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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Can I give you__________ advice?   Some
Can you hear what he is .......?   saying
Carry, my mother-in-law, has two sons: Jef and Jack. One is my husband, the other is my____.   Brother-in-law
China's National Space Administration has released _________ recorded by the country's Mars probe.   footage
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: "If I could explain it to the average person, I __________ the Nobel Prize.".   Wouldn't have been worth
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: ________ that movie? It's a really good one!   Have you ever watched
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: A human being is part of a ______, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space.   Whole
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Alexandra is so beautiful, she's _____ .   Breathtaking
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Come on Lucy, ___ your brain, you have to find the solution!   Rack
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Don't worry about the car, the most important thing is that we are safe and ____ .   Sound
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I _____ in this horrible house if I had a good job.   Wouldn't be living
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I am ____ to leave, I can't help you now.   About
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I can't ____ her, she's too arrogant.   Stand
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I couldn't lie, she caught me ___ handed.   Red
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I don't think it is appropriate to let ourselves be dazzled by technological ______.   Wizardry
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: If they _________ the contract, we'll have wasted a lot of money.   Don't subscribe
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: I'm having troubles with my car, I think there ______ something wrong with the engine.   Could be
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Jane, you ought ____ for help.   To ask
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Maria is my wife, we ______ each other since high school.   Have known
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Please Renée look _____ the children, I have to go to the post office.   After
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Ronny and I are really on the same ____ , we get along pretty well!   Page
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: She really dropped a ___ when she said to Mark that she can't stand politicians! Doesn't she know that he's a deputy?   Brick
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Sheila is crazy, she's as mad as a ____ .   Hatter
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: We all have blue eyes, it ___ in the family!   Runs
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: When I was a child, I _______ the whole summer in the mountain.   Used to spend
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: When I was a kid, I loved going to the beach: I _______ all day playing in the ocean with my sister.   Would spend
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: While I _____ my homework I heard a strange noise from the garden.   Was doing
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: Word on the ____ is that Donald is in prison again.   Street
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence: You can go out and play as soon as ______ your homework.   You finish
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: A person who kills another person can be called a ____.   Murderer
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: A person who steals can be called a ____.   Thief
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: Cases of wrongful execution are cited as an argument by ______ of capital punishment.   Opponents
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: Police_______ two people ___ connection to a man's Death.   Have arrested - in
Choose the correct option to fill the gap in. Gina always wears horrible clothes, old jumpers, shabby trousers, second-hand shoes, she looks like a ____ .   Tramp
Choose the correct option to fill the gap in. Stop crying Wendy! I will help you with that. I can lend you some money. Now, call your bank and check your ____ .   Current account
Choose the correct option to fill the gap in. Theo changes his mind very often, on Monday he wants to become a doctor and then on Tuesday he decides to study Art, I can't understand the reason why he is so ___ .   Moody
Choose the correct option. Don't waste your time! Break _____ with Jane and look for a girl who makes you happy!   Up
Choose the correct option. Sally is my new classmate, she's a polite and ____ girl, she doesn't speak a lot, but she's always kind.   Shy
Choose the correct option: "confondere".   Discombobulate
Choose the correct option: A medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness is called _____ .   Psychiatrist
Choose the correct option: A person who fits and repairs the pipes, fittings, and other apparatus of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems is called ______ .   Plumber
Choose the correct option: A place where bread and cakes are made or sold is called ______.   Bakery
Choose the correct option: A woman whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant is called ______ .   Waitress
Choose the correct preposition: (insistere per) insist.   On
Choose the correct sentence:   On my way home I met a friend of mine
Choose the correct spelling: 0.5.   Nought point five
Choose the correct translation of the following word: chandelier.   Lampadario
Choose the correct translation: Implorare.   To beg
Choose the correct word to fill the gap in. Dario has caught his wife red handed with another man. He wouldn't have expected that at all. He's very _____ .   Crestfallen
