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Hasn't he stopped working ... ?   yet
Have a ... at my car, please. It has a problem.   look
Have you ... a noise?   heard
Have you ... about the big tornado?   heard
Have you ... met a famous person?   ever
Have you ... the dishes yet?   dried
Have you ... your bags? We're late.   packed
Have you been to the salon? Your hair ... nice.   looks
Have you considered ... a job abroad?   getting
Have you considered ... to London?   moving
Have you decided what ...?   to order
Have you ever ... Indian food?   tried
Have you ever ... the movie "Scarface"?   seen
Have you ever ... to the Eiffel Tower?   been
Have you ever been ... France?   to
Have you ever flown ... the Alps?   over
Have you finished your homework ...?   yet
Have you found a job ...?   yet
Have you got ... tissues?   any
Have you heard ... your client today?   from
Have you sent them a text? No, I don't ... , I call them usually.   text
Have you tidied your room yet? Yes, it's all ... now.   clean
He ... a skirt today   has bought
He ... along the road when he heard an explosion.   was walking
He ... anything urgent last Friday, so He decided to leave the office early.   didn't have to do
He ... be silent!   must
He ... distressed when the boss shouted at him.   looked
He ... football.   plays
He ... from Germany.   isn't
He ... guilty when he broke the mirror.   felt
He ... hands with Susan when she came in.   shook
He ... him in the face!   hit
He ... his car every weekend.   washes
He ... in his office at the moment. Phone and see.   may be working
He ... maths.   teaches
He ... me a nice present   brought
He ... me he ... in love with Susan   told - had fallen
He ... me several questions   asked
He ... me that he ... come today   told/might
He ... me what I ... doing   asked/was
He ... me with a very strange expression   looked at
He ... on that chair last time.   sat
He ... out of the car and surprised me!   jumped
He ... over and twisted his ankle.   fell
He ... sincere when he said sorry.   sounded
He ... smoke in my face. How rude.   blew
He ... speak English very well   can
He ... that he ... come tomorrow   said/would
He ... the boss tomorrow.   must meet
He ... the room with a nice candle. It was so romantic.   lit
He ... TV.   watches
He accused the man ... stealing   of
He aimed ... the bird   at
He always works hard.   very
He appears ... on the project at the moment   to be working
He can play the ... very well.   fiddle
He decided that there was a ... for a board game based on words and ... to design one.   market/set out
He didn't say ... to the police.   anything
He does not wish ... any reward   for
He drove ... during the race.   nicely
He eats too much, that's why he's so ... .   fat
He forgot her name but she didn't forget ... .   his
He gave ... .   me a gold ring
He had a pension that provided him with a small ... .   income
He had an accident because he was ... .   drunk
He hadn't ... when I visited him at the hospital   recovered
He hadn't ... when I visited him at the hospital.   recovered
He has ... many things in his life.   done
He has a ... to think he knows best in every situation.   tendency
He has a lot of money and property. He's a very ... man.   wealthy
He has been living in Rome ... his birth.   since
He has been trying to stop for a long time, but he can't really ... smoking.   help
He has given her a present and ... her he loves her.   told
He has got a very good ... with a computer factory.   job
He has got a very good ... with a semiconductor factory.   job
He has lots of money and two houses in the city.   owns
He has presented a good project ... his brother has done nothing.   whereas
He has run ... from the suburbs to the centre. He must be exhausted.   all the way
He has such good ... .   manners
He hasn't bought his wife any flowers ... ages.   for
He hasn't got ... money with him.   much
He insisted ... going ... London   on/to
He invited her ... dinner.   to
He invited me ... his party.   to
He is ... .   an artist
He is ... .   an artist
He is ... his father   like
He is ... teacher.   a
He is ... to his father.   similar
He is 2 metres ... .   tall
He is a ... person.   polite
He is a hot-head.   He is fierce.
He is a well-... scholar.   educated
He is afraid ... people with bad tempers.   of
He is looking ... a present to buy his girlfriend.   for
He is my father's wife's son. He is my ... .   stepbrother
He is my sister's husband. He is my ... .   brother-in-law
He is my wife's father. He is my ... .   father-in-law
He is quite ... doing that   capable of
He is the person ... dog bit me.   whose
He is the person ... I know.   who
He is the person ... I work with.   whom
He is the person ... wife makes excellent cakes.   whose
He is the person I write ... every week.   to
He is two metres ... .   tall
He is very difficult to get ... with and a lot of people want to leave.   on
He is very informed ... all things technological.   on
He is very lucky to have got himself a job.   plum
He left ... the 8 o'clock train.   by
He left me ... in the rain.   waiting
He lives in the apartment ... me.   above
He looked for ... to sit at the bar.   somewhere
He lost the control of his car and crashed ... a wall   into
He managed ... the right combination of authority and understanding   to find
He offered ... me home but I declined. I like to walk.   to take
He often ... dark suits   wears
He often listens ... some music before sleeping   to
He ran very ... .   quickly
He reacts ... when you speak about his school results.   angrily
He returned after midnight and ... his surprise, everybody was still up.   to
He said he ... go to meet his friends. You should believe him.   didn't
He said he would ... before finally deciding.   think it over
He said that he ... the pearls for his mother.   had brought
He sent me to Spain, because he wanted ... Spanish.   me to learn
He speaks ... English.   fluent
he speaks English ... .   beutifully
He speaks English ... .   fluently
He spoke to me me very .... .   politely
He still insists ... adopting that solution.   on
He tends to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like the typical professor.   absent-minded
He thought they would all share the cost of the meal but unfortunately he ... up paying for everybody.   ended
He told me he ... in Rome for three months.   had been
He told me that he ... in Spain the previous year.   had been working
He took me ... the party and we had a lovely evening.   to
He travels ... often.   overseas
He understands your point of view. ..., I don't agree with it.   However
He used to ... how to drive.   know
He usually sits near ... .   her
He was ... I met at the party.   the one
He was ... other business when I rang.   dealing with
He was a successful business manager ... he had very little experience as a CEO.   even though
He was charged ... murder   with
He was home, ... TV yesterday.   watching
He was offered the position of manager, but he ... .   turned it down
He was reading a book on botany ... through the night.   all
He was the first to use many new inventions, ... sound and colour.   including
He was very nice ... me .   to
He went away a ... ago.   while
He went away instead ... waiting   of
He went into the room and saw them ...   sleeping
He will come ... afternoon.   in the
He will dispose ... all this property   of
He will sit in the room to keep ... warm.   himself
He won't be late, ... ?   will he
He works ... every day.   hard
Helen found a good job, and ... Peter.   so did
He'll stay for another week if he ... some money.   earns
Hello john, how are you?   I'm fine, and you?
