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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

I ... a lot of new friends at the dinner last night.   made
I ... a lovely holiday.   had
I ... a new dog yesterday.   got
I ... a reply to my letter in the next few days.   expect
I ... a shower every morning   take
I ... a strange thing in the sky.   see
I ... all day.   've been working
I ... all day. I'm incredibly tired.   have been reading
I ... angry when people don't stop at traffic lights.   get
I ... another way of solving this problem.   suggest
I ... at Oxford University.   graduated
I ... don't understand maths.   still
I ... ever have to wait more than 10 minutes for a bus.   hardly
I ... food to people's houses. I work for Just Eat.   deliver
I ... for the 3 week english course.   opted
I ... friends very easily because I like people.   make
I ... get good results at school this term.   haven't been able to
I ... go to school at 8 am.   usually
I ... gossip news.   hate
I ... him   concealled
I ... him recently   haven't seen
I ... him since 1990   have known
I ... home early on Wednesdays.   get
I ... I will go on holiday next week.   think
I ... important news for you.   have
I ... information about your university.   want
I ... like Italian food.   really
I ... married for 15 years. I still enjoy every moment I spend with my wife.   have been
I ... martial arts.   do
I ... my car since I was 18 years old. It still works fine.   've had
I ... my phone and it broke.   dropped
I ... new trousers.   need
I ... not ... to school yesterday   did/go
I ... now   am watching TV
I ... on the phone when the electricity went off.   was speaking
I ... on well with my work colleagues.   get
I ... paint for this picture.   used
I ... really into action movies. I watch them all the time.   am
I ... sport magazines.   read
I ... stay in this hotel. It's closer to the centre than others.   might
I ... summer clothes because it's hot.   am wearing
I ... sushi in ages. Let's dig in!   haven't eaten
I ... television a lot, but I don't anymore   used to watch
I ... this pasta. What's in it?   love
I ... this picture on holiday.   took
I ... to any political party   don't belong
I ... to bring my notes. I'm going to fail the test.   have forgotten
I ... to the cinema last week.   went
I ... to the email I received from work.   responded
I ... to the USA in my life.   have never been
I ... tomorrow at 7.30   am leaving
I ... touch with my all my friends from my college days.   stay in
I ... use to get to school on time, but now I have improved.   didn't
I ... very well in my last exam.   did
I ... when I run for too long.   tire
I ... when I see sad movies.   cry
I ... where Mark is. He must be with his friend.   wonder
I ... you in a long time. You look great.   haven't seen
I ... you some money.   owe
I ... you were joking when you said you were only 18.   thought
I always ... when I see Carlo Verdone films.   laugh
I always feel happier ... the spring   in
I always forget ... my cheques   to sign
I always get good ... at university.   grades
I always like to make a good ... on my first day of school.   impression
I always write ... my thoughts on personal diary.   down
I am ... high prices in supermarkets. Not everybody can afford them.   against
I am ... in this book.   interested
I am ... that you can't read English!   amazed
I am ... to speak with the manager.   here
I am a ... person.   quiet
I am a bit ... about the different functions of this Iphone.   confused
I am a flight ... .   attendant
I am a professional tennis player but I ... many sports .   practise
I am accustomed ... hot water   to
I am an ... tennis player.   average
I am happy to be ... friends again   among
I am interested ... this book   in
I am not tired to go to bed yet. I wouldn't sleep if I ... to bed now   went
I am sure I locked the door. I clearly remember ... it   to have locked
I apologise ... that.   for
I arranged to meet Jane after work last night, but she didn't ...   turn up
I asked ... the meat not the fish. Can you take it away please? Oh I'm really sorry madam.   for
