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test in English?
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Da: rodger18/09/2012 17:47:29
Now that I am a resident in Italy for over 1 year I must take my driver's exam. Ok, bene. But my Italian is still so-so and if I took the exam in my mother tongue (English) I would pass the exam easily. In Italian it's very very difficult for me to understand the verbs, adjectives, imperatives. It isn't fair, there should be a test in English too.
Yes, I know some say, You Should Know Italian! true but while I study I can't work so well because I can't drive my car.

Da: ciposiauek19/09/2012 21:31:50
I think you can take it in english. if you ask, they will give you an exam in your language. my friend did it in his language (he's from germany). good luckkk!!

Da: rw rodger22/09/2012 15:07:42
As ciposds told you, it's possilbe to take the exam in English. If you have been there for 1 year I think you should understand italian... anyway since you can take it in your language it's better for you!!! (in my opinion you're right to want to have it in english because when you drive you don't even need to know italian)

Da: ruggerio02/10/2012 17:10:56
but I have been told by the dept. of transport it isn't possible

Da: ruggerio02/10/2012 17:26:07
Also tax the test and the government can make more money!

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