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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

A _____________ the wedding guests ___________ sitting and playing cards.   Few of / were
Actually I don't know how to solve this problem, I'd better ask my parents to help me as soon as possible.   A dire il vero non so come risolvere questo problema, farei meglio a chiedere aiuto ai miei genitori il prima possibile
Alfred is now hanging around only well-to-do people!   Alfred frequenta solamente gente altolocata!
Alice is sincere through and through.   Alice è completamente sincera
As far as I know she hasn't left yet, she told me she would move in January.   Per quanto ne so non è ancora partita, mi ha detto che si sarebbe trasferita a gennaio
As I've worked in Spain for many years, I've got used to the Spanish ____ of life.   Way
At first, my friend didn't want to hire Wendy. But, because I had previously worked with Wendy, I told my friend that she _____________ take another look at her C.V. and reconsider _______ for the job.   Ought to / her
Avresti finito il report, non è vero?   You would have finished the report, wouldn't you?