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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

David ... a magazine.   is reading
Did you happen ... your old papers?   to find
Do you ... jogging in the park?   do
Do you have ... sisters.   any
Do you have a pen? i'm sorry but I... .   don't have one
Do you have any Coca Cola? Yes, ... .   sure
Do you have to speak English ... work?   at
Do you know ... ?   how far the station is
Do you know ... ?   us
Do you know Marian and Michael? No, I don't know ... .   them
Do you know Marian? No, I don't know ... .   her
Do you Know Mark? Yes, I've ... him before.   met
Do you know Michael? No, I don't know ... .   him
Do you like ... ?   pasta
Do you like ...?   them
Do you like pasta? Yes, ... nice.   It's
Do you like pizza ... ?   too
Do you want ... orange?   an
Do you want some more ... ?   potatoes
Do you want to ... a table at the restaurant?   book
Do you worry ... Your child?   about
Does anyone know how much ... on staff per year?   the Company spends
Does he ... TV?   watch
Does Maria ... cheesecake?   like
Does Mark know John? Yes, they know ... .   each other
Don't ... at me. I'm not beautiful!   look
Don't ... it with your hand or you will get an electric shock.   touch
Don't ... paper on the streets. Use the bin.   throw
Don't ... that button or we will explode.   push
Don't ... the road here. It's dangerous.   cross
Don't leave the paper on the floor. ... .   Pick it up
During the training the coach ... the whole team into four groups.   split