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Scegliere la traduzione esatta.Ho un lavoro più interessante adesso.   I have a more interesting job now
Scrabble is the world's most popular word game. Alfred Butts, an architect, invented it ... found himself out of ... .   when/work
Select the best answer. "Alex likes apples, but she does ______ oranges".   not like
Select the best answer. "Ken ___________ in the library this morning".   is studying
Select the different meaning sentence   Hallo
Select the different meaning sentence   I'm annoyed by it
Select the right answer. "A dog is bigger than a mouse but smaller than an elephant".   An elephant is bigger than a dog
Select the wrong sentence:   It is miday
Select the wrong sentence:   I have any bread
She can't play the piano! In fact, she's ....   hopeless
She can't play the violin! In fact, she's ....   hopeless
She never spoke about herself and was always very ....... about the good things she had done.   modest
She slept very well last night'. 'Slept' is the past simple of the verb:   to sleep
She works quite hard. You can't accuse her ... being lazy   of
She's always late .......   isn't she?
Shirley enjoys science lessons, but all her experiments seem to ... wrong.   go
Sociologists maintain that some of the films on show today have created a generation of very ....... children.   frightened
Some people only read the ....... lines in a newspaper.   head
Somebody once used her advice and made a ....... out of buying shares in a small company that did well.   fortune
Something which is well-designed, easy to use and functional is described as:   user-friendly
Spoke is the past simple of the verb:   to speak