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Few linguists would argue against the view that our first language is acquired and not learned. Pre- school children do not study their native tongue nor do they learn grammar rules but, by the time they start school at the age of five or six, the vast majority are competent users of their language. Therefore, when learning a second or additional language, studying grammar is a waste of time and all that is required is exposure to the target language in order to acquire competency in its use. Which one of the following identifies the underlying assumption of the above argument?   Acquiring a second or additional language is the same process as acquiring a first language
Fill in blanks. "There was a famous scientist that thought only about his work. One day he felt hungry, he went into the kitchen, boiled some water and took an egg from the cupboard. He wanted to boil the egg for three minutes. As he was thinking about his work, he put his swatch into the _____ water. Then he stood with the egg in his hand, looking at it. The servant came into the kitchen. The scientist was very surprised when she told him what he ______".   boiling / was doing
Fill in the back. "I was born in 1927, the only child of middle-class parents. I was ____ to a public school, I wasted two years doing my national service, I went to Oxford; and there I ____ to discover I was not the person I wanted to be. I had long before made the discovery that I lacked the parents and ancestors I needed.   sent / began
Fill in the blank " He .... it!".   made me do
Fill in the blank with an appropriate verb form. "Good luck with the exam. I .............................. of you".   will be thinking
Fill in the blank with an appropriate verb form. "I ______ the minister tomorrow".   am seeing
Fill in the blank with an appropriate verb form: "After I .............................. with him for a few weeks, I developed a strange liking for him".   had worked
Fill in the blank with an appropriate verb form: "All the trouble .............................. by you".   was caused
Fill in the blank with an appropriate verb form: "The phone is ringing. I ___________ it."   will answer
Fill in the blank with the right word. "Can we have a table ... the window?".   by
Fill in the blank with the right word. "The police car disappeared ___ the corner".   round
Fill in the blank. " .... you nor your boyfriend will have to work next week!"   Neither
Fill in the blank. " ....................... on tip-toe, he reached for the apple".   Standing
Fill in the blank. " Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. lt gives me great pleasure to introduce _________"   ourselves to you
Fill in the blank. " If I listen to __________ music, I get a headache".   loud
Fill in the blank. " Italy is much ________ than Germany".   smaller
Fill in the blank. " l'd like to _________ my mother".   introduce you to
Fill in the blank. " Most country roads are narrow, but roads in the cities are usually______ "   wide
Fill in the blank. " The boy ....................... watch had been stolen complained to the teacher.   whose
Fill in the blank. " This is the hotel ........................ our meetings usually take place".   where
Fill in the blank. "... are you coming back from France?".   When
Fill in the blank. "... are you leaving for the summer holidays?".   When
Fill in the blank. "... can we get some information about this old church?".   Where
Fill in the blank. "... did you arrive so late?".   Why
Fill in the blank. "... did you meet yesterday evening?".   Whom
Fill in the blank. "... do you feel today?".   How
Fill in the blank. "... do you spell the word "elephant"?".   How
Fill in the blank. "... is the airport from the hotel?". "Just 10 km".   How far
Fill in the blank. "... were you born?". "I was born in 1985".   When
Fill in the blank. "... won't they be able to join us?".   Why
Fill in the blank. "... your biggest faults is impatience".   One of
Fill in the blank. "............ he is so ill, the doctors do not expect him to recover".   As
Fill in the blank. "........................ the thief saw the cops coming, he ran away".   As soon as
Fill in the blank. "__ the beginning ___ his career he had very little success".   At, of
Fill in the blank. "____ do you make a cake? I have been wondering".   How
Fill in the blank. "____ first we didn't like each other very much, but then we________ friends".   At / became
