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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Take ... your books and read the passage on page 9.   out
Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It ... rain later   might
Take these pills ... the pain goes away.   until
Teachers think my son is stupid but actually he is very ... .   smart
Tell me ... nice.   something
Tell me ... you.   about
Tell me about her ... .   appearance
Tell me all the ... about your week end in Paris.   details
Tell me where ... that beautiful suit.   you have bought
Tell the police the truth please, or ... will arrest you!   they
Tell your friends ... in this evening, we have a concert to go to   you won't be
Thailand is ... .   amazing
Thank you ... you help.   for
Thanks ... helping me.   for
Thanks to Facebook I could find an old ... .   school friend of mine
That ____ have been horrible. So what are you doing this weekend?   must
That ____ interesting.   sounds
That boy is ... good pupil.   such a
That boy is very rude, he didn't have a proper ... .   upbringing
That car is ... , it was going faster earlier.   slowing down
That cold is quite bad. You should take 3 ... a day.   tablets
That colour really ... you!   suits
That information is very ... .   useful
That instrument consists ... five parts to be assembled   of
That is a ... Gucci bag.   fake
That office has been ... by our department   taken over
That office has been ... by our department.   taken over
That player is doing well. He is ... form.   on
That player was taken off the field on a ... .   stretcher
That situation was very ... .   embarrassing
That story is hard to believe. I'm sure she ... .   made it up
That was a long lesson. I am ... .   exhausted
That was the ... film I have ever seen in my life.   worst
That's ... condition they could offer!   the worst
That's ... Mark did.   what
That's a good question but I need ... to think about it.   time
That's a very big fish, but I have caught ... bigger one.   an even
That's the woman ... house has been destroyed.   whose
That's what I would like ... Christmas.   for
The ... "flying saucers" were seen in 1947 by an American pilot.   first
The ... beneath the streets is rock, ... enough to take the heaviest load without sinking, and is therefore well-suited to bearing the ... of tall buildings.   ground/hard/weight
The ... is in the kitchen.   fridge
The ... is pink in some beaches in Sardinia.   sand
The ... is singing in the trees.   bird
The ... of the event was perfect.   organisation
The ... of the songs on my playlist is random.   order
The ... of this poisonous algae has caused the ... of many kinds of fish.   proliferation; exodus
The ... of today are very rude.   youth
The ... of your phone is very ergonomic.   shape
The ... time I spend studying is 1 hour.   average
The ... times at the mall are incoherent.   opening
The accident happened at the same time ... I stopped to look at the shop window.   as
The accident wouldn't have happened if he ... drunk.   hadn't been
The aeroplane leaves at 9 am and ... at 12 pm.   lands
The afternoon comes after ...   the morning
The afternoon comes before ...   the evening
The air in Rome is ... .   polluted
The animals ... by a loud noise.   were frightened
The article I was reading was about a man who ... his wife two years before.   had murdered
The audience had mixed feelings ... the concert.   about
The back door ... the house was open.   of
The ball went ... the goal and the players celebrated.   into
The bank ... us a lot of money last year.   lent
The bank was ... yesterday and robbed of millions of pounds   held up
The bar is ... door to the post office.   next
The bar is ... the corner.   in
The bar is ... the right of the street.   on
The bar is ... the shopping center.   in
The bar was very ... . I couldn't find my friends.   crowded
The bathroom is ... the left.   on
The bathroom is ____ to the front door.   next
The best way ... is to go to England.   to learn english
The best way to learn a language is ... a little every day.   by speaking
The bill ... to 200 pounds. Imagine that!   came
The boat trip was disrupted by a storm but we ... the port safely.   reached
The book has a beautiful ... .   ending
The book store ... at 9 am.   opens
The boss thinks you ... too many breaks.   take
The boss wasn't happy so he ... the worker.   fired
The box opened and a small dog ... .   came out
The brothers will ... school both together at the end of this year   finish
The bus was full. We couldn't ...   get on
The business has failed ... unfavourable market conditions   owing to
The cake is made ... cream and sugar.   with
The cake is made ... cream and sugar.   with
The car ... won the race was not a Ferrari.   which
The car is 2 metres ... .   wide
The car is almost ready to collect from the garage but there are just a couple of spare ____ missing.   parts
