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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

I ___ late for my English class.   Am
I ____ never been to California.   Have
I ____ whisky but I don't drink rum.   Drink
I _____ a newspaper every day.   Read
I _____ in the park.   Walk
I _____ sing well.   Can
I _____ to school yesterday.   Walked
I ______ hungry.   Am
I ______ like coffee.   Don't
I _______ a pilot.   Am
I _______ Robert Parr many years ago.   Met
I _______ the London zoo last year.   Visited
I ________ that movie last week.   Saw
I always go _____ a shopping center.   To
I am ____ in class right now.   Sitting
I am 10 years ______.   Old
I am short but my brother is very _____   Tall
I bought this book two days __________   Ago
I clean _____ car every weekend.   My
I don't _______ the time.   Have
I don't think I've _____ you before in this pub.   Seen
I don't understand.   Can I help you?
I find that difficult to believe. Do you trust ________?   Me
I get up at 8 o'clock _____ morning.   In the
I go to work ______ foot.   On
I had a terrible day _______.   Yesterday
I have ____ idea.   An
I have a lot of money. I'm ____.   Rich
I have been learning English ________ seven years.   For
I have many things to ______.   Do
I have only one brother. He is ______ than me.   Older
I have two ____ jeans.   Blue
I have two ________.   Pens
I hope you ______________ to arrive in time at the airport.   Will be able
I hurt my leg _____ the third quarter of the basketball match.   During
I like _________ shoes.   Your
I like that dress, but it's _____ than this one.   More expensive
I live in ___ apartment.   An
I live in Texas _____ my family.   With
I live in the _______ of Milan.   Centre
I love her and she loves_____.   Me
I saw ______ in the mirror.   Myself
I saw some _____ pictures.   Beautiful
I usually put _____ sugar in my coffee.   Some
I want ________ ice cream.   An
I want to earn some ____ money.   Extra
I went to the ________and I bought some bread.   Bakery
I will ____ tomorrow.   Study
I_____ eat pizza on Sundays - It's my favourite food.   Always
I_____ two brothers and one sister.   Have got
I_______ looking at you.   Am
I'd like two tickets for tomorrow.   Here you are
If you need to travel by plane you need to go to the ________   Airport
If you want, you _____.   Can
I'll move to London next month. There I'm sure I ________meet people from all over the world.   Will
I'm _______ Spanish. I'm Italian.   Not
I'm afraid I haven't got _____ pencils.   Any
I'm going to study ________ this term.   Hard
I'm interested ________ photography.   In
I'm listening ___ music.   To
I'm not a vegetarian, but I _________ eat meat.   Rarely
I'm sending ___ e-mail.   An
I'm sorry but there_______ trains to Oxford on Sunday night.   Are no
I'm staying in Paris ______ two weeks   For
I'm waiting ______ the Paris flight.   For
In _________ end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television.   The
In 1980 my parents ______ to Argentina.   Emigrated
In a year there are _____ months.   Twelve
In an English pub people usually order a______   Beer
In English the word ''camera'' means ______   Macchina fotografica
In Italy the Father's Day is celebrated in ______   March
In Italy the Mother's Day is celebrated in _______   May
In my country policemen _____ blue uniforms.   Wear
In my town shops ____ usually open on Sunday evenings.   Are
In the morning I always get ________ early during the summer.   Up
In the Olympic Games the silver medal is awarded to ________   The second-place finisher
In the USA people eat this animal meat to celebrate their Thanksgiving.   Turkey
In this shop ____ is expensive.   Everything
Is New York _____ than Milano?   Bigger
Is that _____ mobile phone?   Your
Is the girl _______cards?   Playing
Is there a banana in the box? Yes, ______   There is
Is there a DVD in the DVD player? No, _____   There isn't
Is this _____ motorbike, Giuseppe?   Your
It ____ a beautiful day today.   Is
It ____ Monday today, it's Tuesday.   Isn't
It _____ be very hot this summer.   Will
It ________ great to meet you!   Is
It is _______ book that I have ever read.   The funniest
It sells a wide variety of _________   Items
It's a drink.   Orange juice
It's a means of tranport.   Airplane
It's good to eat ________ food.   Healthy
It's important to ________ foreign languages.   Speak
It's not a drink.   Toast
It's raining. Remember to take an _______   Umbrella
It's the room where you can sleep.   Bedroom
I've _______ him since I was a little girl.   Known