by struggles and disorders, with tragic consequences (esiste??) (esiste).
this in general terms... then we could discuss about the rightness (righteousness) of US actions... but i'm afraid i've not the linguistic means (language skills) to substain (discuss) such a (an) issue in english.

Da: Laura20/01/2007 15:45:05
Thank you very much!!

Da: a.20/01/2007 15:55:07
x Orwell (suggestions have been put into brackets):
A new space weapon race is dreaded (Fears of a new race to space weapons are rising:): the Chinese test is considered a threat for (to) (USA) spy sat(t)ellites (of USA). Pechino does not admit the test and ..GETTA ACQUA SUL FUOCO (pours oil on the water: I found it in a dictionary, but I'd prefer "tries to minimize").

Da: Cientpcient20/01/2007 18:29:34

Da: Orwell198420/01/2007 18:39:58
A., Thank you very much!!

I'd be you ;-)

Da: MarcoS20/01/2007 18:40:43
I thank you for your correction and I agree,
but I'd like to point what follows:
"the death sentence "was a plitical crime" because you are referring to an action with its end in the past."
It is not sure... The political crime still continue...:-))
(You wanted to write "WHICH IS end...". don't you? Or Is there a strange grammatical rules I don't know? Please answer)

I wish to answer you as regard to Saddam, but I don't have time now (Of course no answer is needed, I agree with you, but It's only for writing)
I believe this sentence contains a lot of mistakes....

Did nobody see my greater mistake in the last message? "Let you answer" is awful!!

Thank you for collaboration and have a nice week-end

Ah, I was about to forget...
I believe that the topic won't strictly concern "current affairs", but something a little different.
I hope tomorrow I can explain you my thought 

Da: Cientpcient20/01/2007 19:55:15
I believe that the topic won't strictly concern "current affairs", but something a little different.
I hope tomorrow I can explain you my thought

x MarcoS:

Do you really think, such an issue like the globalisation won't interest us?  May be!

Da: Laura20/01/2007 23:59:30
X Marcos,
i wrote "with its end in the past" meaning "con la sua fine nel passato"... because i didn't find any other solution in that moment, but i think it's an incorrect form. Probably we would rather say: "beacuse it's an action which has finished in the past".
I think that the simple past might be preferred because tha death sentence has been executed, and so the action has finished. and the political crime has been accomplished in that moment, while its consequences are continuing...
anyway.. i'm not so sure about it: probably you're right!

Da: MarcoS21/01/2007 12:43:33

devo dirtelo in italiano. Io non sono in disaccordo con te, credo che globalizzazione, Ue eccetera siano argomenti rilevanti. Volevo infatti dire che argomenti che riguardino fatti recenti come la pena di morte inflitta a Saddam non saranno proposti, a mio avviso. Ma credo opportuno esercitarsi su questi anziché sui primi, perché più difficili da trattare in inglese.

and now I try to translate.

I must say you it in Italian. I agree with you, I believe globalization, european union and so other are relevant topics. Indeed, I wanted to say that topics concerning recent events as the death penalty inflicted to saddam won't be proposed, in my opinon. But I believe that exercitate on the lasts instead of on the firsts (c'ho provato...) is...how to translate "opportuno"? that is because they are more difficult to treat in English.


I believe "with its end in the past" is right. And I say you that I'm joking when pointing out that the political crime still continues. I had to use the past form in that sentence, as you said.

let's continue our fake (finto??) polemic.

"Dictatorship, especially a bloody one, has always been the best way to obtain order and peace in a country, but order is not the only value people are interested in. Democracy and freedom are at least as important as peace and it's quite normal that the end of a dicator is followed by struggles and disorders, with tragic consequences"

I repeat, I'm joking. I'm going to try to...
"climbing up the mirrors" :-))

I can't agree with you. You'd like to judge (giudicare?) the political and social life of another country (and I could say of another world) by using just our values, that are typical of our own society. It can't be stated that that values have to be accepted by others cultures too. Illuministic philosophy (la filosofia dell'illuminismo, si dice così?) suggests us, when we have to talk about issues like that, to approach by adopting just the opposite point of view, that is, by recognising that each foreign countries has different history, different values, and their political and social institution are just the mirror of their history and values
etc. etc.
stop here, I'm already get tired (Mi sono stancato, si dice così?)

Da: Laura21/01/2007 15:12:29
Let'go on...
I agree with you that different countries have different values... but surviving is something which comes before values. Also if we admit that democracy and freedom are not  universally recognized values, we are talking about a dictator who killed thousands of its citizens, only for ethnic reasons... and not as a threatening method to mantein order in the country.

Any other issue of discussion? 
I think this is a good exercise, also if I need a lot of time (robbed to the text of Management).

