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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Paris is ... the river Seine   on
Pasta is the ... course.   main
Paul is in the garden, he ... some flowers   is picking
Pedestrians walk on the ... .   pavement
Peter ... married with Susan; now they ...   was - are separated
Peter and ... share a very small flat in the centre   I
Peter is ... honest man   an
Picasso ... in July 1985. He left his daughter all his fortune.   died
Picasso did some fantastic ... .   paintings
Pizza is usually prepared ... hand.   by
Pizzas are made ... pizza makers.   by
Plants ... fast in summer.   grow
Please ... why guns are dangerous.   explain
Please ... your coat in the hall.   hang
Please complete the ... about your physical fitness.   form
Please mind the ... between the train and the platform.   gap
Please, ... turns to ask questions.   take
Please, leave me ... .   alone
Pollution is a very important environmental ... .   issue
Put the potatoes in the ... .   oven
Put the question in the correct order: did somewhere go nice Sunday on you?   Did you go somewhere nice on Sunday?
Put the question in the correct order: from where teacher is the?   Where is the teacher from?
Put the sentence in the correct order: tell kind person of what she is me.   Tell me what kind of person she is.