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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Walk ... the field. It's quicker.   across
Walk ... the tunnel and turn right.   through
Walking is healthier than ... .   running
Wasn't Alan following us in his car? Yes, but I think he ... lost when we suddenly turned right.   got
Water boils ... 100 degrees Celsius   at
We ... a lot of money on holiday last year.   spent
We ... a lot of time watching TV.   spend
We ... a telephone yesterday   didn't find
We ... a walk along the river   took
We ... by a loud noise during the night   were woken up
We ... by train, but it depends on the strike   are going to travel
We ... clubbing yesterday.   went
We ... the holiday with a tour of the Colosseum.   ended
We ... the hotel very late last night.   reached
We ... this bread yesterday.   baked
We ... three years ago in Boston.   met
We ... to France last year.   went
We ... to the gym.   don't often go
We all did well in the examination. ... of us passed   All
We always ... healthy food.   eat
We are going to wait ... he is ready to go.   until
We are late. The film ... by the time we get to the cinema   will already have started
We are playing golf tonight. Bring your ... .   equipment
We are tired. We need to ... a break, now.   have
We argued ... everything on holiday.   about
We arrived ... England two days ago.   in
We arrived ... Milan late.   in
We arrived at the bar and a ... time later it closed.   short
We arrived late for the show ... .   in the end
We booked a holiday ... Florence.   in
We had ... when we were on holiday   very bad weather
We had a ... night yesterday.   lovely
We had dinner ... we decided to go for a walk to digest.   then
We have a 2 hour ... so let's relax in the seating area.   wait
We have bought a new house. Oh, have you? When are you ... ?   moving in
We have to ... the grass in the garden.   cut
We landed in Rome at 6 pm, got to the ... area at 7 pm and then left the airport by taxi.   arrivals
We like to have a ... meal together at home on Sunday.   family
We need to buy ... new television.   a
We need to change the ... so we can have a nice and clean bed.   sheets
We normally use the front entrance, but there is another entrance ... the back   at
We saw a wolf cross the road so we stopped ... it. It was incredible.   to watch
We shall be there ... seven o'clock   at
We should ... the fire after we finish the barbecue. The park rangers are very strict.   put out
We usually end the meal ... having a coffee.   by
We went ... lunch in a rustic pizzeria.   to have
We went to a ... dress party last night. I dressed as Snow White.   fancy
We went to a Haiti beach on holiday. It was like ... in paradise.   being
We went to Greece and ... we took a plane to Crete.   the next day
We won ... at the casino yesterday. That's why I was so angry.   nothing
We won't forgive them for what they said ... they apologize   even if
We would never have had the accident if you ... so fast.   hadn't been driving
We'll go to the park, if it ... rain.   doesn't
We'll have pasta ... a starter.   as
We're going on holiday ... the UK this year.   to
We're having a party ... our anniversary.   to celebrate
We're late. We need to get a taxi ... the airport.   to
We're not all here; we're ... John. I think he's still in the bathroom.   missing
We're thinking of going ... holiday in Spain   on
What ... chicken? Would you like some chicken salad?   about
What ... do at the weekend?   do you usually
What ... this summer?   are you doing
What ... you do, if you had a million euros?   would
What are you doing tonight? I'm not sure. I ... watch TV.   might
What are you going ... on holiday?   to do
What are you looking ...?   for
What are you two talking ... ?   about
What are your ... for tonight?   plans
What are your views ... these general elections?   on
What did I do ... ?   wrong
What did Mary say ... the dinner?   about
What did you do ... the afternoon on holiday?   during
What do you do to ... ?   relax
What do you like ... on weekends?   doing
What do you mean ... that?   by
What do you mean ... with your extra salary?   to do
What do you think ... Mark? He's nice.   of
What do you think ... the new manager? She is all right, I suppose   of
What does ... have to do to get served in this restaurant?   one
What floor is your flat ... ?   on
What have you ... to school today?   brought
What have you done with all the money you had. What did you spend it ...?   for
What is Steve Jobs famous ... ?   for
What is the name of the man ... car I borrowed?   whose
What kind of ... do you like to wear?   clothes
What kind of music do you listen ... ?   to
What shall we do ... we are waiting for the train?   while
What shoe ... do you take?   size
What time ... ?   does the market open
What time ... yesterday?   did you leave
What time ...? Only one hour ago   did you arrive
What time are you coming tonight? Well, it depends ... what time I finish work.   on
What time did you ... back home? About 7 pm.   get
What time do you usually ... home?   get
What time do you usually ... your alarm clock?   set
What time is it?   ten to seven
What time shall I pick you ... from school today?   up
What university do you go ... ?   to
What was wrong with you? Why ... go to hospital?   did you have to
What was your daughter like ... a child?   as
What were you ... yesterday? You looked stylish.   wearing
What's ... Tv tonight?   on
What's ... your mind Mark? Well, I'm worried about my mum. She's not well.   on
What's that music? I know it's ... Beethoven, but I can't remember what it is called   by
What's that thing ... ?   called
