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> Clicca qui per scaricare l'elenco completo delle domande di questo argomento in formato Word!

I --------------------- you that the goods you ordered are now ready for dispatch   Am writing to inform
I ....... whether the truth will ever be known   Doubt
I ____ your plan. I think we should do it my way   Don't agree with
I ______ to watching horror movies   Am not used
I _________ studied physics if the teacher __________ interesting   Wouldn't have / hadn't been
I _____________ not to mention it   Was told
I ______________ chosen those friends, if they ______________ honest   Wouldn't have / hadn't been
I __________________and __________________truly ecstatic!   Had finally finished/was
I __________________the film last night but Sheila __________________ it before   Loved/had seen
I can't find my mobile anywhere, I've been looking for hours. I _____ have left it at school   Must
I couldn't make it to work yesterday   Non sono riuscito ad andare al lavoro ieri
I didn't need help. I did it ........ my own   On
I don't know ______   what offer to accept
I feel much better today. Yesterday I ____ terrible   Felt
I forgot my keys, so I __________ break the window and climb _____________   Had to / through it
I had been _____________ what to cook for dinner when the telephone _______________   Wondering / rang
I had to deny ________ ________ request   Him / his
I know I made a mistake, but you don't have to rub it in   Lo so che ho sbagliato, ma tu non farla lunga
I know where my bag is, but I don't know where _____   yours is
I love classical music and ........ does she   So
I never expected him to let us down that way   Non mi sarei mai aspettato che ci deludesse così
I read that optimistic economists ______________an economic recovery in the near future   Are looking forward to
I really regretted my mistake. It was one that I ___   Ought not to have made
I really regretted my mistake. It was one that I ______________   Ought not to have made
I really think you shouldn't promise to stop drinking if you are not _____ to follow a serious rehab programme   Prepared
I regret .... my job   Leaving
I sometimes wish that I ........ in this city   Didn't live
I think _______ to the beach later   I will go
I thought it was a waste of time ________________ that film   Seeing
I told the children......... go to bed too late   Not to
I tried to come, but I couldn't make it   Ho provato a venire, ma non ce l'lo fatta
I was offered a job for ten weeks and ____________ up staying ten years   Ended
I went to the meeting _________ foot   On
I wish I ........ spent so much money yesterday   Hadn't
I wonder if you ........ Tom for a moment, please   Could help
I would like to -------------------- your company on the ------------------- of its post - sales servicing   Commend/efficiency
I__________________ changed job, if my wage__________________ low   Wouldn't have / hadn't been
I'd ........ to meet them too   Have liked
If .......... you had told me the truth!   Only
If he knows the answer, he ____________ it   Will repeat
If I ........ French, I'd look for a job in Paris   Spoke
If I ______________ to university, I ___________ the possibility to work in this field   Hadn't gone / wouldn't have had
If it rains tomorrow, we ____ to play tennis   Won't be able
If only I ______ taller, life would be __________ easier   Were / so much
If someone is defined as "bombastic", this means he or she is:   Pompous
If someone is defined as "plucky", this means he or she is:   Brave
If someone is defined as "unyielding", this means he or she is:   Stubborn
If someone_____________ my doorbell in the middle of the night, I ________________ answer   Rang/wouldn't
If something is defined as "inconceivable", this means it is:   Impossible
If something is defined as "unbiased", this means it is:   Impartial
If the weather _____________ better I'd play tennis   Were
If you ----------------------- hotel accommodation please don't hesitate to let us know   Require
If you had been there, we _____________ a good time   Would have had
If you had to describe a person, what adjective would you choose?   Willing
If you had to describe a person, what adjective would you choose?   Trained
If you had to describe a person, what adjective would you choose?   Crabby
If you had to describe a person, what adjective would you choose?   Debonair
If you had to describe a person, what adjective would you choose?   Fanciful
If you live beyond your means, you'll soon get --------------------- debt   Into
If you tell _________ the truth, he _____________ upset with you   Him / will become
I'm afraid we can't comment ____________ the court's decision at this time   On
I'm paid $15.00 an hour and still find it hard to live on my________________   Wages
I'm really ____ on holiday this year   Looking forward to going
I'm really quite lost. __________ you __________ showing me how to get out of here?   Would / mind
I'm really worried ___________ you. You don't seem to care __________ anything anymore   About / about
I'm sick and tired of this affair   Sono stufo di questo affare
I'm sorry, I _______________________ . I _______________________ about Jim   Wasn't concentrating / was thinking
I'm tired mum. I just want ____ bed right now   To go to
I'm working on two jobs to ___________ some ___________ money   Earn / extra
I'm writing with __________________ to our telephone conversation yesterday   Reference
Imparare a guidare è tanto difficile quanto imparare ad andare in bicicletta   Learning to drive is as hard as learning to ride a bike
In case of difficulties at the phone which of the following sentences isn't likely to be said?   Hello, could I speak to Claudia please?
In which case the use of "to be due" isn't correct?   What job are your parents due?
In which of the following sentences isn't it possible to remove "of"?   None of the students went to the school party
In which of the following sentences there is a mistake referred to pronouns   They didn't enjoy theirself
In which of the following sentences we can't remove "that" without changing the meaning or making a mistake?   That man over there is my English teacher
In which of the following sentences we have to remove "to"?   I told to her that she had to go away
It ____ two months since I last saw him   Has been
It has been 5 years .......... Philippe left for Africa   Since
It has been five years since I last ___________ Dutch   Spoke
It took me twenty minutes to realise I _______________ in the wrong file   Had been looking
Italian people differ _______ other nationalities I know   From
It's _______ ________ I told the news   He / whom
It's _________________ time the children ______________ to bed, don't you think?   About / went