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Canadian researchers have discovered a set of genes that. determine the lifespan of the common nematode. This finding sheds new light on the aging process that may allow science to eventually delay the inexorable process of aging. The word determine in the passage is closest in meaning to:   Control
Canadian researchers have discovered a set of genes that. determine the lifespan of the common nematode. This finding sheds new light on the aging process that may allow science to eventually delay the inexorable process of aging. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase sheds new light on in the passage?   Provides more information about
Canadian researchers have discovered a set of genes that. determine the lifespan of the common nematode. This finding sheds new light on the aging process that may allow science to eventually delay the inexorable process of aging. The word inexorable in the passage is closest in meaning to   Unstoppable
Carl loves Molly, but she doesn 't love ___.   him
Choose the correct answer: a person can sleep there   a bed
Choose the correct answer: two people can sit there   a sofa
Choose the correct answer: you cook on this   a cooker
Choose the correct answer: you put books on this.   a shelf
Choose the correct answer: you put food and drinks in here.   a fridge
Choose the correct job of the word drive   driver
Choose the correct job of the word music   musician
Choose the correct job of the word paint   painter
Choose the correct job of the word politics   politician
Choose the correct job of the word science   scientist
Choose the correct job of the word teach   teacher
Choose the correct job of the word write   writer
Choose the right translation: Dan arriva domenica. Maggie lo conosce?   Dan is arriving on Sunday. Does Maggie know him?
Choose the right translation: Devi essere paziente. Capirai più tardi.   You must be patient. You'll understand later
Choose the right translation: Non dovresti scrivere sul banco.   You shouldn't write on the desk
Choose the right translation: Possiamo incominciare adesso.   We can begin now
Choose the right translation: Potresti prestarmi due sterline, per favore?   Could you lend me two punds, please?
Choose the right translation: Sam non voleva andare a casa. Si stava divertendo.   Sam didn't want to go home. He was enjoying himself
Choose the right translation: Una volta c'era un albergo qui.   There used to be a hotel here
Choose the right translation: Volete giocare con noi?   Do you want to play with us?
Choose the right translation: Vorrei comprare un computer nuovo.   I'd like to buy a new computer