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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Choose the alternative that is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the original sentence. "He will accept our offer, [in the end]".   eventually
Choose the alternative which best completes the following sentence. “The problem with Japanese restaurants is that they always serve you raw fish. I ... grilled fish”.   am used to eating
Choose the alternative which correctly replaces the word in inverted commas. “Get everyone to get their stuff and "go" Out"   get
Choose the alternative which correctly replaces the word in inverted commas.Customer: “Can I 'book' a room for tonight?Operator: “Yes, of course. All you have to do is to give me your visa number”. Customer: “Thank you”.   reserve
Choose the alternative which correctly replaces the words in square brackets.Customer: “Please take me to this address”.Taxi driver: “Ok, it is [a bit far away], it will take half an hour or so”.   not very near
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the following sentence. "Susan didn't [mean] to hurt your feelings".   intend
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the original sentence. "Farm production has been [boosted] by the use of fertilizers and upgraded methods of controlling plant and animal diseases".   increased
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "I can [see] by your tan that you've been on holiday".   tell
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "It's customary to [wear] black at funerals".   dress in
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "John is happy because his salary has [risen]".   increased
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "My [attendant] will cook a good dinner for us".   servant
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "One of the [players] broke his leg".   competitors
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The man [hurt] his back moving heavy tables".   injured
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "This technique is pretty [outdated]".   old-fashioned
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "We asked a man where the bank was, but he didn't [answer]".   reply
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. “She [remembered] seeing a man outside the shop that night”.   recalled
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "He is a very [faithful] person".   reliable
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "But before long, something [dreadful] began to   frightening
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "I shall complete the task [forthwith]".   at once
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the word or words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The boys [scrambled] up the slope".   clambered
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the following sentence. “Ned was [severely reprimanded] by his boss for his miserable performance in Marketing”.   hauled over the coals
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "I didn't [expect] that film [to be] so good".   think; would be
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "If you want to get thinner, you'd better [be carefull to eat less fattening foods]".   go on a diet
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "It was [an endless] list of terrible events".   a never-ending
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Jim [used to be] married to an Indian".   was once
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "She looks good now that she [has lost weight]".   slimmed down
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The driver is sorry about the accident. He [regrets what happened very much]".   really regrets what happened
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "Building that new fireplace [has worn me out]".   has made me really tired
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "The travel I want to do is a very [interesting] one".   fascinating
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. "They [are in debt] to the bank".   owe money
Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the sentence. “We've finally found the pants we've [been looking for] all day”.   been searching for
Choose the alternative which means the same as the word in square brackets. “Tony is [nearly] sure that the ball hit the window”.   almost
Choose the alternative which means the same as the words in square brackets. “This was [bound to] happen someday”.   destined to
Choose the alternatives which best complete the following sentence. “My new job is great. I have about the same ... of work as before, but I have ... stress and ... problems”.   amount; less; fewer
Choose the answer which is closest in meaning to the word in square brackets and which does not change the meaning of the following sentence. "Your car is [nearly] as old as mine".   almost
Choose the answer which is closest in meaning to the words in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the original sentence. "You can be sure that [we will be received with open arms] when we get home".   we will be greeted warmly
Choose the best sentence in each numbered item below.   The weapons lay in the field showing where the battle had taken place
Choose the correct answer to the following question. “How long does it take to go from your house to school on foot?”.   about ten minutes
Choose the correct meaning of “surplus”.   Eccedenza
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in brackets. "I'm too tired to cook tonight. Why don't we [eat out]?".   have dinner in a restaurant
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in brackets. "When the telephone salesman told me I could buy some concert tickets for only $10.00 if I gave him my credit card number, [it seemed a little fishy to me], so I hung up the phone".   I thought the phone salesman was dishonest and I felt suspicious of him
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in brackets. "Wow! [It's raining cats and dogs] today! I wish I'd brought my umbrella!".   It's raining heavily
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase in square brackets. “Why didn't you tell your boss how you feel? [You have no backbone]”.   You have no courage
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to avoid".   Evitare
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to become".   Divenire
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to complain".   Lamentarsi
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to destroy".   Distruggere
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to develop".   Sviluppare
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to face".   Fronteggiare
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to forgive".   Perdonare
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to lie".   Mentire
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to reply".   Rispondere
Choose the correct meaning of the verb "to shut".   chiudere
Choose the correct meaning of the words between square brackets. “If you have another suggestion, [I am all ears]”.   I am willing to listen
Choose the correct sentence.   Sociologists study societies, but they also belong to them
