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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Eating _____ of sugar isn't good for you.   a lot
Empty vessels _____ the _____ noise.   make / most
Ernest never does anything stupid. He's really _____.   sensible
Every ____ girl except me is _____ jeans.   other / wearing
Every day, he _____ to the bus stop and ______ the bus.   walks; takes
Every night i like to read ......... to my children   aloud
Everything is going well. We ... ... any problems so far   haven't had
Excuse me, ____ I ____ you?   may / interrupt
Excuse me, _____ that seat _____?   is / occupied
Excuse me, how do you _____ to the station?   get
Excuse me, I have an appointment with Miss Rossi.   Mi scusi ho un appuntamento con la signorina Rossi
Excuse me, is there a supermarket _____?   nearby
Excuse me, Mrs. Jones, would you mind.........me a favour?   doing
Excuse me, would you mind.......a little more slowly?   speaking
Excuse me. ____   Can you give me a light?