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Da: Ds20/10/2018 14:08:24
Al De Nicola c 'erano le aule per i ricorrenti, vero? La prova è iniziata tardissimo, allora! Hanno sequestrato qualunque testo? E pensare che, l'indomani, l'usr ha dichiarato che tutto si è svolto secondo regole e serenità!

Da: Philia 20/10/2018 14:13:51
Al termine dei 150 minuti il sistema si spegnerà automaticamente acquisendo solo quanto salvato e confermato fino a quel momento. Compresa l'ultima pagina. Queste le parole ( più o meno) indicate nelle istruzioni. Quindi non ho speranze!

Da: Marchoss20/10/2018 14:14:38
@Sono due tempi diversi: nella domanda relativa ai Mobile device, alla risposta 2, io ho messo "portability", che mi sembrava più pertinente a quanto affermato nel testo. 

Da: Lolyyy 20/10/2018 14:15:07
Non mi pare che avremmo potuto ricorrere prima dell'espletamento del concorso, ad ogni buon conto, comunque, se si fa un ricorso contro la lingua potri essere interessato pure io in quanto ho risposto a due sole domande e poi mi si è  annerito lo schermo.
Alle domande risposte non sapevo rispondere e quindi credo di averle anche sbagliate.
Postate sul forum se si ricorre, saro dei vostri.
Corsi e ricorsi storici, che si può fare?
Fanno bandi assurdi, tempi e modalità davvero opinabili.
Vogliamo parlare poi del fatto che in venti minuti devi esporre sinteticamente un problema la cui risoluzione richiede riflessione e tempi maggiori per analizzare correttamente le possibilinsoluzioni.
Io non amo i ricorsi e nella mia vita non ne ho mai fatto uno preferendo la tranquillità al trambusto che inevitabilmente crea un ricorso, però devo dire che questo bando e le procedure fino ad ora messe in campo dal Miur ben si prestano ad ogni tipo di ricorso.

Da: Sono due tempi diversi 20/10/2018 14:16:35
Ok @Marchoss, infatti in quella potrei aver sbagliato. E le altre, quelle che io non ricordo?

Da: Marchoss20/10/2018 14:18:28
@Sono due tempi diversi: Non le ricordo neanch'io... quella della "portability" mi è venuta in mente grazie all'elenco che hai postato tu...

E' disponibile l'App ufficiale di Mininterno per Android.
Scaricala subito GRATIS!

Da: Sono due tempi diversi 20/10/2018 14:20:32
Tra poco posto i testi originali che ho trovato a posteriori cercando nel quadro di riferimento per la prova scritta. Volley in corso, aspetta!!!

Da: Marchoss20/10/2018 14:21:30
Una delle risposte che ho dato al testo relativo al sistema olandese era "available"; e credo fosse corretta, perché il testo diceva questo. Ma non ricordo in quale posizione si trovasse quella domanda.

Da: Taviana20/10/2018 14:22:21
Ma risalendo al testo ci sono anche le domande? Non credo.....

Da: Sono due tempi diversi20/10/2018 14:22:24
aspetta @Marchoss, finalmente qualcuno/a collabora. Tra poco posto i testi. Dammi tempo, non andare via

Da: Maga Ciccia20/10/2018 14:23:07
Scusate cè stato un errore non sono quelle giuste.
1) mobile device
2) olanda

Da: Mah 20/10/2018 14:23:41
Al De Nicola è successo di tutto. Cose gravissime.....  e hanno fatto bene le colleghe a chiamare i carabinieri.

Da: Sono due tempi diversi20/10/2018 14:24:17
Allora, per il mobile Device dovrebbere (più o meno) essere questo. E' ovvio @taviana che non ci sono le domande. Serve solo a noi a ritrovare la nostra memoria, ed autovalutarci nelle domande a risposta chiusa e di inglese...


ed in particolare era qualcosa simile a questo:

Interaction  with  digital  technologies  is  now  commonplace 
among  young  people.  However,  mobile  technologies  still 
play only a minor role in education. When used appropriately,
technologies  can  offer  multiple  forms  of  learning,  rather  than 
functioning  as  mechanisms  to  replace  teachers.  Solis  (2014) 
argues that the use of mobile technology has the potential to
improve the dynamics of learning. However, the key is to view
technology not as the sole solution, but as an enabler within a
culture of learning and collaboration.

