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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Tell me _________ you are worried _____.   what / about
That is my ______ house.   parents'
That pen is not ______! It's ______.   yours / mine
That's ________ dress in the shop.   the prettiest
The _____ time I visited the United States _____ last July.   first / was
The _____ toilet is down the hall.   women's
The ______ children ______ at their uncle's house.   missing / were found
The ________ eat a lot of rice.   Chinese
The athlete _____ his last gold medal _____ 2002.   won / in
The Atlantic Ocean is much _____ than the _____.   deeper / Mediterranean Sea
The best way to learn a ______ job is by _____ it!   practical / doing
The book is ______ more interesting than I ______.   much / thought
The Browns have breakfast _______ home.   at
The chicken is running _______ the road.   across
The city law court ____ in Central Square, ____ the Gallery of Modern Art.   is / to the right of
The Clines ______ to Yosemite on vacation next week.   are going
The concert _______ at 7:30 last Sunday.   began
The day after Wednesday is _______.   Thursday
The director _____ the employees _____ extra hours.   wants / to work
The Director's office is ____ than ____.   larger / yours
The examination was ______ difficult ______ I expected.   less / than
The factory has five hundred _______.   employees
The first candidate ______ proposed this programme was ______.   who / Italian
The food is rather _____, I don't want it ______.   spicy / at all
The goods ____ delivered on time, ____ worry.   will be / don't
The last train ______ ______ 11p.m..   leaves / at
The man got the wrong bus to the airport and ______ his flight.   missed
The milkman ____ ____ at eight.   always / comes
The Millers _______ a lot of money on holiday.   spent
The office ____ every day ____ 17:00.   closes / at
The pasta's not good. There's _________ salt.   not enough
The post-office _____ _____ 7 a.m. every day.   opens / at
The results of the opinion ____ ____ unexpected.   poll / were
The results of your ____ ____ unexpected.   management / were
The roads in the Alps can be quite ____ in winter.   icy
The roof _____ repaired _____ 1997.   was / in
The sales clerk forgot to give me the ____ when I paid for the radio.   receipt
The sandwich __________ after the Earl of Sandwich.   was named
The train goes ________ the tunnel.   through
There _______ any single rooms.   weren't
There are ____ eggs in the fridge.   some
There aren't _____ plants _____ my office.   any / in
There was ________ cream ______ the cake.   a lot of / on top of
These clothes are ______ more expensive than I ______.   much / thought
These instructions are _____ to _____.   easier / follow
They ____ Madrid.   haven't ever visited
They are ______ for a new position in my department.   hiring
They lived _______ ever after.   happily
They were studying in the library when the fire _________ .   started
This blouse is too small. I'm going to __________ to the shop.   take it back
This cappuccino ____ not ____ good.   is / so
This class isn't interesting. I'm ________.   bored
This food is delicious!! I ____ like to congratulate your _____!   would / chef
This is _____ country. _____ you respect their sensitiveness?   a foreign / Could
This is absolutely the ____ book I've ever read.   worst
This is the _____thing I have ever done.   hardest
This path is ______ ruined ______ I expected.   less / than
This shop ____ every day ____ 09:00 a.m.   opens / at
This small town _____ founded _____ 1750.   was / in
This sofa is _____________ that sofa.   more comfortable than
This vineyard produces the _____ expensive _____.   most / wine
This watch is not expensive. It's quite ____.   cheap
Those hot pants are not _____ hot _______ you think!   so / as
To ______ should I give ______ report?   whom / this
Todd _____ so much _______ his sister.   looks/ like
Todd _____ so much _______ his sister.   looks/ like
Tony ________ glasses. He can't see very well.   wears
Tuna and salmon are ______.   fish
Turkey and ______ are white meat.   chicken
Two _____ people live in _____ city.   million / that