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Sabrina _________ to Boston   has recently moved
Sales really ______________ after the new advertising campaign   Soared
Se James non avesse frequentato quel corso di formazione non avrebbe incontrato sua moglie   If James hadn't attended that training course, he wouldn't have met his wife
Serena: "My daughter's been promoted to General Manager." Tom: "_________________? You must be so proud!"   Has she
She ate _______________ cookies as her sister did   Twice as many
She fainted, but came to shortly afterward   È svenuta, ma ha ripreso conoscenza poco dopo
She felt ______________ when she first arrived because she had __________ to talk to   Lonely / nobody
She had been encouraged to leave the nest and ...... her wings   Spread
She regards ____________ as a failure for having dropped out ______ university   Herself / of
She was ........ beautiful girl that she became a model   Such a
She works for a non-profit organization. She's in charge of ____________ funds   Raising
She would like you to visit her more often   Le piacerebbe che tu andassi a trovarla più spesso
She's not very keen _____________ basketball   On
Shirts, skirts, trousers and dresses are all ____   Clothes
Silvia's flight from Sao Paolo took more than 10 hours. She ______________ be exhausted after such a long flight   Must
Something that happens every day is something...   Daily
Sta per mettersi a piovere a dirotto!   It's going to rain cats and dogs!