Choose the correct word to fill the gap in. Mila was given the sack by her boss yesterday, she's very _____.   Gloomy
Choose the correct word to fill the gap in. Sandrine has just found out to be pregnant, it was ages since she first started to think about having a baby and now her dream has come true. She's very ____ .   Blissful
Choose the correct word to fill the gap in. Tracy is waiting for the response of the HIV test, she's very ____ .   Troubled
Cindy wanted to quit college and become an actress. Her parents talked her into staying in school while she pursues her acting career. That way, if she never makes it as an actress, she can always fall ____________on her education.   Back
Class 2B _____________ to the museum this morning   is being taken
Come back in the morning, .......?   will you
Come si può tradurre: "he's in an appalling temper"?   È di umore nero
Come si può tradurre: "Running with hare and hunting with horn"?   Cercare di non sbilanciarsi tra due parti opposte in un conflitto
Come si può tradurre: "She came home pleased as punch"?   Tornò a casa felice come una pasqua
Come si può tradurre: "we don't need to split hairs"?   Non c'è bisogno di essere pignoli
Complete each sentence with the correct option. I have to be back home by midnight and the bus drivers are on strike. ...... ?   Can you give me a lift
Complete each sentence with the correct option. Mary ...... to Laura when it comes up to singing, she's much more in tune and her voice is far better.   Can't hold a candle
Complete each sentence with the correct option. You need to ...... before being respected by your colleagues, everyone starts from the very bottom and then rise through the ranks.   Cut your teeth
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. "Experience is the name everyone gives to ____ mistakes.".   Their
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. "One of the most common diseases in Europe today is the loneliness typical of those who have no connection with others. This is especially true of the ____, who are often abandoned to their fate, and also in the young.".   Elderly
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. "Suspects are being charged with membership of an armed terrorist organisation and of attempting to ____ the government, using force and violence.".   Overthrow
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Arja comes from Helsinki, in Finland, so she's a ____.   Finn
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. As today it's very ____ you should go out and play with your kite.   Windy
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. He ____ since he was one year old.   's been talking
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. I ____ a cup of coffee when the telephone suddenly ____.   Was having - rang
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. I ____ my parents next month, I ____ the train ticket.   'm going to visit - 've already bought
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Lisa, have you ever been talked ____ doing something really stupid?   Out of
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Nearly two decades after the $200 billion settlement to compensate the public for health consequences of smoking, the industry still ____ in Washington.   Wields clout
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Remember that very ____ ____ to make a happy life.   Little - is needed
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. She is vegan, she eats ____ cheese ____ eggs.   Neither - nor
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. They blamed ____ _____ being late to the ceremony.   Themselves for
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. Unless you ____ harder, you ____ into that college.   Study - 'll never get
Complete the following sentence with the correct option. We could change the design ____they paid the extra cost.   Provided
Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. Guess what? I'm coming and visit you next Sunday! I'm really looking forward__ spending some time together!   To
Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. Janet is standing ____ the car.   Beside
Complete the following sentence with the correct prepositions. A new survey __ Britain shows that one __ seven drivers has had ___ take evasive action because __ their own risky overtaking.   In - in - to - of
Complete the following sentences: "______ I go to the bathroom Mrs. Darwin"?   May
Complete the following sentences: "Although she won the spelling bee, some thought she didn't deserve the _______ because she may have cheated"?   Medal
Complete the following sentences: "His ______ leave something to be desired"?   Manners
Complete the following sentences: "It has always been hard for her to _________ criticism, even when it is offered in good faith"?   Accept
Complete the following sentences: "It seems all children are taken with hand-held _________"?   Devices
Complete the following sentences: "She was _______ in her character and breeding, which showed through her delicate speech and mannerisms".   Refined
Complete the following sentences: "The ancient Egyptians didn't use an alphabet to write ................ language"?   Their
Complete the following sentences: "The knot he tied in the rope was very _______ and kept coming undone"?   Loose
Complete the following sentences: "the man ... lives next door had an accident"?   Who
Complete the question. "Could you tell me ____________________".   How long it takes to get to Seattle?
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Coraline was very upset, she texted me she (......) if she had known that her ex-boyfriend was at the party too.   Wouldn't have come
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Could you please tell me where your badge is? I can't find it. I ...... everywhere.   've been looking
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Francesco's wedding is going to be celebrated next Sunday. ...... ?   Have you been invited?
