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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

A boy of sixteen is often ... his father   as tall as
A boy of sixteen is often __________ his father   as tall as
A friend of ____ lives in London   mine
A long time ago, there ... many forests, but now there are only a ... .   were/few
A long time ago, there ______ many forests, but now there are only a _________ .   were/few
A pacifist is a person ... believes that all the wars are wrong   who
A pacifist is a person _____ believes that all the wars are wrong   who
A person is requested .... a good knowledge of Italian.   To have
A person is requested......a good knowledge of Italian.   To have
A television ... went up with the pilot and filmed the UFOs.   cameraman
A: What are ... in English? B: They're headphones.   these
A: Would you like to drive a Ferrari? B: Yes, I ... .   would
After the accident my friend needed ... .   surgery
After the children had ... doing their homework, the whole family watched television.   finished
After the odd outburst, the group of long time friends agreed that Carmela's behaviour on the weekend trip was ........   bizarre
After they had shouted at each other, they decided to ....... it up.   make
All of the following words refer to family except for one. Find the odd one out: toddler, niece, veal.   Veal
All of the following words refer to musical instruments except for one. Find the odd one out: cello, jug, harp.   Jug
Although our opinions on many things ... , we're good friends.   differ
An article ____ ____ the newspaper.   published / in
An orphan is a child ... parents are dead   whose
And by early evening the ....... country will see the rain.   whole
And by early evening the ________ country will see the rain.   whole
Andrew's attempts to get into the swimming team have not ... with much success.   met
Andrew's attempts to get into the swimming team have not _______ with much success.   met
Ann ___ she didn't like Peter.   said
Are ____ your glasses?   these
Are _____ teachers nice?   your
Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? No, _____   there aren't
Are there four people in the picture? Yes, _____   there are
Are you ____ of dogs?   afraid
Are you ____ you don't want any ice-cream?   Sure
Are you Canadian? Yes, _____   I am
Are you going ... Linda's party next week?   to
Are you going ....... for your holidays this year?   abroad
Are you going _____ Linda's party next week?   to
Are you going ________ for your holidays this year?   abroad
As always his latest play has been a huge success and all the tickets are ....... until August.   sold out
As far as I know she hasn't left yet, she told me she would move in January.   Per quanto ne so non è ancora partita, mi ha detto che si sarebbe trasferita a gennaio
As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went ... the homework with me.   over
As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went ___________ the homework with me.   over
As I've worked in Spain for many years, I've got used to the Spanish _____ of life.   Way
As they always tell you the value of shares can go ....... as well as up.   down
At ....... I think she's very pretty.   least
At the moment we are trying to ....... for the town centre.   make