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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

A ... about fashion shows that people prefer Italian brands.   survey
A ... English breakfast is very heavy.   typical
A boy of sixteen is often ... his father   as tall as
A comes ... B.   before
A customer ... things in the shop.   buys
A group of people who work on a ship or a yacht is a ...   crew
A horse has a long ... .   neck
A JVC is ... Japanese camera.   a
A lawyer ... people in court.   defends
A long time ago, there ... many forests, but now there are only a ... .   were/few
A lot of the views put forward in the documentary were open to ... .   question
A Mercedes is ... German car.   a
A musician is a ... .   performer
A new cocktail bar ... on Upper Street today.   has been opened
A pacifist is a person ... believes that all the wars are wrong   who
A policeman is a person ... arrests criminals.   who
A restaurant is a place ... you eat.   where
A sales assistant ... things   sells
A strange thing happened ... me a few days ago   to
A television ... went up with the pilot and filmed the UFOs.   cameraman
A thief ... things.   steals
A very light wound is a ...   graze
A wolf is an animal ... lives in the forest.   that
A woman got into the car and ...   drive off
A: ... do you go there? B: To visit some friends.   Why
A: ... does Anthony go to work? B: ... bus.   How; By
A: ... does it rain here? B: Mostly in summer and winter. A: ... snow? B: In winter.   When; What about
A: ... does Natalie's nephew do? B: He's an architect.   What
A: ... does Tony Blair live? B: In Great Britain.   Where
A: ... Greek? B: Yes, I am.   Are you
A: Were you singing when I came in? B: Yes, I ... .   was
A: Your hair needs ..., doesn't it? B: Yes, I'm getting it ... this weekend.   to be cut / cut
According ... this article, people eat badly in the UK.   to
After ... dinner I smoke a cigarette.   eating
After his parents died he ... of their house.   disposed
After Peter ... his breakfast, he went to work.   had finished
After she ... to Mark, she felt sad.   had spoken
After ten years working for the same company, she ... from her job yesterday   resigned
After that we have the show on the latest hits.   regular
After the accident my friend needed ... .   surgery
After the children had ... doing their homework, the whole family watched television.   finished
After two rings of the bell she suddenly in the doorway.   appeared
after you mix the flour and the eggs, ... some sugar. The cake will be sweet.   add
Ah that's better now I can't hear those awful bells. Now what was it you wanted to say?   much
Al suono del campanello, come si risponde?   Who is it?
Alan ... a pizza   wants
Albert Einstein was ... person.   an intelligent
All ... us were sick   of
All I can say at the moment is: Long the company!   live
All right let me ask you what you like doing least of ...?   all
Although Harry had obviously read the newspaper article carefully, he didn't seem to have ... the main point.   grasped
Although our opinions on many things ... , we're good friends.   differ
Amy Winehouse was a ... singer.   talented
An igloo is made ... snow   out of
And at other times I'm glad I know what the future holds.   don't
And by early evening the country will see the rain.   whole
And the following programmes are all as far as I'm concerned.   boring
Andrew's attempts to get into the swimming team have not ... with much success.   met
Andy got ... work very late.   to
Ann has gone out. Oh, has she? What time ... ?   has she gone
Ann is ... wife.   John's
Anna ... a good job.   has found
Anne ... at the best university in the country.   will study
Anne excels at ... .   swimming
Apple computers ... all over the world today.   are used
Architects travel to Italy to ... the marvels of classic design.   study
Are ... children young?   their
Are Maria ... cats black?   's
Are there any eggs in the fridge? No, there are ... .   none
Are you ... ? yes, this is my wife.   married
Are you ... already? Wow that was quick!   back
Are you ... at work? No I'm on my way home now.   still
Are you ... in that chair?   comfortable
Are you going ... Linda's party next week?   to
Are you going for your holidays this year?   abroad
Are you looking for your glasses again? Well, ... !   there they are
Are you Mr Stevens?   Yes, I am
Are You Ms White?   Yes, that's right
Are you travelling to India with ... ?   anybody
Aren't you ... before leaving?   going to do it
As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went ... the homework with me.   over
As soon as ... any news, I'll phone you.   I have
As soon as the lecture ends, I am going to ... .   reorganize my notes
As soon as the lecture ends, I am going to...   reorganize my notes
As the game ... to a close, disappointed spectators started to leave.   drew
Ask ... a pen.   for
At first he didn't agree, but he eventually managed to talk him ... coming.   into
At I think she's very pretty.   least
At work, I usually take 3 ... breaks a day.   coffee