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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Fill in the blank using the most appropriate answer. "....at this car!"   look
Fill in the blank using the most appropriate answer. "It is ........ outside. Did you hear the thunder?"   stormy
Fill in the blank using the most appropriate answer. "They asked me if I ... speak Russian".   could
Fill in the blank with the correct option: Somehow, people began to look to the state for their standard of living, to the state to solve their problems, rather than solving ______.   Them themselves
Fill in the blank. " I ... in a small town. Now I live in Paris".   used to live
Fill in the blank. "... much is it?". "It's 3 euros".   How
Fill in the blank. "... suitcase is the green one?"   Whose
Fill in the blank. "A friend of ... told me he saw you at the party last night".   mine
Fill in the blank. "Clara wants to become a lawyer, so she is studying ...".   law
Fill in the blank. "Do you usually go to school ... bus?".   by
Fill in the blank. "Don't buy that dress - it's ... for you".   too big
Fill in the blank. "Have you got ... idea of how much the project is going to cost?".   any
Fill in the blank. "He ... to Paris 5 times last year".   went
Fill in the blank. "He is ... teacher in the school".   the best
Fill in the blank. "I ... tv when someone broke in".   was watching
Fill in the blank. "I appreciate for always being there for me!".   you
Fill in the blank. "I haven't had so much fun ... I was a young boy!".   since
Fill in the blank. "If he ... my friend, I would swim in his pool every day".   were
Fill in the blank. "If I'd read the letter properly, I ... such a stupid mistake".   wouldn't have made
Fill in the blank. "If it ... tomorrow, I'll stay at home".   rains
Fill in the blank. "If the Board of Directors ... their approval, there will be a merger with Smith Ltd.".   gives
Fill in the blank. "If we left town before the rush-hour, we ... in time".   would arrive
Fill in the blank. "If you invite ..., we will certainly come".   us
Fill in the blank. "I'm absolutely sure she ... win the election".   will
Fill in the blank. "James opened the door and ... a man in the room".   saw
Fill in the blank. "James works ... the Ministry of Defence".   at
Fill in the blank. "Last night we ... out and had dinner with Alice".   went
Fill in the blank. "My mother speaks French ... than my teacher".   more fluently
Fill in the blank. "On our holiday the hotel organized lots of ... to tourist sites in the area".   excursions
Fill in the blank. "Peter and Tom are tired because ... work too much".   they
Fill in the blank. "Sean Penn came in ... hotel last year!".   our
Fill in the blank. "She asked me where ... last night".   I went
Fill in the blank. "She considered several options, but in the end she ... the one that I had suggested".   chose
Fill in the blank. "She is ... her brother".   as nice as
Fill in the blank. "There weren't ... pencils left".   any
Fill in the blank. "They ... us not to touch the animals".   told
Fill in the blank. "They'll explain ... you need to know".   what
Fill in the blank. "We have bought a new house". "Oh, have you? When are you ...?".   moving in
Fill in the blank. "What a pity you have to leave so early tonight! Well, see you ... time then!"   next
Fill in the blank. "When we arrived at the cinema, the movie had ... started".   already
Fill in the blank. "Where ... you born?". "In Birmingham".   were
Fill in the blank. "Yesterday we ... the match 3-0".   won
Fill in the blank. Charlotte admitted _________ a mistake.   making
Fill in the blank. Excuse me, ____ can we reach the station?   how
Fill in the blank. If I _____ harder, I would have passed the exam.   had studied
Fill in the blank. If I were in your _____, I would tell him the truth.   shoes
Fill in the blank. I'm leaving ____London at 7.30 tomorrow morning.   for
Fill in the blank. I've been trying to get _____ with him all day, but his mobile is always off.   in touch
Fill in the blank. My friends might come to the party tonight. It will depend _____ how they feel.   on
Fill in the blank. She's been out three days in a row, she ______ here today.   had better be
Fill in the blank. We _____ respect the rules, laws and sovereignty of the State!   must