The cereals are ... the back of the shop.   at
The chair is made ... China.   in
The chairman began with compliments to everyone, but his cold tone ... his words.   belied
The children ... their exercise when their father ... home.   were doing; came
The Chinese ... printing   invented
The cinema is ... front of the hospital.   in
The Cinema is ... of the Park.   in front
The Colosseum is a place where ... .   many tourists come
The Colosseum is the place ... if you like culture.   to go
The colours of your clothes ... perfectly.   match
The computer is ... the table.   on
The computer starts provided you ... .   turn it on
The container is made ... plastic.   of
The convention ... next month   will start
The cows are in the ... .   field
The decorated roof of the ancient palace was ... up by four thin columns.   held
The diamond was the most romantic present ... all.   of
The dinner was very ... .   enjoyable
The doctor gave me a ... for some medicine yesterday.   prescription
The doctor told him to open his mouth ... .   wide
The doctor will be ready to see you ... half an hour.   in
The dog ... you met in the garden is mine   which
The dog seemed to chase ... ball forever.   its
The door is open: please shut ...   it
The door was broken, so I ... down the window.   climbed
The evening comes before ...   the night
The exam I ... was really difficult.   took
The exam was ... difficult. I couldn't do any of it.   seriously
The exam was ... difficult. I couldn't do any of it.   seriously
The examination consists ... two parts.   of
The fallen tree ... traffic for over an hour.   held up
The family had just had a new gas cooker ... in their kitchen.   fitted
The Ferrari is ... car in the world   the best
The Ferrari is a ... car.   fast
The Fiat 500 is a ... car.   small
The Fiat is ... car in the world.   the worst
The film starts at ...   half past eight
The film was ... .   great
The final decision doesn't depend ... the boss   on
The first inhabitants ... the Britons, a population of Celtic stock, who ... a Celtic ... .   were/spoke/language
The flat I live in is ... second floor   on
The flight ... at 6 pm.   departs
The flight was ... bumpy that I was sick in a paper bag.   so
The floor is dirty, I need a ... .   brush
The food in this restaurant is ... nice.   quite
The game was a ... . We lost 3-0.   disappointment
The gender of these words is different. Which word is different from the others?   Brother
The girl is afraid ... the dog   of
The grocer's is ... near the square; in fact, it's in the shopping centre, now.   no longer
The history of society is very ... .   interesting
The holiday wasn't ... interesting as I had expected.   as
The hotel has ... swimming pool.   an outdoor
The house ... fast, so we broke a window to get out.   was burning
The house is ... the river.   near
The house is dirty. ... it.   clean
The house is going ....   to be knocked down
The house smells nice and ... , have you cleaned?   fresh
The information you gave me ... wrong!   is
The jackpot was really big because ... played the lottery the week before.   no one
The Joneses are a very nice ... .   couple
The kidnappers said that they ... his daughter if he .... pay the ransom   would kill - didn't
The lack of security in parts of the country doesn't encourage people ... there.   to invest
The lack of security in parts of the country doesn't encourage people ... there.   to invest
The lesson ... so difficult.   was
The light bulb needs ... .   changing
The lights went ... when the concert finished.   out
The main ... in Harry Potter is a little wizard.   character
The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ... before   hadn't flown
The man was absorbed ... his work   in
The man who fixed it must ... a mistake with the connections.   have made
The match had to be ... because of heavy snow.   postponed
The match will be ... at 7 pm.   over
The meal I paid ... was delicious.   for
The mechanic says the car ... be repaired later this week.   will
The money ... on public transport.   was spent
The morning comes after ...   the night
The morning comes before ...   the afternoon
The most exciting moment is when the plane ... the ground.   lifts off
The movie didn't ... long. Just an hour.   last
The movie is based ... a true story.   on
The movie isn't interesting. In fact it's really ... .   boring
The murder was arrested ... the police.   by
The music was ... at the club last night. We left very soon.   awful
The new college ... for the needs of students with a variety of learning backgrounds.   caters
The new lab ... finished by the end of term.   will have been
The new manager is extremely ... and always listens attentively to her colleagues.   polite
The new procedures ... six months ago.   were implemented
The new toaster was broken so I brought it ... to the shop.   back
