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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

Fill in the blank with the correct option: At the time, Prime Minister Thatcher was under ____ from critics and flailing in public polls.   Fire.
Fill in the blank with the correct option: Maybe you don't like the style, but I still think a firm hand ______.   Is needed.
Find the mistake:   Slow (Adjective) -->Slowily (Adverb).
Find the mistake:   Fast (Adjective) --> Fastly (Adverb).
Find the mistake:   Cheap (Adjective) --> Cheapily (Adverb).
Find the mistake:   Economic (Adjective) -->Economicaly (Adverb).
Find the mistake:   Happy (Adjective) --> Happly (Adverb).
Find the sentence that contains a mistake:   According to the newspaper, Mr. Williamson added, "It's just outrages me that no one has been held accountable.".
Find the sentence that contains a mistake:   Have you got a sister? Yes, I do.
Find the sentence that contains a mistake:   Can you please sit down? Yes, I can't.
Find the sentence that contains a mistake:   Yesterday you worked hard, haven't you?
Find the wrong couple (noun-adjective):   Prejudicity - Prejudicial.
Find the wrong couple (noun-adjective):   Sordidity - Sordid.
Find the wrong couple (noun-adjective):   Suspection - Suspicious.
Find the wrong couple (noun-adjective):   Deepliness - Deep.
Find the wrong couple (noun-adjective):   Secretivity - Secretable.
Find the wrong paradigm:   Arise - arose - arosen.
Find the wrong paradigm:   Get - get - got.
Find the wrong paradigm:   Weep - wept - weepen.
Find the wrong paradigm:   Ring - reng - rung.
Find the wrong paradigm:   Split - splat - splut.
Four words have been removed from the title of this article published by the "Independent". Put them in the correct order. "Brexit hits housing market as ____ lending____. Analysts: the deepening ____could presage declines in house____.".   Mortgage - slumps - slowdown - prices.