UNESCO (2013a) notes that initiatives which transform mobile
devices  into  tools  for  learning,  and  which  support  equitable 
opportunities  for  students  who  cannot  afford  them,  generally 
provide   affordable   solutions   to   educational   challenges.  
Research  by  Redecker  et  al.  (2011)  suggests  that  a  mix  of 
different  technologies  will  transform  learning  by  offering  a 
diversity  of  learning  activities,  tools  and  materials,  and  by 
providing   tools   that   enable   continuous   monitoring,   and  
support   diagnostic,   formative   and   summative   assessment  
(p.  62).   Making   educational   resources   openly   available   is  
another  gain  for  learners  (p.  12).  As  web-based  multimedia 
production  and  distribution  tools  incorporating  text,  audio, 
photo  and  video  capabilities  continue  to  grow,  teachers  at 
all  levels  will  be  faced  with  new  opportunities  to  integrate 
social  media  and  technologies  into  teaching,  learning  and 
assessment   (McLoughlin   and   Lee,   2010,   p.   28).   However,  
pairing this technology with new teaching practices is essential
to realize its potential (Brown, 2005).
Future   learning   processes   will   inevitably   take   place   in  
environments  in  which  learners  select  their  own  modes  of 
learning   and   bring   personal   technologies   into   education.  
Mobile   devices   will   facilitate   learning   by   reducing   the  
boundaries  between  formal  and  informal  learning.  By  using 
a   mobile   device,   learners   can   independently   and   easily  
access  supplementary  materials  to  clarify  ideas  and  share 
that knowledge with others (UNESCO 2013a, p. 21). UNESCO
(2012)   believes   that   the   portability   and   widespread   use  
of  mobile  devices  will  make  them  ideal  tools  to  influence 
teaching and learning in ways that surpass the use of personal
computers.  Likewise,  the  World  Wide  Web  also  continues 
to  evolve  in  response  to  new  technologies  and  changing 
user  expectations.  The  next  phase  (Web
3.0)  will  analyse  the question,  search  the  internet  for  all  possible  answers  and 
then  organize  the  results,  it  will  act  like  a  personal  assistant 
(Strickland,  2008).  Bates  (2011)  adds  that  twenty-first  century 
mobile devices can provide 'instant access to vast libraries of
expert  and  amateur-sourced  information,  creating  seekers, 
communicators  and  self-directed  problem-solvers  from  youth 
already  using  technology  outside  of  school'  (p.  2).  Due  to 
their  portability,  mobile  devices  can  also  provide  remarkable 
opportunities for 'situated learning' (i.e.
learning in the field, at
the point of contact, in settings that maximize understanding).
Site-specific  mobile  applications  can  now  facilitate  learning 
in  varied  disciplines.  Students  studying  botany,  for  example, 
can  use  mobile  devices  and  discipline-specific  applications 
to learn about particular plants while inspecting them in their
natural habitats (UNESCO, 2012, 2013a). The evolving capacity
of Web3.0 will soon allow learners to make such connections.

Da: Cds 20/10/2018 14:25:46
No , non hanno sequestrato anzi hanno dato..... E lì è successo il bello.

Da: Ds20/10/2018 14:26:20
Ma si è riusciti al de nicola? Ho saputo di ricorrenti che sono andati via e prova iniziata alle 13,30? È vero?

Da: Sono due tempi diversi20/10/2018 14:26:45
Per il sistema olandese (Dutch) ecco:

PISA 2015 Results

Si puo' scaricare da https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/pisa-2015-results-volume-ii_9789264267510-en

Devi cliccare su
Click to download PDF - 7.82MB PDF

Poi andare a pagina 172
Ne riporto qui una parte:

