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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Waiter, there's ... fly in my soup!   a
We ... a walk along the river   took
We ... in a Russian class. We ... in an English class.   aren't; are
We ... Italian food.   love
We ... Monday.   leave on
We ... three years ago in Boston.   met
We are ... June.   in
We are arriving ... Rome now.   in
We are going to Venice ... 3 days.   for
We bought ... a brand new car.   ourselves
We can ... from the menu.   order
We can eat here. I ... this restaurant.   know
We can probably find ... bed at that shop.   a comfortable
We can't get in ... we find the keys.   unless
We can't go out because there is a ... .   storm
We don't speak Italian in English ... .   class
We flew ... the Atlantic.   over
We have the same car ... you.   as
We have to drive ... the Channel Tunnel.   through
We like the ... .   alphabet
We make an omelette with ... .   eggs
We sailed ... the Channel on a speed boat.   across
We shall be there ... seven o'clock   at
We stopped ... a snack on the highway.   to get
Welcome to my house, come ...!   in
Welcome to the restaurant. Please ... here.   sit
We're going ... Italy for a holiday.   to
We're going to get there late. there's ... traffic.   a lot of
We're having ... dinner tonight. We are going to wear elegant clothes.   a
We're late, let's ... .   go
We're late, let's hurry ... .   up
We've ... a new house.   bought
What ... Beckham?   do you think of
What ... earth are you doing?   on
What ... of transport do you prefer?   means
What ... this christmas?   are you doing
What ... this summer?   are you doing
What are you going to do ... your broken PC?   about
What are you interested ... , Michael?   in
What are your ... at work?   duties
What did the criminal ... ?   look like
What did you ... for Christmas?   get
What do you mean ... with your extra salary?   to do
What does that sign ... ?   mean
What does your best friend look like? She ...   is tall and beautiful
What have you ... today? It's Armani clothes!   put on
What is he listening ... ?   to
What is the story ... ?   about
What is the synonym of the word "pedestrian"?   Walker
What kind of computer do you ... .   use
What time ... ?   does the market open
What time did he ... breakfast?   have
What time is it? It's ... .   half past two
What time is the ... .   meeting
What would you like sir? I ... the meat, please.   'll have
Whatever happens I will always ... you.   stand by
What's ... of that shirt?   the price
What's the ... of Italy?   capital
What's the ... wonderful thing in Rome?   the most
What's the time? It's ...   20 past 7
What's the time? It's ...   20 to 7
What's your ... ?   address
What's your ... football team?   favourite
What's your ... football team?   favourite
What's your ... name?   friend's
What's your ... of expertise   field
What's your email ... ?   address
What's your motorbike ... ?   like
When ... for Paris?   do you leave
When ... he coming?   is
When he arrived at the restaurant, they ... already eaten.   had
When I ... , I want to be a policeman.   grow up
When I ... , I want to do it in an old church.   marry
When I ... to Jamaica , we ate fresh fish on the beach every day.   went
When I travel, I always ... a medicine bag.   carry
When I was fourteen, I went ... a trip to France with my school   for
When I'm at geography lessons I always ... faces on my textbook.   draw
When is ... time to visit Thailand?   the best
When my sister goes on holiday, she asks me to look ... her pets   after
When she finally arrived, she apologized ... late.   for being
Where ... we go tonight?   shall
Where ... you play tennis?   do
Where ... you?   are
Where ... your friend from?   is
Where are you ...?   going?
Where are you? I ... near the phone box.   'm standing
Where did you ... ? In Sicily   grow up
Where do you ... ?   come from
Where is ... hotel?   the
Where is Mark?   he is there
Where is the Underground? It's ... the corner.   around
Where will you... your holidays?   spend
Where's Barcelona? ... in Spain.   It's
Where's Marek? ... in Poland.   He's
Where's Paolo? I'm not ... .   sure
Where's the ... . I need to go to the 5th floor.   lift
Which animals do you like?   I like cats
Which is the coldest ... in your country? Winter.   season
Which of these objects do you put on?   A jacket
Which one is different?   Knife
Which plural is correct?   Women
Which plural is correct?   Pieces
Which plural is correct?   Days
Which plural is correct?   Books
Which plural is correct?   Children
Which plural is correct?   Lashes
Who ... pasta?   likes
Who ... TV?   watches
Who did yo speak ...?   with
Who did you speak ...?   with
Whose car is this? I think it's ... .   hers
Whose car is this? Oh sorry, it's ... .   ours
Will you mind if I ... work late this evening?   don't
Would it be ... for you to meet me on Monday?   possible
Would you ... to travel for work?   be willing
Would you like ... you to the airport?   me to take
Would you like a burger or a hot dog? Mmm. ...are fine   both
Wow what a nice photo, you are ... .   beautiful
Wow, you look great!. Have you ... weight?   lost