Fill in the blank. "_____ are you staying in Italy?".   How long
Fill in the blank. "______ my cousin".   You look like
Fill in the blank. "______ time do I have?".   How much
Fill in the blank. "________ you when I have finished downloading my e-mails".   I'll help
Fill in the blank. "__________ comes will be welcome".   Whoever
Fill in the blank. "___________ the bad weather, they've decided to go camping".   Despite
Fill in the blank. "_____________ Americans will begin receiving health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday after years of contention and a rollout hobbled by delays and technical problems".   Millions of
Fill in the blank. "_____________ the lights went out".   Suddenly
Fill in the blank. "A Viennese journalist, writing ... the end of the eighteenth century, observed that these serenades occurred almost every fine summer evening".   towards
Fill in the blank. "Albert got ____ the selection process very well".   through
Fill in the blank. "All my friends are good ___ playing football".   at
Fill in the blank. "All the money _________was donated to charity".   raised
Fill in the blank. "An important spice is made from fennel seeds. Aside from its many culinary uses, fennel and its seeds may provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects and offer a wide array ____"   of health benefits
Fill in the blank. "Andrew apologized ____ being late".   for
Fill in the blank. "Ann can't cook and ___ Thomas".   neither can
Fill in the blank. "Anna _______ in Sweden for four years".   has lived
Fill in the blank. "Are the cars in the garage?". "No, there ... in the garage".   is nothing
Fill in the blank. "Are you ________ aware of the consequences of your action?"   fully
Fill in the blank. "Blackboards are ______________. the school need to change them all for interactive whiteboards".   out of fashion
Fill in the blank. "Brian is the only person I know _____ can hold his breath for more than a minute!"   who
Fill in the blank. "Buses leave _____ ten minutes".   every
Fill in the blank. "Can you give me the book, ... is on the shelf over there?"   which
Fill in the blank. "Children learned all of the songs _____ for the school play".   by heart
Fill in the blank. "Compliance is a necessary evil especially in a workplace ________________"   unpleasant but essential
Fill in the blank. "Days are warm and nights are .................................. in the deserts".   cold
Fill in the blank. "Do they have ... suggestions of what they would like to do?"   any
Fill in the blank. "Don't tell anybody. You .... keep it a secret".   must
Fill in the blank. "Every child ______ an ice cream".   likes
Fill in the blank. "Everyone is interested ___________the environment".   in protecting
Fill in the blank. "Express trains are usually fast but the passenger trains are very _______".   slow
Fill in the blank. "First I'm going to China and ____ I'm going to India".   then
Fill in the blank. "Go ____ I don't want to see you anymore".   away
Fill in the blank. "Greece is much ... than Italy".   smaller
Fill in the blank. "Has your sister come back ... London?"   from
Fill in the blank. "Have you ... ridden a horse? No, I've ____ done that".   Ever ... never
Fill in the blank. "Have you _______ spent the money I gave you yesterday?"   already
Fill in the blank. "He forgot to consider the rise ... the cost ... living".   in/ of
Fill in the blank. "He gave a ... of astonishment when he saw her because he had thought she was in India".   gasp
Fill in the blank. "He is ... player in the club".   the best
Fill in the blank. "He is ... the oldest of the group".   probably
Fill in the blank. "He is ....................... to beat his opponent".   strong enough
Fill in the blank. "He really can't work out ______ he has to go to get the information he needs".   where
Fill in the blank. "He will ....................... spend his money nor invest it".   neither
Fill in the blank. "Helen is a ______ nicer person than I thought she was".   much
Fill in the blank. "Hello ____, what can I do ____________ you?"   there / for
Fill in the blank. "Hello? Is that the Russian Tourist Office? I'm thinking of going to Moscow for my Easter break. Could you give me ___ information about hotels and flights, please".   some
Fill in the blank. "Her failure in the examination was a great ____ to her pride".   blow
Fill in the blank. "Here's the woman who _________ me yesterday".   helped