Box II.5.2
Stratification policies in the Netherlands: Context matters

The education system in the Netherlands provides an opportunity to consider stratification policies from an equity
perspective. The Dutch system makes extensive use of early tracking (horizontal stratification; Figure II.5.8) and
school choice (OECD, 2012) and is above the OECD average in grade repetition rates (vertical stratification;
Figure II.5.3). Yet the country is a consistently high performer in international assessments and shows satisfactory
levels of academic equity. In particular, the Netherlands has policies and practices in place to mediate the effects
of early tracking.
As in many other countries, most students in the Netherlands start secondary education at the age of 12. What
distinguishes their path through education from that of their counterparts in many other countries is that, after
completing primary school, they no longer follow a unified curriculum. Instead, they are selected into one of eight different programmes that will prepare them for vastly different occupations later in life. For those who are educated
in comprehensive systems, these choices are typically made much later, at the age of 15 or 16, once students have
had more time to develop and explore their academic potential and their career interests (OECD, 2016a).
The eight programmes available to Dutch students are largely organised within four orientations: practical training,
which lasts four years; pre-vocational programmes, which also last four years; senior general education, which lasts
five years and prepares students for applied studies at the university level; and pre-university secondary education,
which lasts six years and prepares students for tertiary education. Nearly half of students enrol in pre-vocational
programmes, 28% in general education, 19% in the pre-university track and 2% in practical training. Special
secondary education is also available; in 2010, 3% of primary school leavers enrolled in special programmes
(OECD, 2016a; Nusche, D. et al., 2014).
Given the high number of education tracks available in the country and the early age at selection into them, one
would expect to see considerable discrepancies in academic performance between schools. In fact, the Netherlands'
score on the PISA 2015 measure of academic inclusion across schools confirms this: 58% of the variation in
students' science performance is attributable to the variation between schools - the highest percentage among all
PISA-participating countries and economies (the OECD average is 30%; Figure II.5.12). But these results are not
entirely surprising, given students' early selection into tracks based on their performance, the different curricula
they follow in distinct tracks and likely peer effects.
However, the country's score on the PISA 2015 index of social inclusion is near the OECD average (Figure
II.5.12). Specifically, 22% of the variation in students' socio-economic status lies between schools, compared
to the OECD average of 23%. The low academic inclusion in the Netherlands is not associated with greater
socio-economic segregation of students across schools. This could be one of the reasons why, despite using grade
repetition and placing students in different academic programmes at an early age, only 12.5% of the variation in
science performance is attributed to students' socio-economic status (Table I.6.12a), compared to 12.9% on average
across OECD countries. It may also explain why the proportion of low performers in science (those who score
below proficiency Level 2) among disadvantaged students is smaller in the Netherlands than the OECD average.
Specifically, in the Netherlands, 30% of students in the bottom quarter of the PISA index of economic, social and
cultural status are low performers in science compared with 34% on average across OECD countries.
Almost universal pre-primary education. Although compulsory education begins at age 5, enrolment in early
childhood education and care at age 4 is nearly universal in the Netherlands. Unlike many other countries, a
substantial proportion (nearly one-third) of spending on pre-primary education comes from public funds. Day
care centres and pre-kindergartens also offer free supplementary programmes for disadvantaged children between
the ages of 2.5 and 6 years for up to four days per week. These programmes, called VVE (voor en vroeg schoolse educatie), focus on Dutch language development and are publicly funded.
Compulsory education with autonomy and accountability. Education is compulsory from the age of 5 to 18. Primary
school lasts 8 years, typically from the age of 4 to 12. There is no national curriculum; instead, there are national
attainment targets and reference levels for literacy and numeracy, which gives schools and teachers considerable
freedom in selecting content and teaching methods. At the end of primary school, students are selected into one
of the education tracks offering practical training, pre-vocational, general and pre-university secondary education.
Students are assigned to various tracks based on their performance on a national examination at the end of primary
school and on their primary teachers' recommendation. Responsibility over national education policy, examinations
and standards of quality lies with central authorities while matters concerning school management and school
policies are largely decided at the local level by school boards and schools. Teachers are evaluated every three or
four years, and the results of their appraisal can have an impact on their career advancement.
School choice. Parents have considerable freedom in selecting their child's school, but schools may also establish
their selection criteria, especially at the secondary level. School choice is valued and abundant, particularly in
densely populated areas, where nearly 90% of primary school children live within one kilometre of their school
(OECD, 2016a).
Equitable allocation of funds
. Public funds account for most of the spending on educational institutions at all levels.
With the exception of some schools funded entirely by private sources, public funds are allocated equitably between
public and private schools, provided that certain criteria are met. This may help prevent serious imbalances in
school resources and in schools' socio-economic profile. The Netherlands is one of the PISA-participating education
systems where principals in socio-economically disadvantaged schools are not more concerned than principals
in advantaged schools about the resources at their school (see Tables II.6.2 and II.6.15 in Chapter 6). It is also one
of the education systems where principals in public schools are equally concerned about the material and human
resources at their school as principals in private schools.
Additional funding mechanisms.
Schools receive block grants based on their student population, and special funds
are available to schools that serve disadvantaged students as well as those with special needs. At the primary level,
schools receive grants from the government based on the educational background of the parents. At the secondary
level, schools also receive extra funds for disadvantaged students; those funds, however, are not based on the
educational background of the parents, but on school location. Targeted funding is also available to schools for
special purposes (e.g. dropout prevention) and weighted formulas are used to ensure social diversity in schools.
At the tertiary level, even though students pay a tuition fee, they are entitled to grants and loans based on their
family's socio-economic status. Performance-based budgeting is another option for schools to help boost the
performance of students, teachers and school leaders at these levels.

