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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Sadly their marriage of 25 years ... in divorce.   ended
Sales have increased nine percent from € 1.2m ... €1.4m.   to
Sam ... now.   is studying
Scegli l'ordine corretto delle parole   what is the movie about?
Scegli l'ordine corretto delle parole   he dances the waltz beautifully
Scegli un alternativa alla frase: "he always visits us".   he always comes around
Scegli un alternativa alla frase: "I like to wear elegant clothes".   I like to put on elegant clothes
Scegli un alternativa alla frase: "Maria entered the car".   Maria got in the car
Scegli un alternativa alla frase: "Maria likes wearing hats".   Maria likes putting on hats
Scegli un alternativa alla frase: "The plane arrives at 11 a.m."   The plane gets in at 11 a.m.
Scegli un alternativa alla frase:"look it up on the net."   search for it on the net.
Scegliere la forma verbale corretta per la seguente frase: "My friend Peter... late yesterday."   arrived
Scegliere la forma verbale corretta per la seguente frase: You...at school yesterday.   weren't
Scrabble is the world's most popular word game. Alfred Butts, an architect, invented it ... found himself out of ... .   when/work
See you ... 5 p.m. tomorrow.   at
See you later Mark. ... a good day.   have
Select the different meaning sentence   I'll be there in a week
Select the different meaning sentence   I'm annoyed by it
Select the different meaning sentence   She is so rude
Select the different meaning sentence   I failed to drive my brother's motorcar
Select the different meaning sentence   She is excepting a child
Select the different meaning sentence   I can't see my brother-in-law
Select the different meaning sentence   Hallo
Select the different meaning sentence   Please
Select the different meaning sentence   Cheer up!
Select the different meaning sentence   Please
Select the different meaning sentence   I hate music
Select the opposite of the verb "buy".   sell
Select the word that is different.   boots
Select the word that is different.   skirt
Select the word that is different.   belt
Select the word that is different.   socks
Select the word that is different.   tie
Select the word that is different.   peg
Select the word that is different.   test
Select the word that is different.   taste
Select the word that is different.   arm
Select the word that is different.   hang out
Select the word that is different.   text
Select the word that is different.   cover
Select the word that is different.   beard
Select the word that is different.   lazy
Select the word that is different.   friendly
Select the word that is different.   kitchen
Select the word that is different.   wheel
Select the word that is different.   socks
Select the word that is different.   keys
Select the word that is different.   bin
Select the word that is different.   trousers
Select the word that is different.   smile
Select the word that is different.   cupboard
Select the word that is different.   a few
Select the word that is different.   hungry
Select the word that is different.   cash
Select the word that is different.   adopt
Select the word that is different.   antique
Select the word that is different.   engaged
Select the word that is different.   divorced
Select the word that is different.   card
Select the word that is different.   friend
Select the word that is different.   fare
Select the word that is different.   sightseeing
Select the word that is different.   terrific
Select the word that is different.   awful
Select the word that is different.   votes
Select the word that is different.   nickname
Select the word that is different.   glove
Select the word that is different.   cared
Select the word that is different.   lamb
Select the wrong sentence:   It is miday
Select the wrong sentence:   What the hour is?
Select the wrong sentence:   It is noon a.m.
Select the wrong sentence:   Watch's mine is runs
Select the wrong sentence:   I shall go there the Ascension Day
Select the wrong sentence:   I have any bread
Select the wrong sentence:   I haven't no friends here
Select the wrong sentence:   Do you want a tea?
Select the wrong sentence:   Who will give me any coffee?
Select the wrong sentence:   The man of I speak
Select the wrong sentence:   The man who speak
Select the wrong sentence:   They can't speak English, don't they?
Select the wrong sentence:   He received a letter from Mary, and did I
Select the wrong sentence:   She will be there tomorrow morning. So do I
Seleziona la frase giusta.   I rarely travel abroad in summer.
Seleziona la frase giusta.   Is this yours, Mark?