I asked you ... some milk. Why didn't you do it?   to buy
I become ... when I'm waiting in a queue for a long time.   irritable
I believed you weren't nice ... , then I changed my mind.   at first
I borrowed a book ... Jessica and lost it!   from
I bought 8 ... of beer to bring to the party tonight.   cans
I bought a jacket without trying it ... . It was too small.   on
I bought a lovely pair of .. .   boots
I bought some ... but they aren't very loud.   headphones
I broke ... with my girlfriend last week.   up
I broke Mary's phone. I don't know what ... to her.   to say
I came here without ... my parents. They'll be furious.   telling
I came to Naples ... train   by
I can come ... your house at the end of the week.   by
I can see that you have hurt yourself, but shouldn't play with fire ... .   in the first place
I can't ... the noise at the market.   stand
I can't ... to meet Mark next week. I'm so happy.   wait
I can't find my ... around this city. It's like a maze.   way
I can't finish the project ... the end of the week.   by
I can't hear you, can you speak ... ?   up
I can't move my hand because I have broken my ... .   wrist
I can't punish him, ... he is my son.   after all
I can't see Mark. Where ... ?   has he gone
I can't stand ... to the doctor's.   going
I can't understand you; you're breaking ... . the signal on this phone is really bad.   up
I change my ... very often.   mind
I chose a dress I think ... for the party tonight.   is perfect
I come ... England.   from
I continued ... TV after mum had gone to bed.   watching
I decided ... to university in Bologna.   to go
I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I ... so tired   hadn't been
I did some ... yesterday.   running
I didn't find my bag. Well, look ... .   again
I didn't park my car there ... It's not allowed.   as
I didn't pass my ... test yesterday.   driving
I didn't pass my exam. ... result, I didn't go on holiday.   As a
I didn't see you ... the party. Where were you?   at
I didn't take ... photos   many
I didn't understand ... then he explained better and it was all clear.   at first
I din't get the job. Oh, what ... .   a pity
I do ... exercise.   a lot of
I don't ... if you want to open the window.   mind
I don't believe ... working very hard: It's not worth it   in
I don't eat ... fruit. I should change my diet.   enough
I don't feel like ... today.   studying
I don't feel well. I think I ... sick.   'm getting
I don't have a ... license.   driving
I don't know ... to do.   what
I don't know where my umbrella is. Perhaps I left it ... the bus   on
I don't know why, but ... this new PC is broken.   somehow
I don't like ... bread. I prefer to eat white pizza.   plain
I don't like coffee.' ... do I.   Neither
I don't like maths, and ... , the teacher is terrible.   in addition
I don't like the shirts in this shop. ... fit me.   None
I don't like the staff in that shop. They are very ... .   unfriendly
I don't like this party but everyone ... does. I don't understand why.   else
I don't like to ... food. We produce too much and we need very little.   waste
I don't like to ... gold jewellery. I prefer silver.   wear
I don't like to ... my photos online.   share
I don't like to waste money ... languages.   learning
I don't like travelling ... night   at
I don't like what the boss proposed because it ... we have to work on Saturdays.   means
I don't live with ... parents anymore   my
I don't think you are telling me the truth ... .   at all
I dress ... .   smartly
I drive ... all the time.   carefully
I eat ... .   healthily
I expect you ... more.   to study
I feel ... in my knee.   pain
I feel ... watching a movie.   like
I feel happy ... I meet you.   whenever
I feel so much ... .   joy
I fell ... love with Paula when I met her.   in
I fell asleep ... the middle of the film.   in
I felt very ... .   embarrassed
I find ... to speak a foreign language.   it difficult
I find your friend difficult to get on ... .   with
I flew on an Airbus 380 last month. It was the first time I ... on such a huge plane.   had flown
I found ... that Jenny does yoga near my school.   out
I found the supermarket ... .   easily
I got a ... to Malaysia.   flight
