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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Years ago I ... to work because I loved doing that sport.   used to cycle
Yes, doctor I'm sorry I ....... you.   interrupted
Yes, I ....... .   do
Yes, I have but I can't ....... it.   follow
Yes, I'd very much ... that.   appreciate
Yes, i've ... my exam.   passed
Yes, thank you and I'm afraid it's not ....... very bright at the moment.   looking
Yesterday I ... a famous movie star.   saw
Yesterday I ... a very long letter to the mayor of the city.   wrote
Yesterday I ... a walk   took
Yesterday I ... to the town centre to buy a present for my girlfriend.   went
Yesterday Jim ... some eccentric clothes.   wore
Yesterday the sun ... at 6 am.   rose
Yesterday the sun ... at 9 pm.   set
Yesterday Tom ... the newspaper all the day   read
Yesterday was ... special day. It was my birthday.   a
Yesterday we ... on the beach all day.   sunbathed
You .. like me.   are
You ... be at the airport at 10 am.   must
You ... be at the airport at 10 am.   must
You ... be more clear when you talk otherwise people won't understand you.   must
You ... better see a doctor.   had
You ... do the cleaning, don't worry!   don't have to
You ... do the dishes. I can do them.   don't have to
You ... finish the steak. We can take it home with us.   don't have to
You ... me of Laura Pausini.   remind
You ... park your car here. It's not allowed.   mustn't
You ... pay to watch this show. It's free.   don't have to
You ... pick those flowers; Mary wiII be really angry.   had better not
You ... smoke in the classroom   can't
You ... smoke so much.   shouldn't
You ... spend much to eat well.   don't have to
You ... the cleaning. I would have done it tonight.   needn't have done
You ... wonderful in that dress.   look
You ... wrong   are
You and Phil are ... .   alike
You are ... incredible person.   an
You are ... trouble young man!   in
You are a very ... person.   knowledgeable
You are slowly ... his behaviour.   getting used to
You are so ... to your sister. Say sorry now.   mean
You are so clumsy. You have ... wine all over my sweater.   spilt
You are very fit, Do you like to ... ?   work out
You are very smart today. Where did you buy that ... .   suit
You aren't concentrating on your work. What are you thinking ...?   about
You aren't concentrating on your work. What are you thinking ...?   about
You can ... a lot of money if you work in wall street.   make
You can find many ... in vegetarian food.   vegetables
You can go out, as ... as you don't stay out late.   long
You can hang your washing on the ... .   line
You can keep it if you like, Bill. I've got ... others.   plenty of
You can learn English ... if you live or work in England.   more quickly
You can make excellent sushi only by ... fresh fish.   getting
You can only have one pair of shoes. ... your choice   take
You can put your clean clothes in that ... .   chest of drawers
You can see ... from those seats in the front.   better
You can see the ... wall of China from the moon.   great
You can sit ... here and watch the game.   down
You can take ... book. ... of them are interesting   either - both
You can use .... for the pancakes.   flour
You cannot rely ... that person. He is not trustworthy   on
You can't miss it, it's that tall building right at the ... of the road.   end
You could tell the time by him because he always ... work at exactly the same time every day.   finished
You didn't do the shopping, ... ?   did you
You didn't finish your work in time again. You are so ... .   unreliable
You don't know a person ... you travel together.   until
You don't need to hurry. The train ... at 9.30 am.   leaves
You drive ... .   well
You have 3 ... . think hard about what you want.   choices
You have a very nice ... .   pronunciation
You have the ... shirt ... me,   same/as
You have the same tennis racket ... me.   as
You have to study from page 7 to 20. Did you ... that?   get
You have too many ... . Give some to charity!   possessions
You haven't studied, ... ?   have you
You know ... I spend my time   how
You live in the same street ... my sister.   as
You look really tired! What ...?   have you been doing
You look tired. You should ... plans for your next holiday!   make
You look very ... today.   smart
You look very tall Martha. Yes, it's because I'm wearing these high ... shoes.   heel
You must learn the poem ... heart   by
You must not drink and then ... a car.   drive
You need ... British pounds if you're going to England.   some
You need to focus ... your studies.   on
You need to pay me ... from last week, remember?   back
You ought ... a holiday   to take
You play tennis ... me.   as well as
You really ... tell your girlfriend that you have been fired.   should
You remind me ... somebody I knew a long time ago   of
You seem ... a jazz fan.   to be
You seem ... you have seen a ghost.   as if
You should ... attention if you want to learn.   pay
You should ... attention to the road when you drive.   pay
You should ... swimming.   take up
You should ... the book.   read
You should ... your homework.   do
You should always cross the roads ... the traffic lights.   at
You should back ... , it's not your fight.   down
You should be careful, you ... killed me with that broken glass!   almost
You should be more ... about your private life.   truthful
You should study more, ... ?   shouldn't you
You should take off your ... . It's very hot in here.   jumper
You smoke too much. You should give ... .   up
You speak English well. Thanks but i'm only a ... .   beginner
You speak too much. ... .   shut up
You stopped me ... having an accident. Thank you so much.   from
You studied yesterday, ... ?   didn't you
You talk ... . Listen sometimes too.   a lot
You took the wrong ... .   decision
You two are similar ... appearance. You look the same.   in
You two look just like ... .   each other
You'll notice that as soon as the children come home from school, the dog will jump up and show its great ....... for them.   affection
Your ... are really nice   sisters-in-law
Your coat is in ... closet.   the
Your English is really improving but mine ... .   isn't
Your English isn't good. You should ... more.   practise
Your face looks terribly familiar. Haven't I seen you ... before?   somewhere
Your friend ... fantastic.   is
Your friend ... me one of my uncles   reminds
Your friend looks ... Kiera Knightly.   like
your glass is empty. Let me ... .   fill it
Your glasses are ... in front of you.   right
Your leg is in a bad state, you shouldn't walk ... it.   on
Your maths results aren't good ... .   enough
Your parents are going to go to France, ...?   aren't they
Your room is chaotic. You are very ... .   messy
Your son is much taller than when I last saw him. He ... a lot   has grown
You're not watching the match tonight, ...?   are you
You're really ... . You always solve difficult problems.   clever
You're using my phone again! No I'm not, it's ... .   mine
You've been sick, ...?   haven't you