Seleziona la frase giusta.   I really like going trekking
Senna died in a car ... .   accident
Seventy significa...   70
Shall I get anything for you at the supermarket? - Yes please, ... tomatoes.   get some
Shall we ... a snack?   have
Shall we ... a time and date to meet?   fix
Shall we get a taxi or shall we go ... foot?   on
Shall we go out for a ... ?   meal
Shall we have one ... drink?   more
Shall we meet at 7 pm? No, let's ... it 8 pm, ok?   make
Shall we play a game ... tennis?   of
She ... a big car.   has
She ... a lot of jewellery when she goes for a night out.   wears
She ... a uniform.   wears
She ... anything urgent last Friday, so she decided to leave the office early.   didn't have to do
She ... English books for many years   has been reading
She ... her neighbour's children for the broken window.   blamed
She ... me to go to school.   told
She ... nice.   isn't
She ... off her horse and hurt her wrist.   fell
She ... the child for the broken window.   blamed
She ... to school at Saint Mary's.   goes
She ... to the office next Monday.   will return
She ... to the office next Monday.   will return
She always puts ... in her coffee.   a lot of sugar
She cares for people. She's a ... .   nurse
She cures people. She's a ... .   doctor
She didn't say ...   anything
She doesn't have time for her many ... .   hobbies
She entered the room suddenly and found them ... .   smoking
She gave a good ... at the ceremony.   speech
She got a very challenging job soon after ... university.   leaving
She got into a lot of ... when she was at school.   trouble
She got the ... out of the bag and counted ... .   money; it
She has ... sisters   many
She has a strange fashion ... . She always looks like an American Indian.   sense
She has been ... of murdering her husband.   accused
She has been ... the USA ... three years.   in / for
She has been ... the USA ... three years.   in; for
She has fallen ... because she is wearing stiletto shoes.   over
She hasn't come home ....   yet
She hasn't finished ... the book yet.   reading
She is ... of the school.   the prettiest
She is ... quick ... me.   as/as
She is always fond ...   of talking
She is athlete.   an
She is eighteen but she can't ... a car.   drive
She is my brother's wife. She is my ... .   sister-in-law
She is my dad's wife. She's my ... .   stepmother
She is my father's wife's daughter. She is my ... .   stepsister
She is my wife's mother. She is my ... .   mother-in-law
She is never .. time.   on
She is not slim. In fact, she is quite ... .   chubby
She is the person I work ... .   for
She is wearing a fantastic ... .   dress
She kept driving ... in circles. She arrived 3 hours late.   round
She looks ... a famous film star.   like
She looks ... she's going to be sick.   as if
She made the paper ... an aeroplane.   into
She never spoke about herself and was always very ....... about the good things she had done.   modest
She only accepted the job ... the salary, which was rather low   in spite of
She said that they had ... of selling the house but had decided... .   been thinking; not to
She sings ... .   beautifully
She speaks German ... well   very
She tied a bell around her cat's ... .   neck
She tied a bell round her cat's ... .   neck
She told him ... away.   to go
She told Tom that he ... beside her.   could sit
She travels a lot ... to write interesting reportages.   in order
She tried to be serious, but she couldn't help ...   laughing
She walked ... the room.   into
She wanted to ... as much as possible.   find out
She wants to ... married soon.   get
She was ... a very heavy case   carrying
She was ... successful, but, when Hollywood became famous, the best days of the independent New York film companies were ... .   immediately/over
She was surprised that he ... remember her name.   could not
She washed her dress ... hand.   by
She works quite hard. You can't accuse her ... being lazy   of
Sheila ... the park.   likes to go to
Sheila isn't studying Greek, ...?   is she?
She's ... . She's from Asia.   Chinese
She's been ... Thailand recently.   to
She's from ... . She's Asian.   Japan
She's from ... . She's Asian.   China
She's Martha, ... ?   isn't she
She's old. She's ... .   eighty
Shirley enjoys science lessons, but all her experiments seem to ... wrong.   go
Silvia is Spanish but ... passport is Italian.   her
Smartphones are great ... pictures.   for taking
Smile, you're ... camera!   on
Snow is ... .   cold
So sorry i'm late. ... have you waited?   how long
Sociologists maintain that some of the films on show today have created a generation of very children.   frightened
Some friends of ... are sleeping here tonight   theirs
Some people ... Scotland speak a different language called Gaelic.   in
Some people believe that the world is rapidly running ... oil.   out of
Some people think that Spanish is ... than Italian.   easier
Some tourists were missing, since they had been ... by a group of terrorists.   kidnapped
Some workers believe that the unions are incapable to represent the needs of the employees and choose not to join ... .   them
Someone has left the TV ... .   on
Someone rang the doorbell; it ... be the postman.   must
Sometimes I travel ... .   for work
Sometimes I wish I what the future holds.   knew
Sorry ... late!   for being
Sorry can you explain that again. I'll just ... a map, it's easier.   draw
Sorry I can't come, i'm studying ... .   at the moment
Sorry I can't stop, i'm ... a hurry.   in
Sorry i'm late. ... have you been here?   How long
Sorry i'm late. I've ... the bus.   missed
Sorry miss I didn't have time to do my homework. Well, that's not a good ... .   excuse
Sorry to ... you again but I need another pillow for the bed.   bother
Sorry you'll have to speak ........   up
Sorry, I don't ... your name!   remember
Sorry, I'm late. The car ... on the way here   broke down
Sostituisci il soggetto ed oggetto con i pronomi corretti nella frase: "Mr Watson said that the mystery was over."   he/it
Sound comes in waves, and the higher the frequency, ...   the higher the pitch
Stand ... when the judge comes in.   up
Stand ... when the teacher enters the room, please.   up
Steve Jobs died ... his 50's. He was still young.   in
Stop arguing you two. You should ... say sorry and make up.   both
Stop wasting other ... time.   people's
Students need to study hard for ... tests.   their
Sue was offered a Job as a translator, but she ...   turn down
Supplies ... into the disaster area last night.   were dropped
Susan ... in the car accident.   was hurt
Susan ... up at seven o'clock and goes to bed at eleven.   gets
Sushi is just ... fish with rice. Anyone can make it!   raw