I got a bit fat over the Christmas holidays. I'm not in ... now.   shape
I got many emails today but I ... reply tonight. I'm not in a rush.   am going to
I got some flowers from a ... .   stall
I got up late and I ... the train   missed
I got very ... when my wife told me she was pregnant.   emotional
I had lost my key, but I managed to climb ... the house through a window   into
I had to pay ... my excess baggage.   for
I hate ... the ironing.   doing
I hate doing the washing ... . There are so many dishes.   up
I hate driving during the ... hour. The city is so congested.   rush
I hate my air ... . It makes the room too humid.   conditioner
I hate rude people. ... never listen to you.   They
I hate working and getting up early. People say I'm ... .   lazy
I have ... a beautiful experience.   had
I have ... a lot of pictures this summer   taken
I have ... company.   my own
I have ... in my shoulder.   an ache
I have ... ingredients for my cake. I need some more   few
I have ... money to get a new car.   enough
I have ... my best, but he hasn't changed his mind   done
I have ... pay a lot for that parking ticket.   had to
I have ... to do a new yoga position today.   learnt
I have ... women friends.   mostly
I have 2 ... , a brother and a sister.   siblings
I have 2 bicycles in this parking lot. Oh really? Which ... are yours?   ones
I have a job ... tomorrow. Wish me luck!   interview
I have a lot of energy, I could go on ... for hours.   running
I have a problem ... people's names.   remembering
I have a train tomorrow morning. It ... at 9 am.   is leaving
I have an exam ... the 12th of April.   on
I have been ... Italy for 15 years. I speak Italian like a native now.   in
I have dropped my pen. Can you ... for me please?   pick it up
I have eaten nothing ... bread and cheese since Sunday   but
I have had a ... heart operation.   major
I have had a lot of ... in sport competitions.   success
I have lived in Frankfurt ... I left Italy three years ago.   since
I have lost my dog. Can you help me ...   look for it
I have many emails ... .   to answer
I have many things ... at the weekend.   to do
I have never ... such a long distance before.   flown
I have no time ... this discussion. I'm leaving.   for
I have so much to study this year. I ... never ... to graduate from uni.   will/be able to
I have three ...: a son and two ...   children - daughters
I have to ... my bag for school.   prepare
I have to ... my CV.   update
I have work meetings ... .   weekly
I haven't finished my homework. Well, hurry up ... . We need to leave in 20 minutes.   then
I haven't seen him today: he ... be still in Rome   may
I haven't seen Kate for a few days. I last saw her ... Tuesday   on
I haven't seen you for ... .   ages
I highly recommend this therapy as it is ... painful of all.   the least
I hope ... you soon.   to see
I hope to succeed ... finding the job I want   in
I imagine my brother ... the competition.   winning
I know Mike very ... .   well
I learned ... politics yesterday.   about
I learned about engines ... my own.   on
I left home ... 21. I was very young.   at
I left school ... 18 years old.   at
I like ... people.   interesting
I like ... to parties and ...   going - dancing
I like him because he's very ... .   friendly
I like the idea ... a long holiday.   of
I like to ... a car when I go on holiday.   hire
I like to ... beautiful paintings.   admire
I like to ... loud music on my stereo.   play
I like to ... new food.   taste
I like to ... public transport.   use
I like to ... with my friends.   hang out
I like to eat pasta, ... I never order it at restaurants.   however
I like to exercise ... music.   in
I like to go ... in the mountains.   climbing
I like to go for ... in the countryside.   walks
I like to pass ... good news.   on
I like to spend ... with my family at home.   time
I like to travel ... .   cheaply
I like to walk ... the main road and look at people.   down
I liked ... meal we had last night.   the
I live ... a large square.   in
I live ... New Zealand.   in
I look forward ... you in person.   to meeting
I look forward ... you next year.   to seeing