Fill in the blank.Customer: "Is this phone number right? I have been trying to book a taxi but I couldn't reach the operator".Taxi driver: "...".Customer: "Thank you very much".   No, it has changed, here is the new number
Fill in the blank: "Are you ... for the bus?".   waiting
Fill in the blank: "Would you like ......... orange juice?"   some
Fill in the blanks with the right combination. "... books are mine, ... are John's".   These; those
Fill in the blanks. "My family and I live ... a nice flat ... the second floor. Our building is ... the cinema".   in; on; beside
Fill in the blanks. I'm really quite lost. ______ you ______ helping me get out of here?   Would / mind
Fill in the blanks. Once you ______ you ______ to cancel the contract.   have signed / won't be able
Fill in the gap with the correct option. Five years ago Daniel _____ a boat.   Bought
Fill in the gap with the correct option. Four weeks ago Zoe _____ to Maria.   Talked
Fill in the gap with the correct option. In 1987 I _____ to Miami.   Went
Fill in the gap with the correct option. In 2009 my parents _____ to London.   Moved
Fill in the gap with the correct option. Last summer we ____ Los Angeles.   Visited
Fill in the gap with the correct option. Last winter Tanya ______ married.   Got
Fill in the gap with the correct option. Six days ago Paula ____ a little cat in her garden.   Found
Fill in the gap with the correct option. Ten years ago I ____ John.   Met
Fill in the gap with the correct option. Two years ago Sabrina ____ her job.   Lost
Fill in the gap with the correct option. When I was 17 years old I ____ to France.   Travelled
Fill in the gap with the correct preposition: I am ___ holiday until next Friday.   On
Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option. "If I __________ in Rome, I'd go sightseeing every day".   Lived
Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option. "What would you do if you __________ rich?".   Were
Fill in the gap. " .. don t you agree with me?"   Why
Fill in the gap. " .. people live in Rome?"   How many
Fill in the gap. "When . the road, make sure to look in both directions."   crossing
Fill in the gap... "Do you agree with ...?"   me
Fill in the gap... "I ... volleyball yesterday."   played
Fill in the gap... "More people live in Rome ..."   than in Milan
Fill in the gap... "Paul has a car, but he ... use it very often."   doesn't
Fill in the gap... "This is the ... book by Ken Follett."   latest
Fill in the gap... "We have a meeting ... friday."   on
Fill in the gap: "_____ are you doing tomorrow?".   What
Fill in the gap: "_____ are you eating tonight?".   What
Fill in the gap: "_____ are you going tonight?".   Where
Fill in the gap: "_____ she go to Las Vegas last month?".   Did
Fill in the gap: "_____ she visit her granny every day?".   Does
Fill in the gap: "_____ you go shopping yesterday?".   Did
Fill in the gap: "_____ you meet your friends yesterday?".   Did
Fill in the gap: "_____ you play football yesterday?".   Did
Fill in the gap: "_____ you usually commute?".   Do
Fill in the gap: "_____ you usually drink black coffee?".   Do
Fill in the gap: "_____ you visit your friends last week?".   Did
Fill in the gap: "I_____a tasty cake".   Am making
Fill in the gap: "I've just arrived in Germany _____ Naples".   From
Fill in the gap: "I've just arrived in Milan _____ New York".   From
Fill in the gap: "I've just arrived in Rome _____ Naples".   From
Fill in the gap: "Mum_____an amazing dinner".   Is making
Fill in the gap: "There are _____ eggs in the fridge".   Some
Fill in the gap: "There are _____ tomatoes in the fridge".   Some
Fill in the gap: "We haven't got _____ juice left".   Any
Fill in the gap: "We haven't got _____ milk left".   Any
Fill in the gap: "We haven't got _____ sugar left".   Any
Fill in the gap: "We haven't got _____ tea left".   Any
Fill in the gap: "We_____some books".   Are reading
Fill in the gap: "We_____TV".   Are watching
Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate options. "If they ______________ to bed early, they ______________ up late".   Had gone / wouldn't have woken
Find the most opposite of "hate".   Love
Find the sentence that contains a mistake:   Don't tell to him my secret!
Find the sentence that contains a mistake:   Sandra is a close friend of me
Find the sentence that contains a mistake:   I go to work with bus
Finding a good job is getting ... .   harder and harder