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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

I ____ your plan. I think we should do it my way.   Don't agree with
I _________ studied physics if the teacher __________ interesting.   Wouldn't have / hadn't been
I couldn't make it to work yesterday.   Non sono riuscito ad andare al lavoro ieri
I don't know ______.   What offer to accept
I feel much better today. Yesterday I ____ terrible.   Felt
I never expected him to let us down that way.   Non mi sarei mai aspettato che ci deludesse così
I really regretted my mistake. It was one that I ___ .   Ought not to have made
I really think you shouldn't promise to stop drinking if you are not _____ to follow a serious rehab programme.   Prepared
I sometimes wish that I ........ in this city.   Didn't live
I think _______ to the beach later.   I will go
I told the children......... go to bed too late.   Not to
I tried to come, but I couldn't make it.   Ho provato a venire, ma non ce l'lo fatta
I was offered a job for ten weeks and ____________ up staying ten years.   Ended
I wish I ........ spent so much money yesterday.   Hadn't
I'd ........ to meet them too.   Have liked
I'd rather you_____call me at night, please.   Didn't
If a person moves crabwise it means that he or she _________ .   Moves sideways or carefully and not directly
If someone hits the roof, this means:   He got very angry
If someone is defined as "bombastic", this means he or she is:   Pompous
If someone is defined as "plucky", this means he or she is:   Brave
If someone is defined as "unyielding", this means he or she is:   Stubborn
If something is beside the point, this means:   It is irrelevant
If something is defined as "inconceivable", this means it is:   Impossible
If something is defined as "unbiased", this means it is:   Impartial
If you are putting yourself or someone else on an official list for an activity you are:   Enrolling
Il passato progressivo in inglese si usa: (indicare l'affermazione errata).   Insieme alla forma passiva per indicare azioni che si svolgeranno nel futuro
I'm really ____ on holiday this year.   Looking forward to going
Imparare a guidare è tanto difficile quanto imparare ad andare in bicicletta.   Learning to drive is as hard as learning to ride a bike
In addition, Such as, I.e., For instance. Which connective is not a clarifier connective?   In addition
In case of difficulties at the phone which of the following sentences isn't likely to be said?   Hello, could I speak to Claudia please?
In order to, But, Since, Even though. Which connective is a final connective?   In order to
In quale delle seguenti frasi l'uso di "like" non è corretto.   Val wrote the letter like I had suggested
In which of the following sentences isn't it possible to remove "of"?   None of the students went to the school party
Indicare in quale frase il connettivo virgolettato è un connettivo di concessione.   Arsenal won the match.They didn't play well, "though"
Indicare in quale frase il connettivo virgolettato è un connettivo di conseguenza.   The race passed "so" quickly that I couldn't see anything
Indicare in quale frase il connettivo virgolettato è un connettivo di tempo.   I've worked in Rome "since" I graduated
Indicare in quale frase il connettivo virgolettato è un connettivo di tempo.   "As" Louise grew older, she got less shy
Indicare in quale frase il connettivo virgolettato è un connettivo per includere/aggiungere.   Oscar Wilde was a great novelist. "Furthermore", he wrote funny comedies
Indicare in quale frase il connettivo virgolettato non è di modo.   Kelly met Liam "as" she was going to her office
Indicare in quale frase il connettivo virgolettato non è un connettivo di conseguenza.   Mr Pater took part in a TV show "for" his wife to see how much he still loved her
Indicare in quale frase il connettivo virgolettato non è un connettivo di conseguenza.   Ryan switched his mobile phone off "in order not to" be disturbed
Indicare in quale frase il connettivo virgolettato non è un connettivo di scopo.   The girl looked shocked, "as if" she had seen a ghost
Indicare l'affermazione corretta:   In lingua inglese il simple present si usa per dire con quale frequenza accadono le cose, es: I eat some salad every day
Indicare l'affermazione corretta:   In lingua inglese il present continuos si usa quando siamo nel mezzo di fare qualcosa, anche in senso figurato, e per descrivere cambiamenti attorno a questo periodo: l'azione non è completa, es: I am going to school
It's _________________ time the children ______________ to bed, don't you think?   About / went