I love Italian food. Yes, me .. .   too
I love my job and I do it well. My boss says I'm ... .   hard-working
I love pasta. ... , I don't eat it every day.   However
I love the ... of strawberries.   taste
I love the sweet and ... sauce at this Chinese restaurant.   sour
I love to go ... on holiday.   sunbathing
I love to learn new words. I always ... in the dictionary.   look them up
I love to wear short ... in summer.   tops
I loved our holiday in Thailand. I want to go ... one day.   back
I made this table ... recycled wood.   using
I managed to put the fire out ... a fire extinguisher   with
I married ... 24 years old.   at
I married at the ... of 24.   age
I met my girlfriend ... I was skiing.   while
I might ... see you on Friday.   be able to
I need ... a stylish dress for the party.   to find
I need ... time to find the solution.   some
I need 4 ... of tomatoes to make lasagna.   tins
I need a new job. ... the same job for too long   I've been doing
I need my money ... .   right now
I need to ... arrangements for tonight.   make
I need to ... my clothes. They are all wet.   dry
I need to ... my lawyer.   contact
I never ... lies.   tell
I never ... my boss.   obey
I never do ... at weekends.   anything
I never get to school ... time.   on
I never have ... in the morning   breakfast
I never speak ... myself   to
I never worry ... the future.   about
I object ... treated like this   to being
I only ... in London for three months   lived
I only have ... cigarettes left in the packet.   a few
I play football really ... .   well
I play tennis ... .   regularly
I play tennis ... .   badly
I prefer Coca Cola ... Fanta.   to
I prefer this chair ... the other one. It's more comfortable   to
I quite agree ... them.   with
I ran in a marathon last week, but I wasn't fit enough. I ... after 15 km   dropped out
I received this letter in the mail but it's not for this address. I will send it ... to the sender.   back
I rely ... my knowledge to pass tests.   on
I said hello but she didn't ... me.   recognise
I saw him ... the road and ... the shop   cross - enter
I showed my new car ... my friends. They loved it.   to
I sing ... because my dad sleeps during the day.   quietly
I still don't know what to do, I ... yet   haven't decided
I studied ... . I want to be an actor.   drama
I study economics. Oh, really? What year are you ...   in
I succeeded ... passing my exams.   in
I think ... English food is terrible.   that
I think ... late for dinner tonight.   I'll be
I think all drivers ... seat belts   should wear
I think I ... stay at home next summer. My parents have invited me to Paris   won't
I think it ... rain tonight.   will
I think Jenna ... a lie when she was spoking about her age.   told
I think something went ... with our experiment.   wrong
I think that ... , people are honest.   generally
I think that ... fast food is not satisfying.   eating
I think that I ... come to the convention.   won't be able to
I think that next Sunday I ... in the conference.   will take part
I think the weather ... be nice later   is going to
I told them to stop but they carried on ... TV.   watching
I took a ... to Manchester for 15 pounds.   coach
I try to avoid ... the car when possible.   taking
I urge a reply so they promise they ... back to me soon.   will write
I usually ... good advice from my friends.   get
I usually contact my friends ... phone.   by
I usually do shopping ... .   online
I usually go to bed early ... the week.   during
I visited Prague in ... last year.   February
I walk ... .   fast
I want ... sugar in my coffee.   some
I want ... to tell me the truth   you
I want a ... in law.   career
I want a hotel room with a beautiful ... of the city.   view
I want to ... a baby.   have
I want to ... for a job I saw online.   apply
I want to ... you my new Iphone.   show
I want to be a teacher when I ... .   grow up
I want to change a jacket at the shop but I don't have the ... .   receipt
I want to eat at a ... on Saint Valentine's day.   very romantic French restaurant
I want to follow the same career ... my father.   as
I want to go ... UK.   to the
I want to go to the cinema with my friends this evening, ...?   will you come
