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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Yes, i've ... my exam.   passed
Yesterday I ... a famous movie star.   saw
Yesterday I ... a very long letter to the mayor of the city.   wrote
Yesterday I ... to the town centre to buy a present for my girlfriend.   went
You .. like me.   are
You ... do the cleaning, don't worry!   don't have to
You ... me of Laura Pausini.   remind
You ... pick those flowers; Mary wiII be really angry.   had better not
You ... the cleaning. I would have done it tonight.   needn't have done
You ... wonderful in that dress.   look
You ... wrong   are
You and Phil are ... .   alike
You are ... incredible person.   an
You are ... trouble young man!   in
You are very fit, Do you like to ... ?   work out
You can sit ... here and watch the game.   down
You can use .... for the pancakes.   flour
You didn't do the shopping, ... ?   did you
You have a very nice ... .   pronunciation
You have the ... shirt ... me,   same/as
You haven't studied, ... ?   have you
You look tired. You should ... plans for your next holiday!   make
You look very ... today.   smart
You remind me ... somebody I knew a long time ago   of
You should ... swimming.   take up
You speak too much. ... .   shut up
You studied yesterday, ... ?   didn't you
your glass is empty. Let me ... .   fill it
Your parents are going to go to France, ...?   aren't they
Your room is chaotic. You are very ... .   messy
Your son is much taller than when I last saw him. He ... a lot   has grown