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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Sales have increased nine percent from € 1.2m ... €1.4m.   to
Scegli un alternativa alla frase: "he always visits us".   he always comes around
Scegli un alternativa alla frase: "Maria entered the car".   Maria got in the car
Scegliere la forma verbale corretta per la seguente frase: "My friend Peter... late yesterday."   arrived
See you ... 5 p.m. tomorrow.   at
Select the word that is different.   wheel
Select the word that is different.   socks
Select the word that is different.   bin
Select the word that is different.   trousers
Select the word that is different.   smile
Select the word that is different.   cupboard
Shall I get anything for you at the supermarket? - Yes please, ... tomatoes.   get some
Shall we ... a snack?   have
Shall we go out for a ... ?   meal
She ... English books for many years   has been reading
She ... off her horse and hurt her wrist.   fell
She ... the child for the broken window.   blamed
She always puts ... in her coffee.   a lot of sugar
She cares for people. She's a ... .   nurse
She doesn't have time for her many ... .   hobbies
She got the ... out of the bag and counted ... .   money; it
She has ... sisters   many
She has been ... of murdering her husband.   accused
She is ... of the school.   the prettiest
She is eighteen but she can't ... a car.   drive
She is never .. time.   on
She is not slim. In fact, she is quite ... .   chubby
She kept driving ... in circles. She arrived 3 hours late.   round
She tied a bell round her cat's ... .   neck
She told Tom that he ... beside her.   could sit
She walked ... the room.   into
She works quite hard. You can't accuse her ... being lazy   of
Sheila isn't studying Greek, ...?   is she?
She's from ... . She's Asian.   Japan
She's Martha, ... ?   isn't she
She's old. She's ... .   eighty
Smartphones are great ... pictures.   for taking
Smile, you're ... camera!   on
Snow is ... .   cold
Some people think that Spanish is ... than Italian.   easier
Some workers believe that the unions are incapable to represent the needs of the employees and choose not to join ... .   them
Someone rang the doorbell; it ... be the postman.   must
Sometimes I travel ... .   for work
Sorry ... late!   for being
Sorry I can't stop, i'm ... a hurry.   in
Sorry i'm late. ... have you been here?   How long
Sorry i'm late. I've ... the bus.   missed
Sorry, I don't ... your name!   remember
Stand ... when the judge comes in.   up
Supplies ... into the disaster area last night.   were dropped
Susan ... in the car accident.   was hurt