I want to go to the theatre ... the weekend.   at
I want to introduce you to Mary and ... brother   her
I want to learn ... .   to drive
I want to learn ... Japanese.   to speak
I want to save ... to buy a house.   up
I want to study ... at university.   computing
I want to take ... a new sport.   up
I want to take some days ... to have a holiday.   off
I want to work ... a photographer.   as
I want you to give me ... information as you can.   as much
I wanted a job in Law but I found a job in Marketing ... .   instead
I was ... a meeting when you came.   in
I was ... a meeting with the boss when you called.   having
I was ... swim until 30 years of age.   not able to
I was ... with my test results.   disappointed
I was a good student ... a kid.   as
I was angry ... but I calmed down afterwards.   at first
I was born ... 1967   in
I was coming out of the room I collided ... somebody who was coming in   with
I was diagnosed ... dyslexic when I was young.   as
I was driving ... the street when I saw a black cat walk in front of my car.   along
I was ill last week but I ... better.   got
I was stopped ... a strange man who asked me for a chewing gum.   by
I was very tired this morning. I couldn't ...   get up
I was walking down the street when ... I saw a horse cross the road! I was really surprised.   suddenly
I was worried when I started studying English, but I ... found many similarities with Italian.   soon
I wear these shoes ... running.   to go
I went ... last month.   snowboarding
I went home early ... I was feeling unwell   because
I went to the shop ... some chocolate.   to buy
I went to university ... Economics.   to study
I will ... jeans tonight.   wear
I will ... you a message when I get there.   text
I will ask you ... you answer me.   until
I will have ... days off ... holidays this summer. How annoying!   neither/nor
I will see you ... 2 days.   in
I wish I ... a car. It would make life so much easier   had
I wonder why Jim ... so nice to me today   is being
I won't ... an effort to speak with your mother. I hate her.   make
I won't ... your excuses.   accept
I won't wait ... him a minute more   for
I work ... a big company.   for
I work ... fashion.   in
I work ... time.   part
I work at the supermarket ... .   checkout
I work for a very important ... .   firm
I work in a ... .city. There are always many young people around.   lively
I would be very happy if I ... more friends.   had
I would like ... to eat. I'm famished.   something
I would like to introduce you ... my best friend Carl.   to
I would like to make a ... .   suggestion
I would like to see Lucy again. It is a long time ...   since I saw her
I would like to work the same hours ... you.   as
I wouldn't accept their offer ... .   in your shoes
I wouldn't like his job. He spends most of his time talking ... the phone   on
I wrote a ... about the accident. The chief inspector wasn't interested though.   report
I'd like ... information, please.   some
I'd like a ... for these glasses. They are broken.   refund
I'd like a ... of tea.   cup
I'd like to ... you that the shop is closing in 15 minutes.   inform
I'd really like to ... jobs with you. You always have so much free time!   swap
If I ... a wild animal, I'd be terrified.   saw
If I ... all my money on that silly jacket, I could afford to go out tonight.   hadn't wasted
If I ... an animal, i'd be a lion.   were
If I ... meet a famous person, I'd choose Vin Diesel.   could
If I ... rich, i'd buy a small island.   was
If I ... Spanish at school, now I wouldn't have any problems ordering a coffee in a bar.   had learnt
If I ... the president, I'd always travel in first class.   was
If I lend you some money, you have to pay me ... .   back
If I make 2 million pounds, I'll ... from work.   retire
If I wasn't such an honest person, I would ... the wallet I found on the floor.   have kept
If I were you, I ... that coat. It's too expensive   wouldn't buy
If it ... known that grammar was so important, more people ... study it   were/would
If it hadn't taken me so long to get ready, I ... the fireworks.   wouldn't have missed
If only I ... richer.   were
