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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Have you got many relatives? No, not _____   many
Have you... a sports car?   ever driven
He ____ his car ____ year.   bought / last
He ____ to know your telephone ____.   wanted / number
He can't come to the phone. He ____ a shower.   is having
He drove off without saying a word.   È partito senza dire una parola.
He has ____ lived ____.   always / in Paris
He has got a _____ of friends   lot
He has.........   such an old car
He is _____ Manchester   from
He is _____ than me   taller
He is very good _____ maths   at
He passed the exam because he made very few ____.   mistakes
He threw away a chance to go to China.   Ha sprecato l'occasione di andare in Cina.
He turned up just as the meeting was ending.   Lui è arrivato proprio quando la riunione stava per concludersi.
He works _____ and _____.   quickly / well
He works.......engineer   as an
He... in this office when the fire alam went off   was working
He.........me by four games to two   beat
He.........spending the day in bed   ended up
He......me he.......in love with Susan   told-had fallen
He......speak English very well   can
Henry, my son, has married a beautiful woman, Sandra. She's my_____.   Daughter-in-law.
Her career never.....   took off
Her husband ____ politics.   isn't interested in
Her room is not very ____. There are things everywhere.   tidy
Her son _____ three years old   is
He's been.........with manslaughter   charged
He's really ____ meeting your sister.   looking forward to
His first book sold over 50.000 copies, but it was a flash in the........   pan
His first... to the news was one of total disbelief   reaction
His secretary took my message........   down
His.........son is still at school   eldest
How _____ is it?   much
How _____ times can you bounce a ball without missing?   many
How can we translate the following sentence: - Dal parrucchiere- "Vuole che siano lavati prima i capelli?".   - At the hairdresser's- "Do you want your hair washing first?".
How can we translate the following sentence: "É un libro molto buono ma non si è venduto bene perchè non si legge facilmente".   It is a really good book but it didn't sell well because it doesn't read easily.
How can we translate the following sentence: "Ho bisogno di riparare il mio orologio".   I need my watch repairing.
How can we translate the following sentence: "Si dice che il tasso di criminalità di Boston sia diminuito di più di quello di New York".   Boston's crime rate is said to have decreased more than that of New York.
How do you do? _____   Very well
How do you say this number? 17,250   seventeen thousand two hundred and fifty
How do you write the year 1968?   nineteen sixty eight
How does he usually _____ to Italy?   travel
How long ____ your car?   have you had
How long have you been working -------------- Bianchi Ltd?   At.
How many _____ are there in your class?   children
How many students _____ in your class?   are there
How many syllables are in "honorableness"?   5.
How many syllables are in "Unimaginatively"?   7.
How old is she ? She _____ 24   is
How should you finish a letter which starts with the following words? Dear Mr. Brown,   Yours sincerely
How was the exam? How did you.......?   get on