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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

What does the following communication mean? "I can't come to the concert this evening. Sorry, Bill”.   Bill is sorry because he is unable to go to the concert
What does the following communication mean? "lift for room 203 is out of order. Use the stairs in front of the rear entrance".   You must take the stairs to the room 203
What does the following communication mean? "Students have to read five of the ten books in the bibliography".   Students are required to read half the number of books in the bibliography
what does the term "common" in Italian mean?   comune
what does the term "helpful" in Italian mean?   utile
what does the term "plane" in Italian mean?   aereo
what does the term "retreat" in Italian mean?   ritirarsi
what does the term "stay" in Italian mean?   restare
What is the British English equivalent of the American word “zucchini”?   Courgette
What is the following advertisement about? “Get away for less”.   A low-cost travel offer
What is the opposite of "wide"?   Narrow
What is the opposite of the word "warm"?   Cold
What is the opposite of the word “shrewd”?   Gullible
What of the following words means the opposite to “courageous”?   Fearful
What____ about when I arrived?   were you talking
Which is the closest English equivalent of the Italian idiomatic expression "in bocca al lupo"?   Break a leg!
Which is the equivalent to “Aircraft pilot” among the following terms?   Aviator
Which is the equivalent to “Instrument for measuring a quantity” among the following terms?   Meter
Which of the alternatives CANNOT be followed by “yet”?   She is as beautiful
Which of the alternatives CANNOT be placed immediately before the verb in the following sentence? “Marianne goes to the disco on Saturdays”.   twice a month
Which of the alternatives CANNOT be preceded by "How"?   Isn't that the time?
Which of the alternatives CANNOT be preceded by "No matter"?   I am sure, I don't believe you
Which of the alternatives CANNOT be preceded by "What"?   beautiful these paintings are!
Which of the alternatives CANNOT be preceded by "Whose"?   ... is that guy?
Which of the alternatives CANNOT be used to complete the following sentence? “... listened to me, now you wouldn't be in trouble”.   Should you had
Which of the alternatives CANNOT be used to complete the following sentence? “..., I'll remind you my advice on that contract”.   Were something going wrong
Which of the alternatives cannot be used to complete the following sentence? “You ... get a computer- readable passport if you want to go to the States; if you don't, you have to get a visa”.   ought to
Which of the following adverbs can be regarded as a false friend?   Actually
Which of the following alternatives can be used to replace the verb in brackets? "On Sept. 11, 2001, al- Qaeda [could] bypass the U.S. counterterrorism structure".   was able to
Which of the following alternatives CANNOT be used to complete the sentence? "I don't think I will read his new book. The ... sounds totally uninteresting!".   argument
Which of the following alternatives is a garment a man would normally wear?   Suit
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? "The person ... here yesterday was very kind".   which I met
Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete this sentence?“Mike loves his job but his salary is rather low - he only ... £30,000 a year”.   gains
Which of the following couples of country/adjective is INCORRECT?   Sweden/Swede
Which of the following is NOT similar in meaning to "very" in the following sentence? "She's very nice".   slightly
Which of the following pairs of country/adjective is INCORRECT?   Denmark/Dane
Which of the following sentences could be used to correctly replace the following statement? "If it doesn't rain, we will go to the sea on Sunday"   Unless it rains, we will go to the sea on Sunday
Which of the following sentences could be used to correctly replace the following statement? "mary took a long time to complete the drawing".   mary took a long time completing the drawing
Which of the following sentences is correct?   If he were to die, would it make any difference?
Which of the following sentences is correct?   If you move to Shanghai, you will improve your Chinese
Which of the following sentences is correct?   I've been reading for hours but I haven't finished yet
Which of the following sentences is correct?   Before ordering the selected item, please make sure you select the correct height and length
Which of the following sentences is correct?   The guardian told us that we couldn't stay there
Which of the following words is NOT associated with music?   ball
Which of the following words means the opposite of "polite"?   Rude
Which of the followings can “go the rounds”?   Flu
Which of these adjectives CANNOT be the opposite of sweet?   wide
which of these elements is NOT solid?   nitrogen
Which of these verbs does NOT form a noun which ends in -ion?   Refuse
Which verb CANNOT be used to complete this sentence? “All Members of Parliament ... think carefully about their words, today of all days”.   need
Which word does not match with the rest of the group?   Cabbage
Which word in this sentence is NOT correct? "John switched off the lights, put on his coat, went out from the house and got in his car".   from
Which word in this sentence is NOT correct? “Many people now agree that the climate is change”.   change
Which word is NOT appropriate in the following short text? "Accommodation offered in lovely old- fashioned country house with extravagant views and excellent facilities. Visit our website for more information".   extravagant
Which word is NOT appropriate in this context? "When you do affairs, an exchange of business cards is essential for all introductions".   affairs
Which word is NOT correct in this context? "Did you notice that the media store beside the swimming pool is offering tablets at very reasonably prices?".   reasonably
Which word or phrase CANNOT be used to complete the following sentence? "My plane ... at 9 am on Sunday".   comes
Which word(s) CANNOT be used to complete the following sentence? "Kevin is tired because he's been working ... today".   hardly