If Rob hadn't gone so fast, he ... a fine.   wouldn't have gotten
If the weather ... fine tomorrow, we could go for a mountain trek.   is
If the weather ... fine, I'd go to the seaside   were
If they didn'twork late they ... so tired now.   wouldn't be feeling
If this doesn't work, I'll try another ... .   way
If we drive down the main road, we will ... time.   save
If you ... me, I will fall down the stairs.   push
If you do that again, I ... tell your parents.   am going to
If you don't book in advance, you won't find ... to stay.   anywhere
If you don't remember the lesson, you should ... it.   memorize
If you drive too fast you will ... .   crash
If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, walk ... .   away
If you had told us before we ... you   would have helped
If you have dirty clothes you can put them in the ... .   washing machine
If you keep ... , I will kill you!   talking
If you meet my parents, they ... want to know everything about you.   will
If you want to solve the problem use your ... .   imagination
If you want to wash your hands there's a ... in the bathroom.   basin
Il plurale di "half" è ...   halves
Il plurale di "thief" è:   thieves
Il termine "accident" significa:   incidente
Il termine "ache" significa:   dolore
Il termine "across" significa:   attraverso
Il termine "add" significa:   aggiungere
Il termine "almost" significa:   quasi
Il termine "alone" significa:   da solo
Il termine "along" significa:   lungo
Il termine "already" significa:   già
Il termine "annoyed" significa:   infastidito
Il termine "annoying" significa:   fastidioso
Il termine "apply" significa:   fare domanda
Il termine "argue" significa:   litigare
Il termine "away" significa:   via
Il termine "awful" significa:   terribile
Il termine "between" significa:   tra
Il termine "board" significa:   imbarcarsi
Il termine "borrow" significa:   prendere in prestito
Il termine "both" significa:   entrambi
Il termine "bother" significa:   infastidire
Il termine "brush" significa:   spazzola
Il termine "builder" significa:   costruttore
Il termine "carpet" significa:   tappeto
Il termine "catch" significa:   afferrare
Il termine "charge" significa:   tariffa
Il termine "check" significa:   controllare
Il termine "clap" significa:   applaudire
Il termine "clever" significa:   intelligente
Il termine "complain" significa:   lamentarsi
Il termine "countryside" significa:   campagna
Il termine "crash" significa:   scontrare
Il termine "cross" significa:   attraversare
Il termine "crowd" significa:   folla
Il termine "cry" significa:   piangere
Il termine "current" significa:   attuale
Il termine "detail" significa:   dettaglio
Il termine "disappointed" significa:   deluso
Il termine "disappointing" significa:   deludente
Il termine "dry" significa:   asciutto
Il termine "enough" significa:   abbastanza
Il termine "enough" significa:   abbastanza
Il termine "fair" significa:   giusto
Il termine "far" significa:   distante
Il termine "farther" significa:   più lontano
Il termine "flight" significa:   volo
Il termine "foreigner" significa:   forestiero
Il termine "form" significa:   modulo
Il termine "forward" significa:   avanti
Il termine "gap" significa:   spazio vuoto
Il termine "grades" significa:   voti
Il termine "grass" significa:   erba
Il termine "guess" significa:   indovinare
Il termine "gun" significa:   pistola
Il termine "heavy" significa:   pesante
Il termine "illness" significa:   malattia
Il termine "improve" significa:   migliorare
Il termine "issue" significa:   questione
Il termine "jumper" significa:   maglione
Il termine "just" significa:   appena
Il termine "keep" significa:   tenere
Il termine "lazy" significa:   pigro
Il termine "leather" significa:   cuoio
Il termine "lend" significa:   prestare
Il termine "lips" significa:   labbra
Il termine "local" significa:   del posto
Il termine "lonely" significa:   solo
Il termine "loud" significa:   rumoroso
Il termine "make up" significa:   inventare
Il termine "mall" significa:   centro commerciale
Il termine "oven" significa:   forno
Il termine "own" significa:   proprio
Il termine "painter" significa:   pittore