Da: Marchoss20/10/2018 14:35:41
@Sono due tempi diversi: il primo testo che hai postato (quello sui mobil devices) è simile a quello presente all'esame, ma non è lo stesso, quindi non mi azzarderei a dare indicazioni; il secondo (quello sul sistema olandese) è lo stesso testo, anche se all'esame era più corto (molte parti erano state omesse). Io ricordo solo una domanda, quella in cui si chiedeva, più o meno: "i fondi per scuole con alunni svantaggiati o con bisogni speciali sono:". Io ho risposto "available", perché il testo dice: "special funds
are AVAILABLE to schools that serve disadvantaged students as well as those with special needs". Non ricordo molto altro... 

Da: Qui, Napoli20/10/2018 14:42:21
Potete, per cortesia, raccontare cosa è successo al "De Nicola"?

Da: Marchoss20/10/2018 14:45:31
Riguardo ai quesiti sul sistema olandese, erano certamente giuste le risposte che facevano riferimento agli "eight tracks" (gli "otto indirizzi" della secondaria) e al fatto che l'Olanda abbia una situazione di "no national curriculum". Però non saprei essere più preciso, perché l'Alzheimer avanza e la memoria, dopo due mesi di rimbecillimento su numeri legislativi, è stata messa a dura prova...

Da: Luna crescente20/10/2018 14:45:37
Anche io ho risposto Available. In quella sulla frequenza della scuola prima della primaria ho risposto che viene frequentata da tanti bambini o qualcosa di simile, e in quella sul curriculum nazionale che non c'è ho risposto che ci sono i National atteinment. Quella At the end of primary non ricordo cosa ho scritto.

Da: Ma chi me lo ha fatto fare 20/10/2018 14:47:26
Comunque secondo me un bel ricordo sull' inadeguatezza termini potrebbe starci

Da: Ma chi me lo ha fatto fare 20/10/2018 14:47:26
Comunque secondo me un bel ricordo sull' inadeguatezza termini potrebbe starci

Da: SOLI TITOLI 20/10/2018 14:48:09
Per Marchoss: anche io ho fatto AVAILABLE...E nn ho fatto ACTRACTIVESS ma PORTABILITY alla luce dell'osservazione botanica!

Da: Francese 1  1  - 20/10/2018 14:49:23
Per francese è possibile avere indicazioni?

Da: mason1 20/10/2018 14:52:48
anch'io ho risposto come te

Da: Giuseppina92 20/10/2018 14:54:54
Confermo available

Da: Giuseppina92 20/10/2018 14:56:14
Io ho messo acctrativeness

Da: Artemisia 20/10/2018 14:56:40
Scusate... Nel testo sul sistema olandese molte parole erano omesse, in particolare diceva"into one of the education tracks... Ma il numero 8 scomparso??? Io ho sbagliato perché  non ho letto nulla nel testo che  si  riferisse a 8...era nelle risposte, ma mi ha mandato in tilt!!!

Da: Deluso201820/10/2018 14:56:47
Una aveva tra le opzioni " new teachers", io ho risposto imploved

Da: Ida62 20/10/2018 15:00:51
@mah de Nicola  che città

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