The newspaper report contained ... important information.   a lot of
The one thing my family will always remember about Grace was the many ____ of kindness that she showed us in her long life.   acts
The operator said she would ... to him   put me through
The palace is 50 metres ... .   high
The park is ... the cinema.   behind
The party ... an hour ago.   started
The party is a bit ... . Shall we leave?   dull
The pen is ... the credenza.   on
The pencils and paper ____ on your desk.   are
The phone is out ... order.   of
The pizza in that place is the same ... it is everywhere. It's not that special   as
The place i'm staying ... is close to the station.   in
The place where the rider sits on the bicycle is a ...?   saddle
The places ... we spent our holidays were really beautiful   where
The plane ... at 9 am.   took off
The plane leaves ... N.Y.C. .   for
The plane never ... . It stayed in the airport.   took off
The poker game was played on a table I ... that morning.   had bought
The police ... find the man who had stolen my car. He was sent to prison.   managed to
The police never ... the thief.   caught
The police officer told the children always to tell the ...   truth
The post office is ... the park.   next to
The post office is next ... the park.   to
The president, ... 68, is retiring next year.   who is
The Prime Minister went to the airport...   to see the Queen off
The problem is becoming serious. We have to discuss ... it   on
The professor .... the students to study more.   advised
The pupil ... his examinations   took
The question was brought ... at the meeting.   up
The radio is too loud. Could you ... for me?   switch it off
The reason ... I'm writing is to tell you about a meeting on Friday.   why
The reception is bad in here. I can't ... any wi-fi.   get
The results of the test show that ... 20% of people have eating disorders.   almost
The river Rhine flows ... the North Sea   into
The rules at school are quite ... . We can't do anything.   strict
The school provides all his students ... books   with
The sea is ... . you can swim in it   safe
The Second World War ... in 1939.   broke out
The Shinkansen train can reach faster speeds ... than a normal train.   more quickly
The ship ... so all the passengers jumped into the boots.   was sinking
The shoes are 90 pounds. Do you want them? Yes, I ... take them.   will
The shop is closed. The ... in this department has gone to lunch.   salesgirl
The singer ... many compliments on her new album.   has been paid
The sky was ..., so I decided not to go to the seaside.   overcast
The south ... Italy is nice.   of
The spring in my country is always ... .   mild
The streets are dirty. There is a lot of ... .   rubbish
The streets are wet. ...?   Has it been raining
The streets in my city are ... . It's difficult to drive on them.   narrow
The suggestion you've just made doesn't ... new to me.   sound
The sun ... at 6 am.   rises
The sun ... at 7pm.   sets
The sun is too bright. You should ... some cream.   put on
The sun shines from ... .   above
The sun will ... at 6 am tomorrow.   rise
The sun will ... at 7 pm today.   set
The supermarket is ... to find.   easy
The survey findings are kept secret. We ... any feedback yet.   haven't received
The swimming pool is nice because it's ... .   heated
The taxi ... is very nice.   driver
The teacher always gives me ... homework.   a lot of
The teacher asked her students to do their ...   homework
The teacher caught me ... my classmate's paper.   copying
The teacher encouraged her students ... to an English pen-friend.   to write
The teacher has been here ... the school was built.   since
The teacher was angry ... him   with
The telephone ... by Bell in 1876.   was invented
The telephone and the doorbell rang ... same time   at
The thief ... my wallet.   stole
The town ... by the earthquake in 1906.   was destroyed
The train ... arrive at 11,30, but it was an hour late   was supposed to
The train ... on time this morning.   left
The tree ... by lightning.   was struck
The trouble is that there are some very ____ rain clouds over the north.   heavy
The truck is 10 metres ... .   long
The volume is very high. ... !   Turn it down
The waiter is ... idiot.   an
The waiter recommended .... the fish.   we try
The window is made ... glass.   of
The woman ... me to go back to my hotel and wait.   told
The workbook is ... the bag   in
The yogurt is ... fridge.   in the
Their project is not convincing ____ think it may be successful.   None of us
Their son ... in this hospital.   works
Then the clouds will ____ further south in the afternoon.   move
There ... some crisps.   are
There ... some grapes.   are
There ... some salt.   is
There ... some sugar.   is
There ... some vegetables.   are
There are ... five million people in Scotland, and Edinburgh is ... most famous city.   about/its
There are ... important people.   ...
