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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Many children have ... active imagination   an over
Many people are ... prison for ... crimes they have not committed   in/the
Many women are scared by ... .   large spiders
Marcel is French. He has just returned ... France after two years abroad   to
Marcus is good at ... .   writing
Marika is ... a good cook.   such
Mark ... a sister.   doesn't have
Mark ... hard.   works
Mark ... John for a long time.   has known
Mark ... that i'm really smart.   told me
Mark ... watched a fantastic movie recently.   has
Mark is my friend. He's ... .   nice
Mark must wear Glasses, ...?   mustn't he
Mark needs a visa, and ... .   so do I
Marta ... pizza.   doesn't like
Martha ... a lot in the afternoon.   has to study
Mathew is coming at ... 8 p.m. .   around
Matthew is watching TV, ...?   isn't he
May is ... Spring.   in
Michael can ... You!   see
Mike asked me where he ... to put the washing machine.   was
Mmm, this cake is ... .   lovely
Mormons can have many ... .   wives
My ... have gone on a school trip.   classmates
My ... hurt!   feet
My ... is my mom's most beautiful sister.   aunt
My ... is my mom's most successful brother.   uncle
My ... is my sister's oldest child.   nephew
My ... name is Mike.   brother's
My ... ticket was really expensive.   plane
My boss was angry because I was 2 hours ... .   late
My brother is ... engineer. He lives ... London   an/in
My clothes are all dirty. I need to do the ... .   laundry
My dad ... at 7 o'clock everyday.   gets up
My father ... me an iphone for my birthday.   gave
My favourite ... of the day is breakfast.   meal
My favourite cars are ...   Fiats
My friend ... in the corner in silence.   sat
My friend ... me a funny story.   told
My friends and I don't often go for a pizza. Only ... .   seldom
My friends are angry. They are not talking to me ... .   at the moment
My friend's son ...Turkish and English at University.   studies
My girfriend ... me clean the house!   makes
My head hurts. I think I have a ... .   headache
My house is ... San Lorenzo   in
My husband doesn't mind ... with me.   going shopping
My husband really enjoys ... pictures.   taking
My jacket is ... .   there
My name is Lisa. ... Lisa Peterson.   I am
My parents are checking ... tomorrow.   in
My PC doesn't ... . I can't use it now.   work
My pen is different ... your pen.   from
My phone is broken, I need to ... it.   repair
My room is dirty I need to ... it.   clean
My school is near ... city centre.   the
My wife doesn't work, she is a ... .   housewife