What's the ... of this word?   pronunciation
What's the ... with you? Are you tired?   matter
What's the plural of "capelli" in English?   hair
What's the quickest ... to get to Termini station?   way
What's your ... ? I was born in Rome.   place of birth
What's your ... Mr Morrison? I was born in the 27th of December 1979.   date of birth
What's your ... mr White? I'm single.   marital status
What's your ...? It's Brown.   surname
What's your ...? It's Jim.   forename
What's your opinion ... immigration?   on
When ... for Paris?   do you leave
When he ... I can show him around the city.   arrives
When I ... a child I ... two cats   was - had
When I ... met Martha she was having coffee at a bar.   first
When I ... to school I ... very hard   went - studied
When I arrived, my friends ... on the couch.   were sitting
When I eat at the restaurant I order ... pasta ... pizza.   either/or
When I go shopping, I spend money ... clothes.   on
When I have an exam, I feel ... .   anxious
When I listen to music, I feel like ... .   dancing
When I met Jim he didn't ... he had won the lottery. Maybe he wants to keep it secret!   mention
When I saw Monica at the arrivals in the airport I was so happy that I ... her.   hugged
When I touched him on the shoulder he ...   turn round
When I travel I like to go ... .   sightseeing
When I was a ... I was a rebel.   teenager
When I was a young child I ... be fat.   used to
When I was fourteen, I went ... a trip to France with my school   for
When I was young I ... be a football player.   used to
When Mark comes I will ... him with a smile.   greet
When my sister goes on holiday, she asks me to look ... her pets   after
When Simon ... back tonight, he'll cook dinner.   comes
When Sue heard the news she ... very pleased   wasn't
When the actor performs well the audience ... their hands.   clap
When the fire alarm rang ... left the building immediately   Everyone
When the party had finished we ... home ... taxi   went - by
When they entered the room, the children were ... TV   watching
When you drive, it's important to use the ... often.   brakes
When you meet my dad, try ... about politics.   not to talk
Where ... ? Are you American?   are you from
Where ... ? In London   were you born
Where ... ? Which hairdresser did you go to?   did you have your hair cut
Where ... your parents born?   were
Where did the crime ... place?   take
Where did you get that ... ring?   wedding
Where do you keep the butter? The butter is ... here   kept
Where is my bag? ... in the living room.   check
Where is the ... room?   changing
Where is the bar? I think you have just walked ... it.   past
Where shall we eat? What ... Carluccio's pizzeria? It's really nice.   about
Where shall we seat? Over there ... the corner   in
Where's Emma's dog? She said that she ... it at home.   had left
Where's Jim? He's ... there.   over
Where's John? He's away ... business.   on
Where's Mark? ... .   There he is
Where's Mike? He walked ... because there is a long waiting time to see the doctor.   out
Where's my Phone? ... , Michael.   Here it is
Where's the ... post office, please?   nearest
Where's the locker room?I need to change ... my gym clothes.   into
Which ... did you enjoy most at school?   subjects
Which ... do you go by? Professor or Doctor?   title
Which is the correct question?   What colour is her hair?
Which is the correct question?   What colour are her eyes?
Which jacket would you like, sir? I want ... .   this one
Which of the ... sentences are false?   following
Which of the following, isn't a synonym for the word "get"?   stay
Which photo shall we put on the ... of the school magazine?   cover
Which places did you go ... on holiday?   to
Which preposition do you use before a date (e.g. the 4th of november)?   on
Which preposition do you use before a month(e.g. July)?   in
Which preposition do you use before a time (e.g. 4 o'clock)?   at
Which preposition do you use before a year(e.g.1984)?   in
Which preposition do you use before the morning, the afternoon and the evening?   in
Which preposition do you use before the word "night"?   at
Which team do you like the ... ? A.C. Roma is my favourite, of course!   best
While I ... someone knocked at the door   was sleeping
Who ... football in your class?   plays
Who ... you better? Your sister or your friend?   knows
Who are those ... over there?   people
Who do you agree with ... ? Me or James?   most
Who is ... man over there?   that
Who is your favourite ... ? I love Degas.   painter
Who was America discovered ... ?   by
Whose book is this? It is ...   his
Why ... come to the cinema tonight? Ok, then. What shall we watch?   don't you
Why are you always thinking about money? Money isn't ...   All
Why are you sitting all ... in your car?   alone
Why didn't you see the movie? ..., I was studying.   As usual
Without a ... it's difficult to get around a foreign city.   guidebook
Would you ... able to run a marathon?   be
Would you ... to travel for work?   be willing
Would you like ... or sparkling water, Madam?   still
Would you like ... to help you?   someone
Would you like ... you to the airport?   me to take
Would you like a snack or drink while we wait for Anna to get ready? ... , thank you. I would like to see your photo collection.   Neither
Would you like something to drink sir? No, ... for me thanks.   nothing
Would you like to come for dinner tonight? Yes, I'd ... . What time shall we meet?   love to
Would you mind ... the window?   closing
Would you take care ... my cats, please?   of
Wow your room is very ... . What a good boy.   tidy
Wow, this car is fast. It's the first time I ... such a fast vehicle.   have driven