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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

He drove off without saying a word.   È partito senza dire una parola
He hasn't been home .......... he left.   Since
He searched ........ for Tom's keys but couldn't find them.   Everywhere
He seems intent _________changing the company policies.   On
He threw away a chance to go to China.   Ha sprecato l'occasione di andare in Cina
He turned up just as the meeting was ending.   Lui è arrivato proprio quando la riunione stava per concludersi
Henry, my son, has married a beautiful woman, Sandra. She's my_____.   Daughter-in-law
Her maths improved by leaps and ___________ and she got 90% in her final exam.   Bounds
How can we translate the following sentence: "É un libro molto buono ma non si è venduto bene perchè non si legge facilmente".   It is a really good book but it didn't sell well because it doesn't read easily
How can we translate the following sentence: "Ho bisogno di riparare il mio orologio".   I need my watch repairing
How can we translate the following sentence: "Si pensava che il nuovo capo fosse molto permissivo".   The new boss was thought to be very permissive
How come Lisa's putting you up this week?   Perché Lisa ti ospita questa settimana?
How long have you been working -------------- Bianchi Ltd?   At