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Greg (......) her to marry him if she didn't have to move to South Africa next month.   Would ask
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. I (......) better if my little brother didn't make so much noise with his toys.   Could study
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. I (......) that hard if I had more money.   Wouldn't work
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. I (......) you know as soon as I can.   Will let
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. I can't come to your graduation party unless my boss (......) me one day-off.   Gives
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. I'll be there for you until you (......) my help.   Need
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. I'll give you more details about the reservation when the receptionist of the hotel (......) me back.   Phones
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Janet texted me she (......) for dinner because her boss had planned and extra meeting.   Couldn't come
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Last winter I had a bad accident on the snow and I broke my leg. Now I don't sky anymore because ...... .   I'm afraid of falling again
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. My English teacher told me I (......) the exam if I had studied a little more.   Would have passed
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. My father told me he (......) a surprise party for my birthday if he hadn't been busy at work.   Would have organised
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. My god! I have to hurry! The meeting ...... soon!   Is going to start
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Our planet (......) so polluted if we took care of it in a more suitable way.   Wouldn't be
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. Our relationship (......) better if we spoke more about our problems instead of ignoring them.   Would be
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. She told me she (......) that dress for the party if she could have borrowed mine.   Wouldn't have bought
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. The shop assistant told me she (......) me a discount if I hadn't chosen outfits from the very new collection.   Would have made
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. The show will be cancelled unless the speaker (......) soon.   Arrives
Complete the sentence with one of the following options. You know what? Your song (......) a great hit if the rhythm were just a bit faster.   Would be
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). As it was very late we changed our minds and made (....) home instead of going to the party.   For
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Come on guys, we've lost loads of time chatting. Now we have to make (....) lost time.   Up for
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). He didn't agree with me at first, but soon he came (....) and followed my advice.   Round
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). I can't put (....) your childish behaviour any longer!   Up with
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). I was (....) leave home when the phone rang.   About to
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Marc is thirty and still lives (....) his parents, they are paying everything for him.   Off
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). New hypotheses on biogenesis are put (....) by scientists.   Forward
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). No one helps her: she has to live (....) her salary, which is not easy.   On
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Nowadays families are not the same as in the past, my great-grandparents brought six children (....).   Up
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Once he lived a life of a millionaire. Now that he's (....), nobody knows him.   Down and out
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). The development of aviation is brought (....) by the development of the aerospace industry.   About
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). The police pulled me (....) to check my papers and then they let me go.   Over
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). The secretary did overtime and worked (....) a lot of letters.   Off
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). Tonight there's a good thriller (....) TV.   On
Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). We should break (....) and continue tomorrow, it's late.   Off
Complete this sentence with the correct option: The amount of electricity that can be generated depends on how far the water (1)____ and how much water (2)____ through the system.   1=drops ; 2=moves
Complete with the correct option: "Daft is the antonym of ______ .".   Wise
Complete with the correct option: "Despicable is the antonym of ______ .".   Exemplary
Complete with the correct option: "Outworn is the antonym of ______ .".   Up to date
Complete with the correct option: "Pointless is the antonym of ______ .".   Meaningful
Complete with the correct option: "Remarkable is the antonym of ______ .".   Insignificant
Complete with the correct option: "Stiff is the antonym of ______ .".   Informal
Complete with the correct option: "Sullen is the antonym of ______ .".   Amiable
Complete with the correct option: Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you ___ with what happens to you.   Do
Complete with the correct option: You should read books you can't stop hearing about and books you've never heard __.   Of
Complete with the correct option: You should read the book ____ main character has your first name.   Whose
Complete with the correct option: You should read the book that you find on the library's free cart whose ____ makes you laugh.   Cover
Complete with the most suitable option. "She's very slim _____________ how much she eats".   Despite
Complete with the most suitable option. "They stopped _____________ meat when it got too expensive for them".   Buying
Complete with the most suitable option. "We were talking about _____________ Chinese food for dinner".   Getting
Complete with the most suitable option. "We're trying _____________ right even though it's not easy".   To eat
Considering the urgency of this issue, let's schedule a meeting for this afternoon, ..............................?   shall we
Correctly complete the incomplete words. "Al... Mary studied very hard, her paper wasn't good en... for her to pass the exam".   though; ough
Could you ______________on a second? I just need to get a pen.   Hang
Current NHS guidelines say there is no "safe" level of drinking and that men and women ________ not drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week on a regular basis - around six pints of beer.   should