Il termine "perhaps" significa:   forse
Il termine "plan" significa:   piano
Il termine "polite" significa:   cortese
Il termine "polite" significa:   educato
Il termine "pollution" significa:   inquinamento
Il termine "push" significa:   spingere
Il termine "quick" significa:   veloce
Il termine "quiet" significa:   silenzioso
Il termine "raw" significa:   crudo
Il termine "recognise" significa:   riconoscere
Il termine "request" significa:   richiedere
Il termine "retire" significa:   andare in pensione
Il termine "safe" significa:   sicuro
Il termine "sand" significa:   sabbia
Il termine "scared" significa:   spaventato
Il termine "seat" significa:   sedile
Il termine "several" significa:   parecchi
Il termine "share" significa:   condividere
Il termine "sheet" significa:   lenzuolo
Il termine "shoulder" significa:   spalla
Il termine "shout" significa:   gridare
Il termine "shy" significa:   vergognoso
Il termine "sightseeing" significa:   giro turistico
Il termine "size" significa:   taglia
Il termine "skin" significa:   pelle
Il termine "solve" significa:   risolvere
Il termine "sort" significa:   sorta
Il termine "speech" significa:   discorso
Il termine "still" significa:   ancora
Il termine "strict" significa:   severo
Il termine "sunbathing" significa:   prendere il sole
Il termine "taste" significa:   assaggiare
Il termine "taste" significa:   sapore
Il termine "thief" significa:   ladro
Il termine "thief" significa:   ladro
Il termine "through" significa:   attraverso
Il termine "tidy" significa:   ordinato
Il termine "tip" significa:   suggerimento
Il termine "tissue" significa:   fazzoletto
Il termine "towards" significa:   verso
Il termine "trainers" significa:   scarpe da ginnastica
Il termine "trouble" significa:   problema
Il termine "untidy" significa:   disordinato
Il termine "update" significa:   aggiornare
Il termine "useful" significa:   utile
Il termine "view" significa:   vista
Il termine "washing up" significa:   lavare i piatti
Il termine "waste" significa:   sprecare
Il termine "waste" significa:   sprecare
Il termine "way" significa:   modo
Il termine "wealthy" significa:   benestante
Il termine "wrong" significa:   sbagliato
Il termine "yet" significa:   ancora
I'll ... a bath before going to sleep   have
I'll ... you very much   miss
I'll be 30 ... my next birthday.   on
I'll work overtime ... .   only if necessary
I'm ... because I want to watch an action film but my girlfriend doesn't.   annoyed
I'm ... by nature. I want to be a biologist one day.   fascinated
I'm ... for the position of hotel receptionist.   applying
I'm ... to go for a long holiday after I graduate.   planning
I'm ... with Martha. I think I'm in love with her.   going out
I'm a ... dresser.   smart
I'm a ... driver.   careful
I'm a ... football player.   bad
I'm a ... runner.   fast
I'm a ... tennis player.   good
I'm a ... worried that James will not find a good job.   bit
I'm a bit nervous around people because I'm ... .   shy
I'm a good ... .   problem solver
I'm a pessimist. I always think ... will happen.   the worst
I'm afraid of ... out at night.   going
I'm annoyed ... people who smoke near me.   by
I'm ashamed ... what I've done   of
I'm bad ... maths. I usually get terrible grades.   at
I'm chatting ... Alex.   with
I'm excited ... next week's party.   about
I'm fed up ... this exercise.   with doing
I'm frightened ... bats.   of
I'm getting wet. This umbrella is ... .   useless
I'm going to ... a holiday home in Venice for next summer.   rent
I'm going to ... a new car.   get
I'm going to ... tonight.   relax
I'm going to ... you out tonight. Dress smart!   take
I'm going to Italy for ... .   work
I'm looking for ... exciting for my next holiday.   somewhere
I'm looking for a place ... .   to sit
I'm looking for my keys. I haven't ... them yet.   found
I'm looking forward ... you again   to see
I'm not keen on clubbing at the weekend. I ... the cinema.   would rather go to
I'm planning ... on holiday for 6 months.   to go
I'm preparing ... my final exam.   to take
I'm really looking ... to Christmas.   forward
I'm scared of ... .   heights
