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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Take a break! We'll finish ________ the door frame later.   painting
Teaching is very _______ .   hard
That _______ over there is my wife.   Woman
That book is mine. Give it to ____.   me
That was the ______ film I have ever seen in my life.   worst
The apartment I ______ in is pretty big.   live
The area around the station is _______.   Dangerous
The baby had a temperature yesterday and today it is __________.   worse
The baby is ______   Crying
The babysitter is looking __________ my baby because I'm working.   After
The bank is _______ the school and the library.   Between
The blooming season.   Spring
The book you are looking for is ________ my desk.   on
The capital of _____ is Paris.   France
The cat is _____ the tree.   on
The chef is working hard in his _____ today.   Kitchen
The colors of the Italian flag are........   Green, white, red
The Colosseum _____ by the Flavian dynasty in the 1st century A.D.   was built
The colour of the soil is .......   Brown
The company I work for has over five hundred ___________.   employees
The cookies taste ________.   good
The correct article for the word "e-mail".   An
The correct article for the word "envelope".   An
The correct article for the word "wolf".   A
The day after Sunday is:   Monday
The dog ______ thirsty as his owner had forgotten to refill his water bowl!   was
The exam was ___________ I expected.   easier than
The film was really boring. It was _______________ I've ever seen.   The most boring film
The film was very ________.   Good
The flat in __________ he lives is on the fifth floor.   Which
The Grand Hotel is ______________ the Tiptop Hotel.   not as cheap as
The ideas in that book _____ interesting.   Are
The Maggiore _______ is in Italy.   Lake
The main ingredient to make a red sauce for pasta.   Tomato
The milk sourced from this animal is used to feed humans.   Cow
The museum ______ open on Monday. It opens from Tuesday to Sunday.   Doesn't
The news about Mr. Hogan ____ surprising.   Is
The Nile is an Egyptian _____   River
The official _____of Italy is Italian.   Language
The opposite of "sad" is .........   Happy
The pen is ___ the table.   On
The phone is ________.   Ringing
The phone rang three times while we _____________ dinner last night.   were having
The plural of '' datum'' is .........   data
The plural of "boy".   Boys
The plural of "door".   Doors
The plural of "night".   Nights
The plural of "photo" is....   Photos
The plural of "zoo".   Zoos
The plural of ''axis'' is.........   axes
The plural of ''mouse'' is _____   mice
The plural of the word "hand" is....   hands
The plural of the word "hobby" is.....   Hobbies
The plural of the word "knife" is.............   knives
The plural of the word "potato" is....   Potatoes
The plural of ''wolf'' is ........   wolves
The president was elected by the ______.   People
The season when all the leaves on the trees turn yellow.   Autumn
The sentence "Don't get me wrong" means:   Non fraintendermi
The shops ___ open today.   Are
The simple past form of the verb "teach" is:   taught
The singular of the word "cities" is........   City
The snowing season.   Winter
The sun is very _______ during the summer.   Hot
The teacher made ______ announcement.   An
The Titanic sank after __________ an iceberg.   hitting
The train leaves _____ 5 pm.   At
The woman is wearing _____.   A dress
The zoologist was studying the ____________ of tigers in their natural habitat.   behaviour
There ___ a cat on the table.   Is
There ___ a telephone in the kitchen.   Is
There ___ some children in the park.   Are
There ____ many books in your library.   Are
There ______ my pen on the desk.   Is
There ________ only water on that table.   was
There are ______ chairs in the kitchen.   Some
There are _______ hours in a day.   Twenty-four
There aren't _______ shop assistants.   Enough
There aren't ________ windows in this room.   Any
There has been a _________ increase in the number of people who have contracted the disease.   worrying
There is ____ University here.   A
There is _______ of paper in the photocopy machine.   plenty
There is a shop ____ the supermarket.   In front of
There is too _______ traffic.   Much
There isn't _______ sugar !   any
There will be a one-hundred-dollar __________ for anyone who finds my Siamese cat.   reward
These shoes are too tight. They are ______my toes!   hurting
They _______ lots of roses in this garden.   grow
They ________ eat Japanese food, because they hate it.   Don't
They always travel _________ train.   By
They are _______ in the sea.   Swimming
They have ________ begun to read the passage.   Already
They like Pop better _____ Rock.   than
This animal lives in the savannah.   Giraffe
This article ______ the truth.   tells
This channel _____ mostly history documentaries.   shows
This girl _____ sad   Is
This is ___ easy question.   An
This is ________ restaurant I know.   The best
This is Kurt's book, the red one is __________   mine
This is my ___________ bike.   Cousin's
This is my umbrella! ________ is on the table.   Yours
This is the church ____ I got married.   Where
This library contains a lot of ancient ________.   Books
This magazine ____ too expensive.   Is
Tim and Sarah are happy because ______ are on holiday.   They
To ___________ an interpreter, you need to be fluent in at least two languages.   become
Today I ________three letters.   Have written
Today is ________ than yesterday.   Hotter
Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow will be _______.   Wednesday
Tom ______ German fluently.   Speaks
Tomorrow I ________ studying hard.   Am
Two friends are talking on the road.   They are walking