There are ... people in the demonstration.   plenty of
There are 12 ____ in a year.   months
There are 20.000 ... in this stadium.   seats
There are dozens of bathrooms ... the airport.   all over
There are many ... between English and French.   similarities
There are many ... in the streets.   people
There are many ... in this gym.   men
There are many ... in this school.   rules
There are many ... in this yoga class.   women
There are many ... in Trastevere where you can have a good night.   clubs
There are many animals on this ... .   farm
There are many things, I don't know what to ... .   choose
There are many trees ... the road.   along
There are no problems for me because I find those questions very ....... .   easy
There are not many people to talk ... here.   to
There are so many ... on this farm.   chickens
There are so many things that it's difficult to ...   choose
There are two movies on tonight: ... would you like to see?   which one
There aren't ... people here.   many
There is ... in a cappuccino.   milk
There is ... in many types of cake.   chocolate
There is ... in that box; it's empty.   nothing
There is ... news in the paper.   no
There is a ... of Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square.   statue
There is a bar ... the shoe shop and the supermarket.   between
There is a booking ... tomorrow.   for
There is a bus station directly ... the entrance.   opposite
There is a carpet ... the chair.   under
There is a huge ... of students that don't study.   percentage
There is a little house ... .   at the top of the hill
There is a lot ... in London   to do
There is a lot of ... in Rome. There are too many cars.   pollution
There is a lot of ... in this gym.   equipment
There is a lot of ... regarding the Maths assignment!   confusion
There is a lot of smoke, ... your mouth and nose.   cover
There is no use in ... learning it   my
There is plenty of time. You ... hurry   needn't
There is somebody walking behind us, I think ...   we are being followed
There isn't much fruit on the table. There's only ... .   a little
There was ... I could do to help him. He was too sad.   nothing
There was a ... at the bank. They took a lot of money.   robbery
There was a big ... in the city centre because of the carnival.   crowd
There was a terrible ... and the electricity went.   thunderstorm
There wasn't any ... at the demonstration in the city centre.   trouble
There weren't ... people at the convention.   many
There's ... train leaving London at 09:15.   a
There's a ... space for your car near my house.   parking
There's a huge ____ in the local paper about the special offers available in the store this weekend.   advertisement
These are the shoes ... I use for tennis.   which
These clothes are too old. You should ... .   throw them away
These designer clothes are difficult to ... !   take off
These muffins are delicious! May I have ..., please?   one more
These new orders have nothing to do with us.   These new orders do not apply to us
These photographs were taken ... a friend of mine   by
These photographs were taken ... a very good camera   with
These will ____ some rainfall later this morning.   produce
They ... a lot at the dinner last night.   smoked
They ... a modern house.   have
They ... out after lunch and they've just come back   went
They ... tell Tom what you said   won't
They ... the first Airbus in France.   tested
They ... the house at 7 a.m.   left
They ... the jewellery by hand.   craft
They ... their baby Lily, but they aren't sure yet.   might call
They ... their cousins for a long time.   haven't seen
They ... to school every morning   go
They ... well with each other.   get on
They ____ from the fire unhurt.   escaped
They ____ him for his brave actions.   praised
They always stay ... .   together
They are good students but ... of them studies differently.   each
They are in France ... the weekend.   for
They are leaving tomorrow, ...?   aren't they
They are nice, ....?   aren't they
They are talking about ... on holiday.   going
They bought ... a nice new car.   themselves
They decided that the statue ... put up.   should be
They didn't ... their sister come in.   hear
They didn't know the way but they were driving ... the right destination.   towards
They don't allow ... in the hall.   smoking
They drove straight for some time and when they realized it wasn't the right way, they went ... .   back
They fell down and hurt ...   themselves
They gave me a form and told me to ...   fill in
They have put speed bumps on the road to ... accidents.   prevent
They haven't got ... children.   any
They like ... .   each other
They like ... .   me
They like ... .   us
They live ... Picadilly Circus, imagine that!   in
They met at Trafalgar Square and then ... for a walk.   went
They prefer ... at home in the evening   to stay
They prefer ... at home in the evening.   staying
They produce Fiat cars in a big ... near Turin.   factory
They said that they ... their homework.   had finished
They set ... the publishing company in 1981.   up
They should introduce a ... tax for big cars.   fuel
They shouldn't be held responsible. The blame for this shameful situation lies ... .   elsewhere
They spent a lot of time ... at the pictures in the museum.   looking
