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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

A boy of seventeen is often ... his father.   as tall as
A boy of sixteen is often ... his father   as tall as
A boy of sixteen is often __________ his father   as tall as
A long time ago, there ... many forests, but now there are only a ... .   were/few
A long time ago, there ______ many forests, but now there are only a _________ .   were/few
A pacifist is a person ... believes that all the wars are wrong   who
A pacifist is a person _____ believes that all the wars are wrong   who
A person is requested .... a good knowledge of Italian.   To have
A television ... went up with the pilot and filmed the UFOs.   cameraman
After the accident my friend needed ... .   surgery
After years of abuse from her husband, she ________ found the courage to leave him.   eventually
Although our opinions on many things ... , we're good friends.   differ
An orphan is a child ... parents are dead   whose
Annie always ... elegant dresses.   buys
Antony and Ilary are away this week; ... at a conference in London.   they're
Any country that keeps its factories open during a pandemic __________make sure its health system can cope with the consequences.   had better
Apart from three months when I went travelling in my twenties, I have never lived ... from home.   away
Are there ... CDs in stock?   any
Are you ____ you don't want any ice-cream?   Sure
Are you going ... Linda's party next week?   to
As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went ... the homework with me.   over
As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went ___________ the homework with me.   over