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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

David is not ... home   at
Describe your girlfriend ... me.   to
Diabetes is a serious ... .   illness
Did you ... late last night?   work
Did you make ... for our trip to Ischia?   arrangements
Did you pay your ... last month?   rent
Did your letter ... to Christine?   get
Do ... you like   as
Do you ... a musical instrument?   play
Do you ... antique furniture?   have
Do you ... any sport or exercise?   do
Do you ... for the wifi in this restaurant? No madam, it's free.   charge
Do you ... in a house or flat?   live
Do you ... to the cinema?   go
Do you believe ... aliens?   in
Do you exchange views at conferences? ' ... ' .   Yes, we do
Do you have ... for the weekend?   plans
Do you have a ... for student life? Yes, don't wake up late for school.   tip
Do you have a car? No, I don't have ... .   one
Do you have a cigarette? ... I don't.   unfortunately
Do you have a photo ... a screensaver on your PC monitor?   as
Do you have an opinion ... the scandal?   on
Do you have any ... for the weekend?   arrangements
Do you have any Persian ... in the shop?   rugs
Do you have any sisters? No, I don't have ... .   any
Do you have any strawberry Jam? I'm ... we don't, sir.   afraid
Do you have friends ... the UK?   from
Do you have these shoes ... an 8? Yes we do, sir.   in
Do you like my new ... screen TV?   flat
Do you like staying at hotels? It depends ... the hotel   on
Do you like Twitter or do you prefer Facebook? I like ... .   both
Do you mind ... the window?   closing
Do you want ... with you or do you want to go alone?   me to come
Do you want to come to dinner with me tonight? Sorry, I have other ... .   arrangements
Do you want to continue ... your studies or not?   with
Do you worry about internet ... ?   security
Do your work without ...   speaking
Don't ... a noise or they'll find us.   make
Don't ... the monitor with your hands.   touch
Don't forget to give me your address before ...   you leave
Don't put that rubbish on the table! ...   Throw it away!
Don't walk ... foot, the floor is cold and dirty.   bare
Don't worry ... to that email. I'll do it for you.   about replying
Don't worry about your mistakes now. You'll learn ... .   little by little
Don't worry. ... late tonight   If I am late
Driving in Rome is very ... .   stressful
During the fourteen days cruise, seven days will be spent ... sea, and seven in port   at