Hello! My ... Maria. I ... Mexico.   name is; am from
Hello, ... Mrs White from room 201. Do you have room service?   this is
Hello, is Mr Jones ...?   in
Hello, my .... Alan.   name's
Hello, what ... your name?   is
Help yourself to food. You can have ... you want.   anything
Henry is 65. He will be retiring from his job ... two years time   in
Her ... twist when she smiles. She's so cute.   lips
Her hair looks terrible. She should go to the ... .   hairdresser's
Her parents want ... to the University.   her to go
Here, have a tissue. I always ... a pack with me.   carry
He's ... good pupil.   such a
He's ... important person.   an
He's ... nine years old.   nearly
He's a good musician. He ... guitar really well.   plays
He's a policeman. He ... bad people.   arrests
He's an artist. He ... very well.   paints
He's from London and he can't ... speak English!   even
He's interested ... learning Spanish.   in
He's my mechanic. He ... my car.   fixes
He's not Italian, he's ... .   a foreigner
He's not reserved at all. In fact, he's ... .   outgoing
He's picking his cousin ... from the airport later today.   up
He's so ... . everyone likes him.   polite
He's still getting ... the shock of losing his job.   over
He's the man ... son works for FIAT.   whose
He's very ... . He loves to be around people.   sociable
He's young. He's ... .   eighteen
Hey Sam, How are you? I'm ... thank you.   fine
Hi Jim, How are you? i'm very well, ... ?   and you
Hi John, ... great to see you last week.   it was
Hi Mark, can you call me back later? I ... to the station.   am driving
Hi my name's John. I work ... bank. And you?   in a
Hi Tom. ... in my class.   You're
His ... directions misled us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.   ambiguous
His ... son is still at school   eldest
His office is on the second ... of the building.   floor
Horror movies are very ... .   scary
Houdini ... famous when he went to America.   got
How ... are trains in your city?   frequent
How ... brothers and sisters do you have?   many
How ... do you eat for lunch?   much
How ... do you travel for work?   often
How ... does it take to make a plate of pasta?   long
How ... experience have you had?   much
How ... have you been to Rome? About five.   many times
How ... have you had those jeans? They look very old.   long
How ... is the lake?   deep
How ... is your house from here?   far
How ... say hello in Italian?   do you
How ... the school exam?   difficult is
How ... water do you want?   much
How ... were you when you were a kid? About 1.30 cm.   tall
How ... you?   are
How ...?   are your preparations
How are you Nick? I'm fine. Everything ... well.   is
How did the convention go, Sam? ... , it went quite well.   All in all
How did you ... so fit Jenny? You look great!   get
How did you ... your weekend? I went fishing.   spend
How did you get there? Did you go ... train?   by
How did you like your trip? ... .   I had lots of fun
How do I ... to Piccadilly Circus?   get
How do I ... to Victoria Station?   get
How do you ... "banana" in english?   say
How do you ... "banana"?   spell
How do you ... fit?   keep
How do you ... healthy?   stay
How do you ... this word?   pronounce
How do you ... this word?   pronounce
How do you ... your parents?   get on with
How do you ... your surname?   spell
How do you get ... home to your school?   from
How do you say this ... ?   word
How far is the cinema? It's about a 5 minute ... from here .   walk
How lazy our boy is! He only goes and visits his grandparents ... .   once in a while
How long ... English?   have you been learning
How long ... here?   have you been
How long ... in Paris?   have you been living
How long ... your car?   have you had
How long are you ... in Venice?   staying
How long does it ... to get to work from your house?   take
How long does your lesson ...?   last
How long have these experiments ... done?   been
How long have you ... in this country?   lived
How many ... do you have?   watches
How many ... do you have?   children
How many ... furniture do you have in your room?   pieces of
How many children ... Jane got?   has
How many times ... playing football?   have you been hurt
How much ... do you have in your room?   furniture
How much ... do you have?   money
How much ... the t-shirts?   are
How much do you ... ? Around 65 kg.   weigh
How much is the ... to Piccadilly metro station?   fare
How much is the t-shirt? it's 20 ... .   pounds
How much is this postcard? It's free of ... .   charge
How much money do you spend ... food each week?   on
How nice, you look ... .   lovely
How old are you?   I'm 20
How was the exam? How did you ... ?   get on
Hurry up! We have got to go ... five minutes   in
Hurry, we are ... .   late