Fill in the blank. "He's always cheerful _____________ his chronic health problems".   despite
Fill in the blank. "Hurry up! The train is______".   leaving
Fill in the blank. "I ... go out in the evening: the last time I did was three months ago".   seldom
Fill in the blank. "I ____ haven't seen the film that won the Cannes Film Festival this year".   still
Fill in the blank. "I _____ swim when I was four years old".   could
Fill in the blank. "I _____ this is their house but I'm _____ sure".   think / not
Fill in the blank. "I don't want to have ................... to do with him".   anything
Fill in the blank. "I hate books: I have got ...".   none
Fill in the blank. "I have _____ owned _____ boat".   never / a
Fill in the blank. "I have lived in India ____ ten years".   for
Fill in the blank. "I have lost the paper on ...................................... I had written his address".   which
Fill in the blank. "I haven't had time to speak to Mr. Reeve...."   Today
Fill in the blank. "I haven't seen him ....2016".   since
Fill in the blank. "I know what that word means! I looked ____ in my dictionary".   it up
Fill in the blank. "I love this cake: may I have ____ more?".   some
Fill in the blank. "I prefer reading books ........................ watching TV".   to
Fill in the blank. "I saw him standing _______ your door".   at
Fill in the blank. "I speak Russian very _____".   badly
Fill in the blank. "I spoke slowly ___________ she could understand me."   so that
Fill in the blank. "I think I will be staying here for ____ more days".   a few
Fill in the blank. "I think Mary is _________ a nervous breakdown".   on the verge of
Fill in the blank. "I waited for ______ two hours but he didn't come".   another
Fill in the blank. "I want to know ... you went yesterday".   where
Fill in the blank. "I want to read the letter ... lunch".   before
Fill in the blank. "I was ___ tired that I I couldn't walk any further".   so
Fill in the blank. "I wonder if his son ____ lives in Rome".   still
Fill in the blank. "I won't wait ___ her a minute more".   for
Fill in the blank. "If ............. tired, you can have a break".   you are
Fill in the blank. "If he ... my friend, I would swim in his pool every day".   were
Fill in the blank. "I'm ____ back tomorrow ____ to the manager".   coming / to talk
Fill in the blank. "I'm afraid we can't comment ____________ the court's decision at this time".   on
Fill in the blank. "I'm sure it ... to rain".   is going
Fill in the blank. "In his position __________ managing director, he is responsible for more than a thousand employees".   as
Fill in the blank. "In the beginning the street was noisy, but now I............it".   am used to
Fill in the blank. "Indian people differ ___________ other nationalities I know".   from
Fill in the blank. "It has been ... experience of my life".   the worst
Fill in the blank. "It is difficult to get ... such a small car".   in
Fill in the blank. "It is extraordinary that she ___ to hold her breath for so long".   is able
Fill in the blank. "It was a difficult problem, but he worked ... a solution".   out
Fill in the blank. "It's about time we ___"   left
Fill in the blank. "I've decided to go ... the mountains for my holidays this year".   to
Fill in the blank. "I've got a week to finish this, _________ is just about long enough".   which
Fill in the blank. "Jane wishes she _____ the new car last month when there was a special offer".   had bought
Fill in the blank. "Jogging, or slow running, is an excellent form of exercise. When you jog your exercise begins as soon ... you step out of the door".   as
Fill in the blank. "Kilimanjaro is ______mountain in Africa".   the highest
Fill in the blank. "Last June 17th was an ___ holiday. The 150th anniversary of any event only happens once!"   unprecedented
Fill in the blank. "Last year we have been in England... three weeks".   for
Fill in the blank. "Laura is studying at the moment. ______ disturb her!".   Don't
Fill in the blank. "Leave everything as it ....."   is
Fill in the blank. "lf you want to stay here you are ... ... ... to obey the rules".   expected
Fill in the blank. "Man's _________ invention is the computer".   greatest
Fill in the blank. "Many centuries ago, medicine suffered from the dishonest practice of ________".   charlatans
Fill in the blank. "Many people are fond _____ ice creams".   of
Fill in the blank. "Martin was out of breath because he ...".   had been running
