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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Have you ... about the big tornado?   heard
Have you ... met a famous person?   ever
Have you ... the dishes yet?   dried
Have you ... your bags? We're late.   packed
Have you been to the salon? Your hair ... nice.   looks
Have you considered ... a job abroad?   getting
Have you sent them a text? No, I don't ... , I call them usually.   text
He ... along the road when he heard an explosion.   was walking
He ... anything urgent last Friday, so He decided to leave the office early.   didn't have to do
He ... football.   plays
He ... his car every weekend.   washes
He ... me several questions   asked
He ... me that he ... come today   told/might
He ... on that chair last time.   sat
He ... out of the car and surprised me!   jumped
He ... the boss tomorrow.   must meet
He eats too much, that's why he's so ... .   fat
He had an accident because he was ... .   drunk
He hadn't ... when I visited him at the hospital.   recovered
He has got a very good ... with a computer factory.   job
He has got a very good ... with a semiconductor factory.   job
He hasn't got ... money with him.   much
He is ... his father   like
He is ... teacher.   a
He left ... the 8 o'clock train.   by
He returned after midnight and ... his surprise, everybody was still up.   to
He sent me to Spain, because he wanted ... Spanish.   me to learn
he speaks English ... .   beutifully
He told me he ... in Rome for three months.   had been
He understands your point of view. ..., I don't agree with it.   However
He used to ... how to drive.   know
He was offered the position of manager, but he ... .   turned it down
He won't be late, ... ?   will he
He works ... every day.   hard
He'll stay for another week if he ... some money.   earns
Help yourself to food. You can have ... you want.   anything
Henry is 65. He will be retiring from his job ... two years time   in
He's ... good pupil.   such a
He's ... important person.   an
He's a good musician. He ... guitar really well.   plays
He's a policeman. He ... bad people.   arrests
He's not reserved at all. In fact, he's ... .   outgoing
He's picking his cousin ... from the airport later today.   up
He's the man ... son works for FIAT.   whose
Hey Sam, How are you? I'm ... thank you.   fine
Hi Mark, can you call me back later? I ... to the station.   am driving
Hi Tom. ... in my class.   You're
His ... directions misled us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.   ambiguous
How ... do you eat for lunch?   much
How ... experience have you had?   much
How ... the school exam?   difficult is
How ... were you when you were a kid? About 1.30 cm.   tall
How ... you?   are
How ...?   are your preparations going
How did you like your trip? ... .   I had lots of fun
How do you ... "banana"?   spell
How do you ... this word?   pronounce
How do you say this ... ?   word
How far is the cinema? It's about a 5 minute ... from here .   walk
How long are you ... in Venice?   staying
How long have these experiments ... done?   been
How many ... do you have?   watches
How many ... do you have?   children
How many ... furniture do you have in your room?   pieces of
How much ... do you have in your room?   furniture
How much ... do you have?   money
How much ... the t-shirts?   are
How much do you ... ? Around 65 kg.   weigh
How much is the t-shirt? it's 20 ... .   pounds
How nice, you look ... .   lovely
How old are you?   I'm 20
Hurry, we are ... .   late