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Elenco in ordine alfabetico delle domande di Lingua inglese

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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Choose the right translation. His name is Sam, not Simon.   Si chiama Sam, non Simon.
Choose the right translation: Alex is a student, he is 22 years old.   Alex è uno studente, ha 22 anni.
Choose the right translation: Are they from France? No, they aren't.   Sono francesi? No
Choose the right translation: Are you on holiday? Yes, we are   Siete in vacanza? Si
Choose the right translation: Be quiet and listen to me!   Stai zitto e ascoltami!
Choose the right translation: Can you close the door, please?   Puoi chiudere la porta per favore?
Choose the right translation: Claudia is a student, and she's 18 years old.   Claudia è una studentessa e ha 18 anni.
Choose the right translation: Dan arriva domenica. Maggie lo conosce?   Dan is arriving on Sunday. Does Maggie know him?
Choose the right translation: Devi essere paziente. Capirai più tardi.   You must be patient. You'll understand later.
Choose the right translation: How are you? Very well, thanks.   Come stai? Molto bene grazie
Choose the right translation: How do you spell it?   Come si scrive?
Choose the right translation: How do you spell your surname?   Come si scrive il tuo cognome?
Choose the right translation: Is David on holiday? Yes, he is.   David è in vacanza? Si
Choose the right translation: Is that your computer?   Quello è il tuo computer?
Choose the right translation: Is that your watch?   È quello il tuo orologio?
Choose the right translation: Is this your wallet? No, it isn't.   Questo è il tuo portafoglio? No
Choose the right translation: Is Tom American? No, he isn't   Tom è americano? No
Choose the right translation: Kim and Tony are students.   Kim e Tony sono studenti.
Choose the right translation: My photo is on my identity card.   La mia foto è sulla carta d'identità.
Choose the right translation: My surname is Johns, not Jones.   Il mio cognome è Johns, non Jones.
Choose the right translation: Nice to meet you   Piacere di conoscerti
Choose the right translation: Non dovresti scrivere sul banco.   You shouldn't write on the desk.
Choose the right translation: Our English class in on Tuesday.   La nostra lezione d'inglese è di martedì.
Choose the right translation: Please close the window.   Chiudi la finestra, per favore
Choose the right translation: Please don't park your car here.   Per favore, non parcheggiare la tua auto qui
Choose the right translation: Potresti prestarmi due sterline, per favore?   Could you lend me two pounds, please?
Choose the right translation: Sam non voleva andare a casa. Si stava divertendo.   Sam didn't want to go home. He was enjoying himself.
Choose the right translation: They are American. They are from New York.   Sono americani. Vengono da New York.
Choose the right translation: They are around 35 years old.   Hanno circa 35 anni.
Choose the right translation: They aren't students. They are actors.   Non sono studenti. Sono attori.
Choose the right translation: They're French. They're from Paris.   Sono Francesi, vengono da Parigi
Choose the right translation: This is my new computer.   Questo è il mio nuovo computer.
Choose the right translation: Turn off the lamp.   Spegni quella lampada
Choose the right translation: Turn off your mobile phones, please.   Spegnete i vostri cellulari, per favore.
Choose the right translation: Una volta c'era un albergo qui.   There used to be a hotel here.
Choose the right translation: Vorrei comprare un computer nuovo.   I'd like to buy a new computer.
Choose the right translation: Vorrei comprare una macchina nuova.   I'd like to buy a new car.
Choose the right translation: We are quite tired now.   Siamo piuttosto stanchi adesso
Choose the right translation: What are these? They are my glasses.   Cosa sono questi? Sono i miei occhiali.
Choose the right translation: What's her address?   Qual è il suo indirizzo?
Choose the right translation: What's her surname?   Qual è il suo cognome?
Choose the right translation: When is your English class?   Quand'è la tua lezione d'inglese?
Choose the right translation: Where is his school?   Dov'è la sua scuola?
Choose the right translation: Where is my umbrella?   Dov'è il mio ombrello?
Choose the right translation: Where is my wallet?   Dov'è il mio portafoglio?
Choose the right translation: Where is their school?   Dov'è la loro scuola?
Complete the list with the correct word: eight, nine, ten, ...   eleven
Complete the list with the correct word: fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, ...   thirty
Complete the list with the correct word: five, ten, ..., twenty   fifteen
Complete the list with the correct word: Saturday, Sunday,Monday...   Tuesday
Complete the list with the correct word: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, ...   Wednesday
Complete the list with the correct word: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, ...   Friday
Complete the list with the correct word: twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, ...   thirty
Complete the list with the correct word: two, four, six, ...   eight
Complete the list with the correct word: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, ...   Saturday