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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Make ... the door is closed well.   sure
Man is first ... in the British Isles in the Ice Age, when Britain ... still part of the Continent.   found/was
Mandy has a good sense of ... .   humour
Many cars ... in Rome last year.   were stolen
Many children have ... active imagination   an over
Many people are ... prison for ... crimes they have not committed   in/the
Many women are scared by ... .   large spiders
Marcel is French. He has just returned ... France after two years abroad   to
Marcus is good at ... .   writing
Margaret ... to work yesterday. She wasn't feeling well   didn't go
Maria isn't studying hard but I ... .   am
Marika is ... a good cook.   such
Mark ... a sister.   doesn't have
Mark ... hard.   works
Mark ... in Milan.   lives
Mark ... John for a long time.   has known
Mark ... maths.   needs to study
Mark ... that i'm really smart.   told me
Mark ... tomorrow night.   arrives
Mark ... watched a fantastic movie recently.   has
Mark came to visit ... last!   at
Mark couldn't see because he ... his glasses.   wasn't wearing
Mark decided to give up sports so that he could concentrate ... his studies   on
Mark has ... to visit us from Spain.   come
Mark has many ... .   qualities
Mark invited me ... the cinema.   to
Mark is ... Giulian.   happier than
Mark is ... student in the class.   the smartest
Mark is my friend. He's ... .   nice
Mark must wear Glasses, ...?   mustn't he
Mark needs a visa, and ... .   so do I
Mark said that he ... to the school meeting today.   wasn't coming
Mark will come tomorrow, ...?   won't he
Marta ... pizza.   doesn't like
Martha ... a lot in the afternoon.   has to study
Martha is very friendly and ... .   sociable
Mary ... me a promise. She will never smoke again.   made
Mary always ... elegant dresses   buys
Mary Is ... home.   at
Mary is getting ... the car.   out of
Mary ran ... when she saw that big dog.   off
Mary said that she ... the gym.   was going to join
Mary was very disappointed ... her examination   with
Mary wasn't happy in her new job at first, but she ... to enjoy it now   is beginning
Mathew is coming at ... 8 p.m. .   around
Maths can be so ... .   confusing
Matthew is watching TV, ...?   isn't he
May I smoke? Yes,...   of course
May is ... Spring.   in
McDonald's serves healthy food now. You can find salads in all ... restaurants.   its
Metti nell'ordine corretto la seguente frase: Got/a/you/siter/have   Have you got a sister?
Metti nell'ordine corretto la seguente frase: want/you/to/the/to/go/do/cinema?   Do you want to go to the cinema?
Mexican food is very ... .   hot
Michael can ... You!   see
Michael is ... in his class.   the least tall
Michael is walking ... you. You'll see him soon.   towards
Middle Eastern restaurants often have a way of whisking you away to a far off land of belly dancers, exotic spices and ....... drink.   intoxicating
Mike asked me where he ... to put the washing machine.   was
Mike is going to the cinema and I want to go with ...   him
Mike: I haven't stopped working for eight hours today. Jane: .......   My heart bleeds for you
Mike: I like anything to do with sport. .......   Do you?
Mike: I wonder if you could help me with this problem. Jane: .......   Try me
Mike: It's getting very late, we must hurry up. Jane: .......   Point taken
Mike: More people die from eating fatty food than from smoking. Jane: .......   You must be joking!
Mike: She always goes to work on a bike. Jane: .......   She must be very healthy
Mike: They went on strike last week. Jane: .......   What on earth for?