I'm sorry but I can't look ... your children tonight, I have a date   after
I'm taking a long-... flight to the Caribbean next week.   distance
I'm very ... . Can I have some water please?   thirsty
I'm very ... . no one likes me!   lonely
I'm very ... when I'm waiting for my test results.   stressed
I'm very ... with my new car.   pleased
I'm very interested ... history   in
I'm waiting for the exam results. I'm a bit ... and nervous.   tense
I'm worried about ... a D in my English test.   getting
In Italy there are only ... people who can speak Portuguese   a few
In the sun, her ... tans very quickly   skin
Indicare la grafia corretta: 100   one hundred
Indicare la grafia corretta: 3°, 5°, 11°, 5, 33   third, fifth, eleventh, five, thirty- three
Is it ... that you know Brad Pitt?   true
Is Jo ... Chris?   as tall as
Is that a ... jacket?   leather
Is that Jack, sitting ... the swimming pool?   by
Is that the shop ... sells vintage records?   which
Is the cinema ... from here? Not really.   far
Is the park far ... ?   away
Is there a particular director ... movies you love?   whose
Is this ring ... ? I found it in the bathroom.   yours
It ... very hot in the summer   is
It ... yesterday   didn't rain
It can be dangerous when the children play ... the street   in
It costs 60 pounds to travel 10 miles by car; ... if you go by bus it costs only 30 pounds   however
It is ... to organise holidays online these days.   much easier
It is a secret ... you and ...   between/me
It is five ...   past five
It is very kind ... you to help me   of
It rained incredibly ... yesterday.   heavily
It was ...   he
It was ... . He ate 4 plates of pasta.   incredible
It was a ... evening. Nothing happened.   normal
It was a great party last night. You ... come. Why didn't you?   should have
It was a very difficult ... to make.   decision
It was easy to get here. I just ... the GPS's directions.   followed
It was good party. ... enjoyed it   Everybody
It was nice ... your voice on the phone yesterday   hearing
It was very nice ... you to help me with that heavy suitcase.   of
Italians kiss on the ... when they meet.   cheek
It's ... nine   a quarter to
It's ... than a sauna in here!   hotter
It's 1 pm. I'd rather have lunch now ... a new presentation. I'm exhausted.   than giving
It's a long stop-over. We have to wait ... 5 hours to get our flight.   at least
It's a ready meal. Just ... hot water and it's ready to eat.   add
It's better to find a friend ... to find an enemy.   than
It's cold outside. Please ... warm.   keep
It's difficult to open bottles with that bottle opener. ... do it for you?   Shall I
It's father's day. I need to get ... present for my dad.   a
It's hot in here. I ... the window.   'll open
It's important to relax your body ... your mind.   as well as
It's incredible ... you eat when we go to the restaurant.   how much
It's incredible what smokers do to their ... .   bodies
It's just a ... cold. You will be fine.   common
It's late. It's time ... home   we go
It's much easier to ... a horse in the direction its going   ride
It's my ... to say what I like.   right
It's not ... . you are taller than me so you can win the basketball game easily.   fair
It's so easy to use an Iphone. ... can do it.   Anyone
It's such a ... evening.   pleasant
It's two years ... Joe   since I saw
It's very ... in here, shall we go outside?   crowded
It's very loud in here. Do you want to go somewhere ... ?   else
I've ... finished my homework. I'll be out of the house at 5 pm.   nearly
I've ... lunch. There was a big lasagna.   had
I've ... my leg. I can't walk now.   hurt
I've ... my phone at home.   forgotten
I've ... on holiday to Cortina D'Ampezzo since I was young.   been going
I've ... since I was a child.   been having headaches
I've ... so many books in my life.   read
I've been in America for 2 weeks. I'm flying ... home on Monday.   back
I've been playing tennis since I ... a match at Wimbledon.   saw
I've had many smart phones. ... , the best one was a Samsung.   However
I've just had a ... conversation with my boss.   quick
I've never ... before.   been arrested
I've spent ... explaining. You should understand by now.   enough time