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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Paris is a place where ... .   many couples go
Paul imagined ... a doctor.   being
Paul is very nice, ...?   isn't he
Pedestrians walk on the ... .   pavement
People ... nice.   are
Per rispondere al telefono, cosa si dice?   Hello?
Perhaps it's the oil. No, ... .   it can't be
Philip doesn't play football, ...?   does he
Pierre is a French boy. ... from ... .   He's; France
Pizza is ... pasta.   better than
Please ... this application form and the manager will see you soon after.   fill in
Please be ... . I'm studying.   quiet
Please call me when ... are ready.   you
Please drive ... . It's a dangerous road.   carefully
Please let me ... for the drinks.   pay
Please, ... yourself at home.   make
Providing passenger ... is an essential part of our airline mission.   satisfaction
Put the ... in the bin for me please.   rubbish