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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

A ... English breakfast is very heavy.   typical
A comes ... B.   before
A customer ... things in the shop.   buys
A group of people who work on a ship or a yacht is a ...   crew
A horse has a long ... .   neck
A lawyer ... people in court.   defends
A long time ago, there ... many forests, but now there are only a ... .   were/few
A pacifist is a person ... believes that all the wars are wrong   who
A restaurant is a place ... you eat.   where
A strange thing happened ... me a few days ago   to
A very light wound is a ...   graze
A wolf is an animal ... lives in the forest.   that
A woman got into the car and ...   drive off
A: ... does Anthony go to work? B: ... bus.   How; By
A: ... does it rain here? B: Mostly in summer and winter. A: ... snow? B: In winter.   When; What about
A: ... does Natalie's nephew do? B: He's an architect.   What
A: ... Greek? B: Yes, I am.   Are you
According ... this article, people eat badly in the UK.   to
After ... dinner I smoke a cigarette.   eating
After his parents died he ... of their house.   disposed
After the accident my friend needed ... .   surgery
After two rings of the bell she suddenly in the doorway.   appeared
Ah that's better now I can't hear those awful bells. Now what was it you wanted to say?   much
Al suono del campanello, come si risponde?   Who is it?
Alan ... a pizza   wants
Albert Einstein was ... person.   an intelligent
All I can say at the moment is: Long the company!   live
Although our opinions on many things ... , we're good friends.   differ
And at other times I'm glad I know what the future holds.   don't
Andy got ... work very late.   to
Ann is ... wife.   John's
Anne excels at ... .   swimming
Architects travel to Italy to ... the marvels of classic design.   study
Are ... children young?   their
Are there any eggs in the fridge? No, there are ... .   none
Are you ... already? Wow that was quick!   back
Are you ... at work? No I'm on my way home now.   still
Are you going ... Linda's party next week?   to
Are you looking for your glasses again? Well, ... !   there they are
Are you travelling to India with ... ?   anybody
Aren't you ... before leaving?   going to do it
As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went ... the homework with me.   over