Fill in the blank. "Mary is completely absorbed ... the book she is reading".   in
Fill in the blank. "Mary is the person ______ is taking over my job next month".   who
Fill in the blank. "More people live in Rome ...".   than in Milan
Fill in the blank. "Mrs Smith is ... teacher in the school".   the best
Fill in the blank. "Mrs Smith was very busy today. She drove to a _______________for some ham".   butcher's shop
Fill in the blank. "My brother.........spent all his money".   already
Fill in the blank. "My friend has got __________ twins, who are a handful".   four-year-old
Fill in the blank. "My friend Paul is a journalist: ____ job is ____ interesting".   his / very
Fill in the blank. "My girl friend dreams ____ living on a small island".   of
Fill in the blank. "My grandparents usually ____ early in the morning".   get up
Fill in the blank. "My mother wants to know ________".   how much that shirt is
Fill in the blank. "My mother was worried about us _____ we weren't back on time".   since
Fill in the blank. "My sister has three ___, Barbara, Helen and Peter."   children
Fill in the blank. "My sister took her pet cat to see the ________"   veterinarian
Fill in the blank. "Oh, look! The helicopter is flying ..... the town".   over
Fill in the blank. "Old Bill threw a ________ out of the kitchen window and saw the neighbours' cat in his garden".   glance
Fill in the blank. "On hearing the news she burst _______ tears".   into
Fill in the blank. "Our customers usually pay ____ bills promptly".   their
Fill in the blank. "Paul often thinks ___ climbing trees".   of
Fill in the blank. "Philip has just ____the office. In other words he's ___"   left / out
Fill in the blank. "Please _____ everything _____ your bag".   put / into
Fill in the blank. "Please, ............ at your little brother".   take a look
Fill in the blank. "Robots will never _______ men".   replace
Fill in the blank. "She discussed her plans _______ her father".   with
Fill in the blank. "She doesn't feel _____ working on the computer".   like
Fill in the blank. "She explained to us ... to arrive there".   how
Fill in the blank. "She had a very unhappy childhood but as she grew older she tried ______ to put all herproblems behind her".   hard
Fill in the blank. "She has a ... to think she knows best in every situation".   tendency
Fill in the blank. "She hasn't come home .......".   yet
Fill in the blank. "She is _____ proud of her son".   very
Fill in the blank. "She is junior ............................. me".   to
Fill in the blank. "She is wearing dark glasses _______ her eyes from the sun.   to protect
Fill in the blank. "She should drive ... than usual".   more slowly
Fill in the blank. "She started a course at college, but she _______ after two months".   dropped out
Fill in the blank. "She's much taller _______ me".   than
Fill in the blank. "She's very good .... languages!"   at
Fill in the blank. "Soldiers have been sent in to try to restore _______ in the area".   order
Fill in the blank. "Something was wrong, but I couldn't quite put my ... on it".   finger
Fill in the blank. "Tell me ... wrote that novel".   who
Fill in the blank. "That pupil speaks French ... than his teacher".   more fluently
Fill in the blank. "The ______ number of children being targeted by mobile phone thieves was revealed earlier this year in an annual crime survey for England and Wales".   rising
Fill in the blank. "The ____famous date in English history is 1066 AD, when William the Conqueror __________King of England after the Battle of Hastings".   most / became
Fill in the blank. "The 11.45 train left ______time".   on
Fill in the blank. "The actors _______ the tragedy at the Globe Theater in Rome".   played
Fill in the blank. "The appearance of the teeth varies from one child to another, as when they are born, their teeth are already under the gums, but they ______ in different forms and times. In some children they may appear at the beginning. They are the four upper teeth. In some other children, the lower teeth may appear first. The first tooth begins to appear when the child ______ the first year of his life. At the third year it is assumed that about twenty teeth have appeared in his mouth, which is the general condition common among children".   appear / reaches
Fill in the blank. "The boy __________ leg is broken is sitting there".   whose
Fill in the blank. "The cat wants to go ____ : open the door!".   out