Choose the correct sentence.   Jane has bought the book she is studying
Choose the correct sentence.   The mission was well planned, so everything went smoothly
Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentence. “There ... any elegantly dressed people at the party. Everyone was wearing blue jeans”.   weren't
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. “It ... published ... yesterday's magazine”.   was; in
Choose the group of words which best completes the following sentence. “She ... late for meetings”.   can't stand it when we're
Choose the odd word out.   Settler
Choose the odd word out.   Hammer
Choose the odd word out.   Immoderate
Choose the odd word out.   In time
Choose the odd word out.   Moved
Choose the odd word out.   Greek
Choose the odd word out.   Country
Choose the odd word out.   Paperback
Choose the odd word out.   Cow
Choose the odd word out.   Ostrich
Choose the odd word out.   Library
Choose the odd word out.   Outrageous
Choose the odd word out.   Fence
Choose the odd word out.   Argument
Choose the right answer to the following question. "Is Margaret coming too?".   I hope not
Choose the synonym of the word "manifold"   multiple
Choose the synonym of the word between square brackets. “My sister is always very [careful]”.   cautious
Choose the word that best replaces the one in square brackets. “Before the [onset] of her illness, she was often feeling tired”.   start
Choose the word that best replaces the one in square brackets. “She [quitted] smoking last year”.   gave up
Choose the word that best replaces the one in square brackets. “We have such [great expectations] about our son!”   prospects
Choose the word that has the same meaning of the one in square brackets. “It was a very [good] day for fishing”.   fine
Choose the word that would best replace the one in brackets. "[Maybe] we'll come".   Perhaps
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. “She was walking very ... because of her backache”.   slowly
Choose the word which best completes the following sentence.“The new ... include regulation and standardisation inspections”.   tasks
Choose the word which best fits into each blank. “So were the dances of the suite and the sinfonia avanti l'opera, ... in a gay and sociable welter with marches, hunting songs and variations on familiar   jostling
Choose the word which is closest in meaning to the word in brackets and which does not change the meaning of the original sentence. "Norman Rockwell's paintings and illustrations display a [meticulous] attention to detail".   careful
Choose the word which means the same as the one in square brackets. “In Rome there are a lot of opportunities to enjoy your [leisure] time”.   free
Choose the words from the list below which mean the same as the words between square brackets in the sentence. “The western portion of the country is [far less populated than] the eastern third”.   considerably less populated than
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. “Her Spanish hasn't improved ... I was expecting”.   as much as
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. “I'm so happy today! I've just met him and now I'm ...”.   on cloud nine
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. “Mary, please, tell Mr. Smith that I should be there in ten minutes and I'm sorry ...”.   to keep him waiting
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. “The meeting was a failure, because some of the executives ... the chairman's findings”.   didn't agree with
Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. “The train to Rome was on time, but I missed the connection to Florence because it suddenly stopped on the way and arrived ...”.   with a delay of one hour
Complete the correct sequence of month   January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
Complete the following conversation. "How often do the buses run?". " ...".   Every half hour
Complete the following conversation. A: "Is Mark Mrs Grant's son?" B: "Yes, ....".   he is her son
Complete the following conversation. A: ... coffee?B: No, thanks!   Would you like some
Complete the following conversation. A: How long ...?B: Since last spring.   have you lived here
Complete the following conversation.A: "Do you have any foreign competitors on national territory?" B: "...".   Yes, we have one or two present, here
Complete the following conversation.A: ... is this?B: It's the technician's signature.   Whose signature
Complete the following conversation.A: ... the reports?B: They're usually signed by the production manager.   Who signs
Complete the following conversation.A: How well does this product perform?B: ...   It usually performs well
Complete the following conversation.A: Whose ...?B: It's the technician's number.   telephone number is this
Complete the following conversation: "How long does it take you to get to work?". "...".   About 40 minutes
Complete the following dialogue.A: “Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me the way to the station?”B: “Sure. ...”.A: “Is that far?”B: “No, just five minutes on foot”A: “Thank you!”   Go straight ahead until the bank, then turn left and you will see it across the street
Complete the following dialogue.A: ... company is it?B: It's a pharmaceutical company.   What sort of
Complete the following dialogue.A: ... help?B: No thanks, I can manage!   Would you like some
Complete the following dialogue.A: ... patented the light bulb?B: It was invented by Edison Electronics.   Which company
Complete the following dialogue.A: ..., can you tell me where the toilets are?B: Sure. They're over there.   Excuse me
Complete the following dialogue.A: ...?B: It's 8.   How much is 6 and 2
Complete the following dialogue.A: Do you ever work over the weekend?B: ...   I often work over the weekend
Complete the following dialogue.Michael: ...?Jorge: It's 14.   How much is 10 and 4
Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate words. “My brother ... waiting for the bus, he's ... on foot”.   isn't; going
Complete the following sentence with the right word combination. "There ... an episode like this one".   has never been
Complete the following sentence. "Call John. He's the person ... about this matter".   who knows most
Complete the following sentence. "I am eating a sandwhich with ... ."   tuna fish
Complete the following sentence: "Gino have to arrive to work ... 8 o'clock".   by
Complete the following sentence: “Have you ever ... the USA?”   been to
Complete the question: "If you ... an animal, what kind of animal would you like to be?"   were
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: " They ... a new house if they won the lottery"   would buy
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: " What ... if you saw a ghost?"   would you do
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb: "If I could play football, ... a famous football player"   I'd become
Complete the sentence: " If I ... English, I ... speak english perfectly".   were ; would
Complete the sentence: "She lived in Bologna...she was born"   since
Complete the sentence: "They just want ... Saddam and live life.".   get rid of
Complete the sentence: "We've studied Spanish...six years"   for
Correctly complete the incomplete words. "Al... Mary studied very hard, her paper wasn't good en... for her to pass the exam".   though; ough