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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Tell me ... nice.   something
Tell me ... you.   about
Thanks ... helping me.   for
That boy is ... good pupil.   such a
That boy is very rude, he didn't have a proper ... .   upbringing
That car is ... , it was going faster earlier.   slowing down
That office has been ... by our department.   taken over
That player is doing well. He is ... form.   on
That player was taken off the field on a ... .   stretcher
That story is hard to believe. I'm sure she ... .   made it up
That's the woman ... house has been destroyed.   whose
The ... of this poisonous algae has caused the ... of many kinds of fish.   proliferation; exodus
The ... of today are very rude.   youth
The ... times at the mall are incoherent.   opening
The accident wouldn't have happened if he ... drunk.   hadn't been
The audience had mixed feelings ... the concert.   about
The back door ... the house was open.   of
The bank ... us a lot of money last year.   lent
The bar is ... the right of the street.   on
The boss thinks you ... too many breaks.   take
The boss wasn't happy so he ... the worker.   fired
The cake is made ... cream and sugar.   with
The car ... won the race was not a Ferrari.   which
The chair is made ... China.   in
The chairman began with compliments to everyone, but his cold tone ... his words.   belied
The children ... their exercise when their father ... home.   were doing; came
The cinema is ... front of the hospital.   in
The computer is ... the table.   on
the computer is guaranteed ... work fine now.   to work
The diamond was the most romantic present ... all.   of
The doctor told him to open his mouth ... .   wide
The doctor will be ready to see you ... half an hour.   in
The dog seemed to chase ... ball forever.   its
The entire office was taken ... by his charm, yet she was not what she seemed.   in
The exam I ... was really difficult.   took
The exam was ... difficult. I couldn't do any of it.   seriously
The examination consists ... two parts.   of
The fallen tree ... traffic for over an hour.   held up
The family had just had a new gas cooker ... in their kitchen.   fitted
The Ferrari is ... car in the world   the best
The flight was ... bumpy that I was sick in a paper bag.   so
The gender of these words is different. Which word is different from the others?   Brother
The grocer's is ... near the square; in fact, it's in the shopping centre, now.   no longer
The holiday wasn't ... interesting as I had expected.   as
The house ... fast, so we broke a window to get out.   was burning
The house is ... the river.   near
The house is dirty. ... it.   clean
The house smells nice and ... , have you cleaned?   fresh
The information you gave me ... wrong!   is
The jackpot was really big because ... played the lottery the week before.   no one
The lack of security in parts of the country doesn't encourage people ... there.   to invest
The lesson ... so difficult.   was
The man who fixed it must ... a mistake with the connections.   have made
The match had to be ... because of heavy snow.   postponed
The mechanic says the car ... be repaired later this week.   will
The most exciting moment is when the plane ... the ground.   lifts off
The movie is based ... a true story.   on
The movie isn't interesting. In fact it's really ... .   boring
The new lab ... finished by the end of term.   will have been
The new manager is extremely ... and always listens attentively to her colleagues.   polite
The pen is ... the credenza.   on
The phone is out ... order.   of
The plane leaves ... N.Y.C. .   for
The police ... find the man who had stolen my car. He was sent to prison.   managed to
The post office is next ... the park.   to
The president, ... 68, is retiring next year.   who is
The professor .... the students to study more.   advised
The reason ... I'm writing is to tell you about a meeting on Friday.   why
The Second World War ... in 1939.   broke out
The ship ... so all the passengers jumped into the boots.   was sinking
The shop is closed. The ... in this department has gone to lunch.   salesgirl
The sky was ..., so I decided not to go to the seaside.   overcast
The south ... Italy is nice.   of
The teacher has been here ... the school was built.   since
The town ... by the earthquake in 1906.   was destroyed
The train ... on time this morning.   left
The waiter is ... idiot.   an
The waiter recommended .... the fish.   we try
The window is made ... glass.   of
The woman ... me to go back to my hotel and wait.   told
Their son ... in this hospital.   works
There ... some crisps.   are
There ... some grapes.   are
There ... some salt.   is
There ... some sugar.   is
There ... some vegetables.   are
There are ... important people.   ...
There are many trees ... the road.   along
There are two movies on tonight: ... would you like to see?   which one
There is ... in that box; it's empty.   nothing
There is a booking ... tomorrow.   for
There is a huge ... of students that don't study.   percentage
There isn't much fruit on the table. There's only ... .   a little
There's ... train leaving London at 09:15.   a
These new orders have nothing to do with us.   These new orders do not apply to us
They ... a lot at the dinner last night.   smoked
They ... a modern house.   have
They ... the house at 7 a.m.   left
They ... their baby Lily, but they aren't sure yet.   might call
They ... their cousins for a long time.   haven't seen
They ... well with each other.   get on
They always stay ... .   together
They are in France ... the weekend.   for
They are leaving tomorrow, ...?   aren't they
They are nice, ....?   aren't they
They are not my ... books.   children's
They bought ... a nice new car.   themselves
They decided that the statue ... put up.   should be
They didn't ... their sister come in.   hear
They haven't got ... children.   any
They like ... .   me
They like ... .   each other
They like ... .   us
They live ... Picadilly Circus, imagine that!   in
They prefer ... at home in the evening   to stay
They prefer ... at home in the evening.   staying
They said that they ... their homework.   had finished
They set ... the publishing company in 1981.   up
They washed their swimsuits ... hand.   by
They were ... to have it finished by yesterday.   supposed
They won't bring me big salad, ...?   will they
They won't come tomorrow, ...?   will they
They... happy.   aren't
They're not his ... mistakes.   friend's
They're staying with us ... the time being.   for
They've ... complained to the management once before.   already
They've done ... no favours   themselves
This ... my friend. ... name's Richard.   is; His
This bar is a nice ... .   place
This book is very difficult. I don't understand it.   I can't make it out.
This box isn't ... to contain that object.   big enough
This box isn't ... to contain that object.   big enough
This box isn't as big ... that one.   as
This doesn't look a very nice restaurant. Can we go ... else?   somewhere
This is ... advice I will always follow.   ...
This is ... friend.   my
This is a ... area.   Non-smoking
This is my sister. ... name is Laura.   Her
This is my sister; do you know ... name?   her
This is not just my computer. It is 4 ... computer.   students'
This is the ... beautiful day of my life.   most
This is the photo ... my family.   of
This is what Rick ... .   did
This museum contains the finest collection of modern art in the ... .   UK
This pasta is ... nice.   very
This radio costs only $ 10. It's much ... than the other one.   cheaper
Those children ... in France.   were brought up
Those seats aren't taken; they are ... .   free
Those seats aren't taken; they are:   free
To ... it may concern.   whom
To avoid the traffic we'll have to ... at dawn.   set out
Toyotas ... Japanese ... .   are; cars
Tracy and Cindy are sisters, Tracy is ... than Cindy.   younger
Try ... through the binoculars. You might be able to see them.   looking