Fill in the blank. "The Competition Commission's inquiry into the government's land-based transport market comes ____________, as a succession of petitions describe the sad state of the country's public transport system".   Just in time
Fill in the blank. "The definitive closure of the airline is considered to be________"   imminent
Fill in the blank. "The doctor wrote a ... for the drug treatment".   prescription
Fill in the blank. "The door ____ have been opened with a key".   must
Fill in the blank. "The driver ....................................... caused the accident was arrested".   who
Fill in the blank. "The event has been ____ until next week".   put off
Fill in the blank. "The first thing necessary to the pleasure of reading is that when people are young they should acquire the ______ of reading".   habit
Fill in the blank. "The germ is ......................... small to be seen with the naked eye".   too
Fill in the blank. "The girl who answered the phone was very _________".   polite
Fill in the blank. "The girls insisted ___ going out with Ken".   on
Fill in the blank. "The house is .......................... to accommodate all".   spacious enough
Fill in the blank. "The house on the corner, ......owners are away, has been damaged by the fire".   whose
Fill in the blank. "The London Eye is Europe's tallest cantilevered observation wheel. The London Eye is open _________ and visitors can buy tickets on the day or pre book to take a ride on the wheel.   throughout the year
Fill in the blank. "The man ... ... next door is a painter".   who lives
Fill in the blank. "The meaning of English phrasal verbs is often one of the most difficult things for non-native speakers to ____".   grasp
Fill in the blank. "The medicine didn't have any ... on the patient".   effect
Fill in the blank. "The more he earns, the ________ he spends".   less
Fill in the blank. "The mother is ... her baby".   feeding
Fill in the blank. "The office ____ every day ____ 17:00".   closes / at
Fill in the blank. "The police arrested the man who __________ the jewels".   had stolen
Fill in the blank. "The policeman asked me________ there".   not to park
Fill in the blank. "The problem of plastic ________ on land and in the oceans has only grown as the use of single-use plastics has burgeoned worldwide. In addition, greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane and carbon dioxide, continue to drive global warming and pose a great threat to biodiversity and public ______"   pollution / health
Fill in the blank. "The scenery was ... beautiful, I had to take a photograph".   so
Fill in the blank. "The school will be closed until ... notice".   further
Fill in the blank. "The teacher explains the lessons ... the students".   to
Fill in the blank. "The two thieves ... in a stolen car".   got away
Fill in the blank. "The view from the top of the mountain is ___"   breathtaking
Fill in the blank. "The weather was terrible. ___, we decided to delay our trip".   Therefore
Fill in the blank. "Their presentation was very useful. In ________ the part on marketing strategy".   particular
Fill in the blank. "There are no ____ today: taxi drivers are ___strike".   taxis / on
Fill in the blank. "There are twenty ____ so people waiting for you outside".   or
Fill in the blank. "There aren't _____ children in the park".   any
Fill in the blank. "There is ______ charge for admission: it is free".   no
Fill in the blank. "There were ______ people at the meeting than I expected".   fewer
Fill in the blank. "There's no ......... thirteen on many aereoplanes as this number is believed to bring bad luck in Englísh speaking countries".   row
Fill in the blank. "They ... not forget Henry's birthday gift".   had better
Fill in the blank. "They sold their house .... they could buy a boat".   so that
Fill in the blank. "This extinguisher can be used only ____ there is a fire".   if
Fill in the blank. "This is ... pizza I have ever had in my life".   the best
Fill in the blank. "This is absolutely the ____ book I've ever read".   worst
Fill in the blank. "This is by far ____ coffee I have ever had!".   the worst
Fill in the blank. "This pair of shoes ...".   is less fashionable than that one
Fill in the blank. "To be late is always_____ to be on time".   worse than
Fill in the blank. "Tom denied .... the boy".   beating
Fill in the blank. "We are ... as you are".   not as rich
Fill in the blank. "We are looking forward ___ going out at the weekend".   to