Some suggestion (as always... not to trust to on so much):

But I believe that MAKING EXERCISE on the last ONES instead of the FIRST ONES is BETTER (terra a terra... ma non mi viene di meglio) because THE FIRST ONES are more difficult to AFFORD in English.

It can't be stated that THOSE values have to be accepted by OTHER cultures too.
LET'S STOP here, I'M GETTING tired.

Da: Laura21/01/2007 16:23:06
Errata corrige:
volevo scrivere "not to trust on so much".
ed ora si capirà anche il perchè... dopo consultazione del vocabolario, chiedo scusa!!!
... AFFORD ha una connotazione economica... TACKLE dovrebbe essere in verbo giusto (tackle a problem) oppure "to deal with".

Da: MarcoS21/01/2007 16:37:37
Thank you Laura,
I'm glad (mi fa piacere?) that you agree with me that this is a good exercise. I hope you shall continue with me. I thank you for your corrections.
I make a lot of mistake also because I hurry up when writing (See "that that values"..., I hope that If I HAD READ that sentence again before I SENT it, I SHOULD HAVE CORRECTED it by myself. Please, take a look at the "consecutio" of this sentence for correcting it :-))).
From now, I will start to write by reflecting more. Of course, there are other mistakes, that I never could see if you didn't highlight them.
Tomorrow I will begin to afford another issue.

"and not as a threatening method to mantein order in the country"
"mantein" or mantAin? Or keep? Or held?

non è buon segno che almeno tra di noi riusciamo a capirci?

Da: Cientpcient21/01/2007 20:59:50
x MarcoS:

ok, in each case, we have to learn as many words as possible in many topics. It's of the utmost importance.

Good night! 

Da: Laura21/01/2007 23:44:05
My intention was to write mantain... but keep sounds better!!
The "consecutio" in my opinion is correct, perhaps you could write "before sending"... only to have more fluency.

have a good night!

Da: ale22/01/2007 10:35:53
Good morning!!!!
I'm here again...
I read some dialogue of this long speech...
someone said that maybe four or five pages could be enought...Are you joking, aren't you?
I think that tis competition is becaming (or getting) really hard.
there are too much arguments that, realistically, could be object of the proof.
sorry, I have to go away...just for a few minutes...
however, we'll started to speak together later...

Da: annunziata22/01/2007 10:57:28
x a.(ntonio)

sei proprio bravo, come come fai? Hai la scienza infusa? Dovresti metterti meglio in mostra cosicche' ciascuno di noi possa capire quanto realmente bravo, intelligente e generoso tu sia. Pero' ti devo bacchettare perche' hai consigliato il Monorchio, pero' poi si viene a sapere che non lo hai studiato tutto, ma, guarda un po', ti manca proprio la parte dei contratti che e' poco aggiornata.

una tua ex compagna di scuola

Da: ale22/01/2007 11:17:02
Here I am...
I saw that nobody is connected....
so, I was saying that the preparation to this competition in becoming very hard...
and I'm going out whit my head....my brain is burning...
I don't know if I can stand till the date of the proof...
My house is full of peices of paper and books....and i don't know what i should read before...time is really too little. I'm going crazy....
and, at the same time, i have to go to work...

Da: Laura22/01/2007 12:53:49
Ale, I perfectly understand your state of mind... it's quite similiar to mine!!
For the truth I suppose to be in a worste situation since I began a serious study only yestarday.
According to my working plan, tomorrow I should have finished the text of Management and I'm onlyy on page 66.
anyway, we can't surrender now!

Da: ale22/01/2007 13:22:18
Hi laura. Thank you for your support...we are all on the same ship...and it's going under the sea...
the truth is that even my life is drifting (letteralmente, andare alla deriva....)...and i don't know if it's the right thing for me...
Some days ago, one of us said that this competition is only an opportunity that we have to keep and catch...but, for me, it isn't so easy...
i'm always so black in face...and i discuss everday with everybody...because i'm too nervous...i try to be as much quite as possible....but life is full of duties...and you can't afford each one....
i want my mother and my father!!!!!
I duscuss with my live-in partner because he told me that I didn't prepare something to eat last night...or, I didn't wash dishes and so on....
but i have to study...and i have only one month...
he promised me that he would have support me, helping me, doing house works...and so on...then...
oh, i don't know what i have or i should do. and i must decide as soon as possible...otherwise i'll go really crazy.

Da: sigaretta22/01/2007 14:08:45
What do you thinK about a issue as the TFR (trattamento di fine rapporto)?
I think that it is impossible....

Da: ale22/01/2007 14:26:27
I think so...
however...I have to go away.
bye bye
see you tomorrow...

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