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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

C: How much is it? Sk: it's £2.50. C: here is £5. Sk: here is £2.50 ... .   change
Can I ... a question?   ask
Can I ... you, sir?   help
Can I have a milkshake please? I'm sorry, it's ... .   finished
Can I have an ice cream? Yes. here you ... .   go
Can I pay ... cash?   in
Can I pay ... credit card?   by
Can I pay ... credit card?   by
Can you ... a PC?   use
Can you ... from 1 to 10 in Chinese?   count
Can you ... me to buy some food for tonight.   remind
Can you ... the question?   answer
Can you ... your name in Spanish?   say
Can you ask ... not to write on the desk, please?   him
Can you give me ... information about the metro, please?   some
Can you show ... use this computer?   me how to
Can you speak ... English?   any
Central Park is lovely ... the snow.   in
Choose the correct form :   an apple
Choose the correct form :   a dog
Choose the correct form :   a hat
Choose the correct form. "I was about ... when the phone rang."   to leave
Choose the correct form. "This is my sister; do you know ... name?"   her
Choose the correct form. "What time ... to bed?"   do you usually go
Choose the correct form. I have not had the ... to read the newspaper today.   possibility
Choose the correct form. She ... many different jobs since she moved to silicon valley.   has had
Choose the correct form. The office is open from 9 in the morning ... 6 in the evening, Monday to Friday.   until
Choose the correct form:   I went to the cinema last night
Choose the correct sentence:   Mary and Sue always help each other
Choose the correct sentence:   As it was raining I stayed at home
Choose the correct sentence:   Bob and Mary have been married since July
Choose the correct sentence:   How long have you been living in London?
Choose the number between five and seven :   six
Choose the right way to begin this question: ... you think you'll miss her?   Do
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. "... if I open the window?"   Do you mind
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. "... is strong enough to lift it".   None of us
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. "I urgently need information on the climate in Patagonia but ...".   I can't find it
Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. "She has never ... at a public event before".   spoken
Chop sticks are ... Chinese food.   for eating
Colin and John are tired because ... work too much.   they
Colin is really talented. He should be just a little more self-... if he wants to do something with his life.   confident
Colin is very busy. He has a lot of work ... .   to do
Colin stayed with us ... six months.   for
Come si traduce in Inglese: "è a casa che gioca con suo figlio"   he's at home playing with his son
Come si traduce in Inglese: "incamminarsi"?   get going
Come si traduce in Inglese: "posso aiutarla?".   can I help you
Come si traduce la frase "ho intenzione di studiare per diventare un pilota" in Inglese?   I'm going to study to become a pilot.
Come si traduce la frase:"tutto e' molto buono".   everything is very nice
Come to ... tonight!   mine
come to my house ... monday.   on
Complete correctly. "My holiday is ... July."   in
Complete correctly. It's ... expensive for a european student to study in the best american universities.   too
Complete correctly. When I finish the course, I ... work in a software house.   could
Con lo scopo di dare aiuto, completa la frase: "... I show you how it works?".   shall
Cosa significa il termine "anything" in una frase di tipo negativa?   niente
Costa Rica is ... than England.   hotter
Could you please turn on the ... .   light
Could you tell me ... to the station, please?   the way