Mike: We went to Paris last summer. Jane: .......   I've never been there
Mike: You know he failed all his examinations? Jane: .......   I don't believe it
Mike: You know the boss will be angry with you. Jane: .......   I don't care
Milan is ... Italian city.   an
Millions of Apple products ... last year.   were bought
Millions of holidays ... online this year.   have been booked
Millions of links ... on Facebook this year.   have been posted
Mmm, this cake is ... .   lovely
Mmmm. The pasta is ... .   nice
More people live in New York ... London.   than in
Mormons can have many ... .   wives
Moscow is ... Russian city.   a
Mosquitos are ... .   annoying
Most mineral waters come ... plastic bottles.   in
Most of the people ... work at 8 o'clock every morning.   starts
Mount Everest is ... highest mountain in the world.   the
Mount Everest is ... highest mountain in the world.   the
Mozart was born in Salzburg ... 1756   in
Much of his success ... his charm.   depends on
My ... at the hotel was excellent.   accommodation
My ... dress was a Fendi. I looked so classy!   wedding
My ... have gone on a school trip.   classmates
My ... hurt!   feet
My ... is my mom's most beautiful sister.   aunt
My ... is my mom's most successful brother.   uncle
My ... is my sister's oldest child.   nephew
My ... job is not very nice.   current
My ... name is Mike.   brother's
My ... name's Julie   sister's
My ... plays video games. He's very young.   son
My ... ticket was really expensive.   plane
My ... was carefree.   childhhood
My 2 history ... are difficult subjects.   modules
My alarm clock usually goes ... at 6 am.   off
My boss ... me many concessions.   allows
My boss is very difficult to get ... with and a lot of people want to leave.   on
My boss was angry because I was 2 hours ... .   late
My brother ... his career.   changed
My brother is .. his 20s.   in
My brother is ... engineer. He lives ... London   an/in
My brother is more intelligent ...   than me
My brother is very brilliant ... speaking English   in
My brother, ... lives in England, is coming to visit me.   who
My brother, ... lives in Switzerland, is coming to visit me.   who
My car is old but is very ... .   reliable
My car is very old, I'm ... going to buy a new one.   likely
My clothes are all dirty. I need to do the ... .   laundry
My company is going to take legal ... against yours.   action
My computer won't work. I am ... buy a new one.   going to
My cousin Vinny is a ... man. He always makes us laugh a lot.   funny
My dad ... at 7 o'clock everyday.   gets up
My dad ... that he wanted to take us on holiday next summer.   told us
My dad gave me two really good ... of advice to pass my English test.   pieces
My dad is ... person I know.   the happiest
My daughter always ... that I don't listen to her.   complains
My diet consists ... meat and vegetables.   of
My diet is made ... of fruit and vegetables.   up
My doctor told me to go ... bed.   to
My English book is ... I have ever had   the most useful
My father ... me an iphone for my birthday.   gave
My father is exhausted! He wishes ... a day off!   he could take
My favourite ... of the day is breakfast.   meal
My favourite cars are ...   Fiats
My flight was ... .I'm going to be late.   delayed
My friend ... in the corner in silence.   sat
My friend ... me a funny story.   told
My friend doesn't talk too much. He's a bit ... .   quiet
My friend is ... married next week.   getting
My friend is ... me to play Poker.   teaching
My friend is coming tomorrow so I will show him ... the city.   around
My friends and I don't often go for a pizza. Only ... .   seldom
My friends are angry. They are not talking to me ... .   at the moment
My friend's son ...Turkish and English at University.   studies
My girfriend ... me clean the house!   makes
My girlfriend and I have a great ... .   relationship
My girlfriend likes ice cream a lot. So ... .   do I
My grandmother had left the door ..., that's why some thieves broke in.   ajar
My grandmother remembers ... in the field when she was a child.   working
My grandparents ... a wonderful garden   haven't got
My hair is ... yours   less curly than
My head hurts. I think I have a ... .   headache
My house is ... San Lorenzo   in
My house is ... than yours.   smaller
My house is a long ... from here.   way
My house is very dirty I need a ... .   cleaner
My husband doesn't mind ... with me.   going shopping
My husband really enjoys ... pictures.   taking
My husband works ... a teacher of English in a middle school.   as
My jacket is ... .   there
My jacket is ... .   there
My job is very ... .   tiring
My journey ... Fuerteventura was very long.   to
My leg hurts. Can you give me some ... doctor?   painkillers
My mother and I ... all the time.   argue
My mother was rushing to work when she ... down the stairs.   fell
My mum is brilliant ... problems.   at solving
My name ... Annie. I ... a teacher   is - am
My name is Lisa. ... Lisa Peterson.   I am
My name's Mary. ... , what?   Sorry
My neighbourhood is ... place I know.   the liveliest
My nephew is a good lawyer. He has won ... cases.   several
My parents ... me watch TV when I want.   let
My parents are checking ... tomorrow.   in
My parents stopped me ... seeing my boyfriend.   from
My partner is on a ... trip.   business
My PC doesn't ... . I can't use it now.   work
My pen is different ... your pen.   from
My phone doesn't ... . Maybe it's broken.   work
My phone is broken, I need to ... it.   repair
My present job isn't wonderful, but I prefer it ... what I did before   to
My PS4 is arriving tomorrow. I'm so ... .   excited
My results from the test were a bit ... .   disappointing
My room is ... the fifth floor.   on
My room is dirty I need to ... it.   clean
My school is near ... city centre.   the
My shoes are ... the bed.   under
My sister has agreed ... with the decorating.   to help
My sister is growing ...   taller and taller
My sister is home today.   at
My smartphone is very ... .   powerful
My son ... a lot of time playing on his playstation.   wastes
My son is ... than any boy in his class.   smaller
My surname is White; my ... is David.   first name
My teacher asked me ... up during lessons!   to shut
My teacher's name ... John.   is
My throat hurts doctor. Ok, let me have a ... .   look
My wife and I ... married in July.   got
My wife doesn't work, she is a ... .   housewife
My yoga ... is very young.   instructor
My yoga course ... 2 weeks.   lasted