Fill in the blank. "We're going ... France for a holiday".   to
Fill in the blank. "We're going ____ France ____ a long holiday".   to /for
Fill in the blank. "What brought ____ this political crisis?".   about
Fill in the blank. "What did that man say...?".   to you
Fill in the blank. "What is today's date? It's the _______ June".   eleventh of
Fill in the blank. "What kind of ... can this quiz have on your English skills?"   effect
Fill in the blank. "When I said: «the time is over», the young girl glanced quickly ... her watch".   at
Fill in the blank. "When will you ___ to the theatre?". "... Saturday".   go / on
Fill in the blank. "Where is the man ...................................... ordered the cab?"   who
Fill in the blank. "Who are ______ people over there?"   those
Fill in the blank. "Who's that boy ____ a black T-shirt and white trousers?"   in
Fill in the blank. "Would you like a drink? Yes, _______"   please
Fill in the blank. "You are ___ friend I've ever had".   the best
Fill in the blank. "You can buy them in _________ pink or green. There's a choice of two colours".   either
Fill in the blank. "You don't happen to know where Mary might be, __________ you?"   do
Fill in the blank. "You have got a nice house ... London".   near
Fill in the blank. "You're _______ friends of all".   the oldest
Fill in the blank. . "Which necklace do you prefer _________ the one with the pearls and the one with the corals?"   between
Fill in the blank. _____ do? Pleased to meet you.   How do you
Fill in the blank. At school my favorite ________ was maths.   subject
Fill in the blank. There is somebody ... the door. Shall I go and ____ who it is?   at /see
Fill in the blank. They say it's very difficult to _______ in today economic climate.   run a successful business
Fill in the blank." Can you come on Monday evening?" "Sorry, but ... ... football".   I'm playing
Fill in the blank." I don't work in this sector and .... does she!"   neither
Fill in the blank."________ you yesterday? I couldn't find you!   Where were
Fill in the blank."My mother has worked as a graphic designer _____ the last six years".   for
Fill in the blank."The exam was _________ than I thought".   easier
Fill in the blank."The test was ________ that I finally gave up".   so difficult
Fill in the blank: "Our initiative was successful ___ the shortage of funds".   in spite of
Fill in the blanks. "... is your father ...?".   What; like
Fill in the blanks. "... school I am going ...".   after; home
Fill in the blanks. "____is _______ for your happiness".   Love/ important
Fill in the blanks. "He is retired: he works ___ more and hasn't got ____ to do".   no; anything
Fill in the blanks. "The most popular forms of social media __________ great damage upon young people's mental health. These platforms have a negative effect because they can __________ children's and young people's body image worries, and worsen bullying, sleep problems, anxiety, depression and loneliness".   inflict / exacerbate
Fill in the blanks. "Would you like to join us ____ lunch? We're going ____a nice restaurant!".   for; to
Find the meaning of the idiomatic expression. "To play fast and loose is_____ "   to act in an unreliable manner
Find the meaning of the idiomatic expression. "To ruffle someone's feathers is to _________"   annoy or upset them
Find the meaning of the idiomatic expression. "To show the white feather is __________"   to act like a coward
Find the meaning of the idiomatic expression: "cost an arm and a leg".   it is very expensive
Find the meaning of the idiomatic expression: "If something happens out of the blue, ________   it happens when you are not expecting it
Find the meaning of the idiomatic expression: "If something is right up your street, __________   it is ideal for your skills or interests
Find the meaning of the idiomatic expression: "If something is run-of-the-mill, it is ________ "   quite ordinary
Find the meaning of the idiomatic expression: "To wear one's heart on one's sleeves is ________"   to show one's innermost feelings
Find the opposite meaning of "native".   stranger
Find the opposite meaning of "vivacious".   Quiet
Find the opposite of "blunt".   sharp
Find the opposite of "broad".   narrow
Find the opposite of "domestic".   foreign
Find the opposite of "lazy".   active
Find the opposite of the word "amazing".   Unpleasant
Find the similar meaning of "appealing".   Charming