They wanted their daughter to improve her social skills and sent her to the famous ... school in Switzerland.   finishing
They washed their swimsuits ... hand.   by
They went ... the park because it was quicker.   through
They went for a walk ... the canal.   along
They were ... to have it finished by yesterday.   supposed
They were ____ of having broken into the stately home and stolen several famous paintings.   accused
They will ... study hard if they want to succeed   have to
They won't bring me big salad, ...?   will they
They won't come tomorrow, ...?   will they
They worked hard all day without a ........   break
They... happy.   aren't
They're staying with us ... the time being.   for
They've ... complained to the management once before.   already
This ... my friend ____ name's Richard.   is; His
This bar is a nice ... .   place
This book is very ... .   interesting
This book must be ... . you have been there for hours.   interesting
This box isn't ... to contain that object.   big enough
This box isn't ... to contain that object.   big enough
This box isn't as big ... that one.   as
This Burger is really ... . Do you want some?   tasty
This car is old. It's not ... much.   worth
This computer chip is ... .   tiny
This doesn't look a very nice restaurant. Can we go ... else?   somewhere
This film is 2 hours ... .   long
This form ... be handed in until the end of the week.   needn't
This house ... last century   was built
This house is full of ... .   mice
This ice cream is ... nice. I want another one.   so
This is ... a long time. I'm tired of it.   taking
This is ... friend.   my
This is ... what I'm looking for.   exactly
This is a ... area.   Non-smoking
This is a good song. ... the radio.   turn up
This is a very expensive holiday intended for those with plenty of money as it involves a trip ....... the world.   around
This is my dog. Oh, What's ... name?   its
This is my sister ____ name is Laura.   Her
This is my sister; do you know ... name?   her
This is not just my computer. It is 4 ... computer.   students'
This is the ... beautiful day of my life.   most
This is the ... film I have ever seen   worst
This is the photo ... my family.   of
This is what Rick ... .   did
This lesson is ... . I want to go home.   boring
This mp3 player I bought is broken. I want a ... .   refund
This museum contains the finest collection of modern art in the ... .   UK
This pasta is ... nice.   very
This phone doesn't ... much.   weigh
This phone is great. It's so ... .   useful
This picture ... in this century   has been painted
This product must be eaten ... two days of purchase.   within
This radio costs only $ 10. It's much ... than the other one.   cheaper
This restaurant is ... expensive than the one before.   less
This room is very dark, there isn't ... .   a window
This school is for children ... first language is not English   whose
This shopping bag is very ... . I can't carry it.   heavy
This summer is ... last year   warmer than
This summer we went ... holiday to Greece.   on
This television gives you the ... news.   latest
This t-shirt is ... small. I need a new one.   too
This weather makes me ... depressed. I want to stay home.   feel
This week is ... than last week.   drier
This will be a programme presenting that .. ____..... comedian, George Blair.   popular
This will be read by the very pretty ____ Penny Lane.   newscaster
Those boys ... darts while those girls are singing.   are playing
Those children ... in France.   were brought up
Those seats aren't taken; they are ... .   free
Those seats aren't taken; they are:   free
Three new factories ... this year.   have been built
Three people were taken ... hospital after the accident   to
Tigers are ... animals.   dangerous
To ... it may concern.   whom
To avoid the traffic we'll have to ... at dawn.   set out
To keep fit you ... junk food.   shouldn't eat
To most people it seemed like a long and successful relationship and so it was a great surprise to learn that they had ... with each other.   finished
To start ____ we have comedy.   with
To stop the body ... ill you need a lot of nutritious food.   getting
Today I ... ten cigarettes   have smoked
Today I have to do ... homework.   extra
Today is ... .   Monday
Today is the ... of June.   eighteenth
Tom ... on the sand   is lying
Tom will mend the window when ... home.   he comes
Tonight, i'm going ... in front of the TV.   to relax
Toyotas ... Japanese ... .   are; cars
Tracy and Cindy are sisters, Tracy is ... than Cindy.   younger
Tradurre la seguente frase idiomatica: " It's a piece of cake "   Facile come bere un bicchier d'acqua
Trafalgar Square is ... .   huge
Traffic has been banned from the city centre ... to reduce pollution.   in order
Traffic in Rome can be ... .   irritating
Traffic in the city ... from 8 am to 11 am.   lasts
Trova l'errore nella frase: "I'm going to go shopping tomorrow."   non ci sono errori
Try ... 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day.   to eat
Try ... through the binoculars. You might be able to see them.   looking
Try ____ the door really hard if you want to open it.   pushing
Try ____ these irregular verbs by next week.   to learn
Try the pasta with tomato ... . It's lovely.   sauce
Turn ... left and then go straight ...   -; on