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SSPA : consiglio testi
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Da: a. | 04/01/2007 07:51:46 |
x clift: il sito è quello della Funzione pubblica, sezione pubblicazioni. x Stenale: Economia delle Aziende Pubbliche (Meneguzzo, Hinna e altri) è un buon testo, anche se, come tutti gli altri testi che si occupano di CDG, un po' sbilanciato sulla realtà degli EELL. Saluti a tutti. | |
Da: giovigio | 04/01/2007 16:25:39 |
Per a. , o comunque per chi possa darmi una mano: ma al "Manuale operativo del controllo di gestioneâ, scaricabile gratis dal sito della FP come si accede?!! grazie ...meno 8 ormai! | |
Da: mentat | 04/01/2007 17:02:18 |
X giovifio Ecco il link diretto: http://www.funzionepubblica.it/comunicazione/interviste_interventi/file_interviste/CdG.pdf | |
Da: Karen | 04/01/2007 17:29:03 |
Hi folks, a chi legge l'inglese consiglio i seguente testo: e' fatto molto bene The Oxford handbook of public management Ferlie, Ewan editor Summary The public sector continues to play a strategic role across the world. The last thirty years have seen major shifts in approaches to public sector management in many different countries. There is also a fierce debate across academic disciplines about contemporary public administration/management: some advocate the use of more managerialist approaches; while others critique them. New functions have also arisen in the public sector, such as evaluation or management consulting, which require analysis. There is a renewed need for an analysis of contemporary public sector organisations, which are changing rapidly before our eyes. Thus it is time for an authoritative assessment of the major trends in public management, embracing both their intended and unintended effects. This Handbook brings together leading international scholars to comment on key current issues. The individual chapters include a mix of broad overviews, in depth exploration of particular thematic areas and analyses of different theoretical perspectives such as political science, management, sociology and economics. The authors have been given sufficient space to develop their distinctive arguments.The editors provide an overall concluding chapter. The Handbook combines scholarly rigour, engaging writing from senior authors and high policy relevance. It will be relevant to advanced students, researchers and reflective public sector practitioners. Table of Contents Introductory Remarks; SECTION I: BASIC FRAMEWORKS; 1. Public Management: The Word, The Movement, The Science; 2. Public Management: A Concise History of the Field; 3. Bureaucracy in the 21st Century; 4. Public and Private Management Compared; 5. Public Management, Democracy, and Politics; SECTION II: THEORETICAL AND DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES; 6. Law and Public Administration; 7. Public Management as Ethics; 8. Public Accountability; 9. Economic Perspectives on Public Organizations; 10. Postmodern Public Administration; 11. Networks and Interorganizational Management: Challenging, Steering, Evaluation, and the Role of Public Actors in Public Management; 12. Whatever Happened to Public Administration? Governance, Governance Everywhere?; 13. Virtual Organizations; 14. The Audit Explosion; SECTION III: EXPLORING CURRENT PUBLIC POLICY AND MANAGEMENT THEMES; 15. Public-Private Partnerships and Hybridity; 16. Decentralization: A Central Concept in Contemporary Public Management; 17. E-Government: A Challenge for Public Management; 18. Professionals in Public Services Organizations: Implications for Public Sector 'Reforming'; 19. Rethinking Leadership in Public Organizations; 20. Organizational Cultures in the Public Services; 21. Performance; SECTION IV: FUNCTIONAL AREAS; 22. Striving for Balance: Reforms in Human Resource Management; 23. Public Service Quality; 24. Budget amd Accounting Reforms; 25. NGOs and Contracting; 26. Evaluation and Public Management; SECTION V: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS; 27. International Public Management; 28. Management Consultancy; 29. Change and Continuity in the Continental Tradition of Public Management; Afterword | |
Da: Karen | 04/01/2007 17:30:21 |
dimenticavo: e' stato rilasciato nel 2006 | |
Da: emografia | 04/01/2007 18:04:40 |
karen dove possiamo trovarlo? L | |
E' disponibile l'App ufficiale di Mininterno per Android. Scaricala subito GRATIS! |
Da: mentat | 04/01/2007 18:11:22 |
Comunque Karen confessa: tu non sei solo inglese, sei doppia cittadina e bilingue... non mi sembra proprio che tu abbia problemi con l'italiano ;-) | |
Da: thomas | 04/01/2007 21:04:28 |
x Karen ti sei laureata in Italia? se no.... sei un ....mostro (nel senso buono della parola, ovviamente)!! :-)) | |
Da: thomas | 04/01/2007 21:19:43 |
vedo che su questo molti stanno puntando su managment per la seconda traccia. Non so quanto fondate siano tali previsioni, ma, personalmente, penso che una materia come politica economica non potrà non partorire una bella "gatta da pelare". | |
Da: Stenale | 04/01/2007 22:26:14 |
il libro lo potete trovare qui: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Handbook-Management-Handbooks-Business/dp/0199259771/sr=11-1/qid=1167945503/ref=sr_11_1/026-2437266-2898051 unico problema costa £ 75,00 pari a euri 111.377 più spese di spedizione ...Tra l'altro sono circa 700 pagine Io sarò taccagno ma mi tengo il borgonovi. Scusami Karen | |
Da: emografia | 04/01/2007 22:45:40 |
miiii...... w Elio L | |
Da: W Elio | 27/01/2008 13:18:11 |
anche da parte mia ! | |
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