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Da: Francelino | 22/05/2012 16:17:45 |
metadaveApril 16, 2008 23:57 Having introduced frumos at Palm, I feel qualified to comment on this article. I run online support at Palm.We have gone thru a couple of vendors learning as we go. We have also been sensitive to the other frumos that organically grew out of the Palm community.I am acutely aware of the need to engage our customers and to enable them to engage one another. Some of our web tools are in need of update but others can be retrofittted for web 2.0 effects ratings, reviews, feedback etc. One of the simplest and most effective additions is OpinionLabs feedback; that little floating + next to all our pages. We constantly update pages and information based on daily feedback on the site. I am an admirer of new toolsets from Confluence, Community Server, Jive and others which are attempting to create community spaces with a new breed of software. I think of this transition in terms of an analogy the new support site will be more like visiting a mall than visiting a doctors surgery. In other words, you will go there and choose how you interact perhaps you'l chat to the company but perhaps you'll meet others who are interested in your category of use. It's not about break|fix or teacher|student any more. It's about an ongoing conversation set. Why should training videos only be posted on your own site why not on VideoJug too. Why not have Digg, StumbleUpon, etc tags on all your content? From what I have seen in my travels across the web, the companies to watch are Dell, Lego, Avid, Tivo, SlingMedia. Notice the language like Dell Community and Avid Community . This is a different and more useful form of personalization than we have seen in the past. I want every site to have the vision, fun and usability of NetFlix. I'm doing my bit to redesign the Palm online experience to be a great customer experience. It's not cheap and it's not easy to do. Support sites should be useful, easy to use and enjoyable. It does not need to feel like a trip to a 1960s dentist.Dave Moloney, Palm | |
Da: iooo | 22/05/2012 16:27:25 |
yes | |