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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

I --------------------- you that the goods you ordered are now ready for dispatch.   Am writing to inform.
I .... with you. I like Rome for some things, but after a time I get tired of it. My ideal home is a little quiet place in Switzerland, .... the mountains.   Agree - among.
I ______________ chosen those friends, if they ______________ honest.   Wouldn't have / hadn't been.
I advised him to wear a ____ , so that no one recognise him   wig
I can't _____ with my brother in law. I'll tell him to leave as soon as possible   put up
I can't find my mobile anywhere, I've been looking for hours. I _____ have left it at school.   Must.
I didn't .... him .... I'd met him twice before.   Recognise - although.
I didn't need help. I did it ........ my own.   On.
I didn't need help. I did it ........ my own.   On.
I don't know, I ____   haven't got a clue
I don't learn .... at school, school is for ....   Anything - fools.
I had to deny ________ ________ request.   Him / his.
I have to____ before finally deciding   think it over
I know I made a mistake, but you don't have to rub it in.   Lo so che ho sbagliato, ma tu non farla lunga.
I love classical music and ........ does she.   So.
I never expected him to let us down that way.   Non mi sarei mai aspettato che ci deludesse così.
I regret .... my job.   Leaving.
I was about to fall down when someone ____ me   grabbed
I wash_____hands   my
I wish the director ____ to a decision yesterday   had come
I wonder if you ........ Tom for a moment, please.   Could help.
I'd ........ to meet them too.   Have liked.
I'd like to organize a book exchange .... the .... college.   Throughout - whole.
Identify an appropriate substitute for the word in brackets. "The man [hurt] his back moving heavy tables".   injured
If box A contains 10 balls, box B contains 20 balls, and box C contains 30 balls, then box A contains:   the fewest balls of all
If he knows the answer, he ____________ it.   Will repeat.
If I____ rich, I____ purchase a personal jet   were/could
If only I ______ taller, life would be __________ easier.   Were / so much.
If something is defined as "unbiased", this means it is:   Impartial.
If you are "broad-minded" you are:   open-minded
If you had been there, we _____________ a good time.   Would have had.
If you had to describe a person, what adjective would you choose?   Debonair.
If you put your finger in cold water you will ____ the pain   deaden
If you tell _________ the truth, he _____________ upset with you.   Him / will become.
If you want a good suit you must go to a good tailor. Of course a good tailor is rather .... You pay for the quality and the style, but a good suit .... for a long time.   Expensive - lasts.
Il corretto significato di "actually" è...   effettivamente
Il corretto significato di "vacancy" è...   posto vacante
Il participio di "to cling" è...   clung
Il participio di "to forgive" è...   forgiven
Il participio di "to stand" è...   stood
Il participio di "to wear" è...   worn
Il passato di "to bear" è...   bore
Il passato di "to cast" è...   casted
Il passato di "to come" è...   came
Il passato di "to cost" è...   cost
Il passato di "to fall" è...   fell
Il passato di "to forgive" è...   forgave
Il passato di "to hang" è...   hung
Il passato di "to quit" è...   quit
Il passato di "to stink" è...   stank
I'm sorry, I _______________________ . I _______________________ about Jim.   Wasn't concentrating / was thinking.
In inglese "blow" significa...   soffiare
In inglese "carry" significa...   portare
In inglese "cold" significa...   freddo
In inglese "cut" significa...   tagliare
In inglese "daisy" significa...   margherita
In inglese "door" significa...   porta
In inglese "drink" significa...   bere
In inglese "farm" significa...   fattoria
In inglese "fast" significa...   veloce
In inglese "game" significa...   gioco
In inglese "lead" significa...   guidare
In inglese "leave" significa...   lasciare
In inglese "make" significa...   fare
In inglese "plan" significa...   piano
In inglese "plant" significa...   pianta
In inglese "pull" significa...   tirare
In inglese "right" significa...   giusto
In inglese "sentence" significa...   frase
In inglese "sew" significa...   cucire
In inglese "sit" significa...   sedersi
In inglese "snow" significa...   neve
In inglese "spit" significa...   sputare
In inglese "swear" significa...   giurare
In inglese "thought" significa...   pensiero
In inglese "water" significa...   acqua
In inglese "win" significa...   vincere
In the following sentence the part in brackets contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "Immigrants arriving in a new country [have to be learned new habits]".   have to learn new habits
In the following sentence the part in brackets contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "Six months ago the Government assured that employment [would have been growing]".   would grow
In the following sentence the part in brackets contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "The packages [has been wrapped and are all ready to be mailing] as soon as the courier arrives".   have been wrapped and are all ready to be mailed
In the following sentence the part in square brackets contains one or more mistakes. Choose the correct alternative. "They didn't get the contract because they [haven't being researching] the market situation very well".   hadn't been researching
In the sentence "One of the newspaper's strengths is the quality of its journalism", "strengths" means:   strong points
In the sentence "The candidate has good numeracy skills as well as linguistic aptitude", "numeracy" means the ability to:   work with figures
In the sentence: "He can't afford a new computer, so he will upgrade his old one", "afford" means:   pay for
In the sentence: "Negotiations suffered a severe setback", "setback" means:   defeat
In this age of advanced telephone networks and electronic mail, it seems that .... and .... people are taking the time to sit down and write letters.   Fewer - fewer.
In which of the following sentences we can't remove "that" without changing the meaning or making a mistake?   That man over there is my English teacher.
In which season can we enjoy the "holiday season"?   Winter
Individuare la costruzione grammaticale del "past perfect":   Had + past participle.
Individuare la costruzione grammaticale del "present perfect continuous":   Has/have + been + -ing.
It took me twenty minutes to realise I _______________ in the wrong file.   Had been looking.
Italian people differ _______ other nationalities I know.   From.
It's _______ ________ I told the news.   He / whom.