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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Palermo is ... Milan.   worse than
Palermo is ... south.   in the
Parents spend a lot of money ... their children's books.   on
Paris is ... the river Seine   on
Paris is a place where ... .   many couples go
Passengers should ... in the lounge until their flight is called.   wait
Pasta is the ... course.   main
Paul ... a passenger.   is
Paul imagined ... a doctor.   being
Paul is in the garden, he ... some flowers   is picking
Paul is very nice, ...?   isn't he
Pedestrians walk on the ... .   pavement
People ... nice.   are
Per indicare il compiere commissioni si usa la seguente espressione:   to run an errand
Per rispondere al telefono, cosa si dice?   Hello?
Perhaps it's the oil. No, ... .   it can't be
Peter ... married with Susan; now they ...   was - are separated
Peter and ... share a very small flat in the centre   I
Peter is ... honest man   an
Peter wanted ... a policeman.   Mary to ask
Phil is ... Jessica.   more intelligent than
Philip doesn't play football, ...?   does he
Picasso ... in July 1985. He left his daughter all his fortune.   died
Picasso did some fantastic ... .   paintings
Pierre is a French boy. ... from ... .   He's; France
Pierre is a French boy. ... from ... .   He's; France
Pizza is ... pasta.   better than
Pizza is usually prepared ... hand.   by
Pizzas are made ... pizza makers.   by
Plants ... fast in summer.   grow
Please ... this application form and the manager will see you soon after.   fill in
Please ... why guns are dangerous.   explain
Please ... your coat in the hall.   hang
Please be ... . I'm studying.   quiet
Please be ... when you cross this road.   careful
Please call me when ... are ready.   you
Please call me when ... are ready.   you
Please call me when ... are ready.   you
Please call us when ... are ready.   you
Please come back soon and ....... the work you started two weeks ago.   finish
Please complete the ... about your physical fitness.   form
Please do sit ...: I want to cheer you ...!   down; up
Please drive ... . It's a dangerous road.   carefully
Please let me ... for the drinks.   pay
Please mind the ... between the train and the platform.   gap
Please, ... the coach now.   board
Please, ... the coach now.   board
Please, ... turns to ask questions.   take
Please, ... yourself at home.   make
Please, leave me ... .   alone
Pollution is a very important environmental ... .   issue
Progress is so fast that some machines are ... overnight.   obsolete
Providing passenger ... is an essential part of our airline mission.   satisfaction
Put it down in front of ... immediately.   yourself
Put the ... in the bin for me please.   rubbish
Put the potatoes in the ... .   oven
Put the question in the correct order: did somewhere go nice Sunday on you?   Did you go somewhere nice on Sunday?
Put the question in the correct order: from where teacher is the?   Where is the teacher from?